Part 4: The prominent cuckold.Just before meeting my second and current wife, I had a fling with a prominent business man’s wife. I basically met her at a popular pub while she was with a female friend sitting at the bar. I cracked onto her, said all the right things and bingo… she was very attractive but I won’t describe her here in case I give something away... and it would be very easy to.
At some stage during the evening she revealed her identity and although I had vaguely heard of her husband (because I had recently returned from overseas after a long absence so I wasn’t really up to date with the Cyprus scene) she made me promise to keep this hush-hush… but keeping my mouth shut was very easy for me… after all it was *my* ass on the line too as I explained to her!
Anyway, we met up 4-5 times thereafter and had good times until one day at work; while working as a systems engineer for a prominent company, a fine looking middle aged gent appeared at our front desk.
He brought his personal laptop which he claimed was infected or something like that, and being the most experienced of the engineers in our team I was hand picked by our manager to look after this “very important” customer as I was told.
So I went to the front desk, introduced myself… he was very refined, well educated and a very likable guy. After our pleasant conversation I started filling out the basic paperwork and asked for his name.
That name seemed familiar and I remember asking…
“Ma, kabou se xero… ?”And with a smile he replied...
“E kala, en bolli bou me xeroun emena!”So I’m thinking and thinking… when all of a sudden it struck me!

He was the guy whose wife I was porking!
Oh fuck… oh shit… and I started panicking… God I was panicking… I tried to retain my composure… I felt horrible… he didn’t deserve this… first I porked his wife and now I get to pork his personal fucking laptop… how lovely!
Oh fuck… that was a horrible day I’ll never forget.
Over the next few days I came to grips with the situation… I informed his wife of the incident and we concluded that we had to stop seeing each other. And that was that.
Cyprus is so small that shit can really happen…