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BREXIT Countdown - Bye Bye Britain, Bye Bye!

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Re: BREXIT Countdown - Bye Bye Britain, Bye Bye!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Apr 02, 2017 1:22 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:As it is I have akways expressed concern at the risks Grexit Brings, in particular to the ordinary Greeks.

Yes, that's called scaremongering - what you excel in.

On the one hand you endlessly paraded "Grexit" as an outcome for Greece (because of how awful the Greek economy was made/allowed to become) and on the other hand you herald how much more awful it will be. Your sum hypothesis is that the Greeks were in a bad state (their fault :roll: ) but there was no option but worse for them. This is your usual stance! Like when you went on about how terrible the Greeks were at patrolling the EU borders against migrants and that things will only get worse for them because they were about to be kicked out. :roll:

The details are different but your stance is always the same - Greece is in a bad way and whatever it does it will get worse! The fact you can find all kinds of shitty anti-Greece reports to keep posting does not mean what you say is either fair, justified or based on fact.

(However, I can understand why you are now trying to mitigate your position having previously ignored my prophesy on a Brexit.)
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Re: BREXIT Countdown - Bye Bye Britain, Bye Bye!

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Apr 02, 2017 3:01 pm


I would like to explain the problem to you both but I doubt you would listen because the facts are not something people are prepared to accept and I would be wasting my time! One thing I would say is that the plight of Greece was not the fault of the Greeks they were set up ......... like many other States around the world.

Try Googling ‘Global Research’ and then putting ‘Greek economic crisis’ in their search box ....... and there are about 100 articles explaining why it happened, what the problem is and will explain why Greece leaving the Eurozone and the EU ....... would be its salvation.

Austerity to repay IMF/ECB bank loans has damaged the economy, it has deflated salaries and wages, destroyed tens of thousands of jobs, tax receipts have plummeted, it has led to the premature death of thousands of Greeks and the result makes it even harder for Greece to pay its debts. Of the last bail-out tranche the Banks provided to Greece ...... 98% of it went straight back to the very same banks that made the loans (mainly French and German) ..... it happens every time they make a loan, all that Greece and its people got was even more debt, more austerity and the loss of even more of its tangible wealth (Assets) to foreign corporations and oligarchs, as the Banks sell off the country's assets. This debt is an ever increasing debt ...... it can never be repaid. :cry:

Just a random choice of a couple of those 100 or so articles:

Greece — The One Biggest Lie You Are Being Told By The Media

Greece did not fail on its own. It was made to fail.

Every single mainstream media has the following narrative for the economic crisis in Greece: the government spent too much money and went broke; the generous banks gave them money, but Greece still can’t pay the bills because it mismanaged the money that was given. It sounds quite reasonable, right?

Except that it is a big fat lie … not only about Greece, but about other European countries such as Spain, Portugal, Italy and Ireland who are all experiencing various degrees of austerity. It was also the same big, fat lie that was used by banks and corporations to exploit many Latin American, Asian and African countries for many decades.

Debt and Austerity: Greece Continues to Be Sucked Dry – and Nobody Stops the “Economic Bloodletting”

From the very beginning, when this trend of purposeful destruction of an entire population and her country became clear, there was the one solution that would have salvaged Greece and make it a happy country again: Leave the Euro zone! – And if necessary even the European Union. But with indoctrinated fear of an uncertain future, with the proud notion of belonging to and remaining in the Eurozone – and with a purposeful neglect of the Syriza government informing the people with the truth about the debt-onslaught – nobody dared to question the government on why it defied the overwhelming people’s vote against the austerity packages in July 2015. – Sorry, it wasn’t ‘nobody’, but it wasn’t a critical mass, it wasn’t the right influential people to ask that question – and to oppose the government’s handling of Greece’s ‘crisis’, and why SYRIZA was working in connivance with the troika. Those who did ask were sidelined. They were not snotty enough wanting to stick to the fraudulent Euro. (Varoufakis for example?)

So – why stay in the EU and the Eurozone, when all indications point to another direction? The writing is clearly on the wall. My appeal to the People of Greece, take BREXIT as an example; dare to say NO to the system that enslaves you. Greek – take back your national sovereignty, your national currency, make the Greek Central Bank Greek again, working for the Greek economy, with a public banking system and interest free loans, to re-launch the Greek economy! – And you will be fine and happy again in no more than 5 years. You – People of Greece – have all the stamina and resourcefulness to drive your country forward and into a prosperity ‘made in Greece’.

They can’t all be wrong! :roll:

This also explains why the EU Commission will do everything in its power to make Brexit as painful and as destructive as possible ...... make it an easy process and most of the EU countries would follow suit which IMO .... they will eventually! :roll: :wink:
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Re: BREXIT Countdown - Bye Bye Britain, Bye Bye!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Apr 02, 2017 3:13 pm

Robin Hood wrote: One thing I would say is that the plight of Greece was not the fault of the Greeks they were set up .........

Yes, thank you, on that we completely agree!

Among some others, I blame slimy, racist David Cameron for perpetuating the myth about 'lazy Greeks', 'tax-avoiding Greeks' etc that the ''honest' British people had to 'bail out' - he did this in order to secure a Brexit. A Brexit was his intention and what he led the country up to by scapegoating the Greeks as being all that was wrong with the EU.
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Re: BREXIT Countdown - Bye Bye Britain, Bye Bye!

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Apr 02, 2017 3:25 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Robin Hood wrote: One thing I would say is that the plight of Greece was not the fault of the Greeks they were set up .........

Yes, thank you, on that we completely agree!

Among some others, I blame slimy, racist David Cameron for perpetuating the myth about 'lazy Greeks', 'tax-avoiding Greeks' etc that the ''honest' British people had to 'bail out' - he did this in order to secure a Brexit. A Brexit was his intention and what he led the country up to by scapegoating the Greeks as being all that was wrong with the EU.

Uninformed people are gullible! It wasn't Cameron ..... it was the ignorance of the people. Most of those on both sides didn't have a clue what they were voting for, they were 'educated' by their selection of MSM............. now we are in uncharted waters. Greece represented just 2% of the EU economy, Cyprus even less than that, but the Banks chose them (picked them out) as an experiment. Now a forced bankruptcy or a bail-in is the norm ....... unless it's a German Bank! :roll:
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Re: BREXIT Countdown - Bye Bye Britain, Bye necessarily

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Apr 02, 2017 5:29 pm

Global Research is reputed for its own particular bias.........not necessarily a reliable source of information, possibly as reliable as Jon Austin of the Daily Excess...oops I mean Daily Express.....I do so enjoy a good laugh reading spoof journalism...
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Re: BREXIT Countdown - Bye Bye Britain, Bye necessarily

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Apr 02, 2017 5:57 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:Global Research is reputed for its own particular bias.........not necessarily a reliable source of information, possibly as reliable as Jon Austin of the Daily Excess...oops I mean Daily Express.....I do so enjoy a good laugh reading spoof journalism...

You sound like so many others! So where do you think you would find out about what happened in Greece? :roll:

I don't think you will find ANY source that is absolutely unbiased. I find they have no particularly strong bias ..... just a policy that publishes what you do not find out from reading the 'normal' media sources and a much more in depth analysis, with links .... which MSM don't provide, so it is impossible to check their sources. I use maybe half a dozen sites like Global Research and combined they offer a much broader picture of events like Greece, Ukraine, Syria, Russia than the very obviously biased press. :wink:
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Re: BREXIT Countdown - Bye Bye Britain, Bye Bye!

Postby Get Real! » Sun Apr 02, 2017 6:20 pm

I don't get why it's so interesting to some of you who goes and who stays in this trashy club of criminal losers they call the "EU". :?

Anyway, I'd be rejoicing if Cyprus was to exit and if the Brits have done something right in the last decade it would have to be this departure. Good for them!
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Re: BREXIT Countdown - Bye Bye Britain, Bye Bye!

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Apr 02, 2017 6:43 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:As it is I have akways expressed concern at the risks Grexit Brings, in particular to the ordinary Greeks.

Yes, that's called scaremongering - what you excel in.

On the one hand you endlessly paraded "Grexit" as an outcome for Greece (because of how awful the Greek economy was made/allowed to become) and on the other hand you herald how much more awful it will be. Your sum hypothesis is that the Greeks were in a bad state (their fault :roll: ) but there was no option but worse for them. This is your usual stance! Like when you went on about how terrible the Greeks were at patrolling the EU borders against migrants and that things will only get worse for them because they were about to be kicked out. :roll:

The details are different but your stance is always the same - Greece is in a bad way and whatever it does it will get worse! The fact you can find all kinds of shitty anti-Greece reports to keep posting does not mean what you say is either fair, justified or based on fact.

(However, I can understand why you are now trying to mitigate your position having previously ignored my prophesy on a Brexit.)

Fact. It was the EU who clearly stated Greece was seriously deficient in the way it was discharging its obligations under tge Schengen Agreement on recording inbound migrants, something you were in denisl about at the time
Fact . It a Greek news outlet now saying the Greek Government has wasted Millions on the refugee camps
Fact. It is Greek Politicians and Greek news outlets STILL discussing the possibility of Grexit, something you are in Denial about today. If you want to to accuse those Greek reporters snd Greek politicians of Shitty anti-Greek behaviour, as you implicitly are, be my guest.

You did btw imo (I will not be humble about it) effectively troll your own topic when in the first post you attempted a snide personal attack, but then I have reached the conclusion that when it comes to matters Greek you can be very bitter minded, unless we conform to your views.

Well, I am a non-conformist.

How, Btw do you reconcile your pro EU position with any affinity for That Golden Shower of Nazi Lovers, Golden Yawn, ooops Golden Dawn who would, if in power, likely go for Grexit faster than a rat up a drain...
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Re: BREXIT Countdown - Bye Bye Britain, Bye Bye!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Apr 02, 2017 10:28 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:How, Btw do you reconcile your pro EU position with any affinity for That Golden Shower of Nazi Lovers, Golden Yawn, ooops Golden Dawn who would, if in power, likely go for Grexit faster than a rat up a drain...

Here you go with endless lies. Golden Dawn are left-wing compared to UKIP :lol:

And are you now telling us you are only propagating Golden Dawn's policies? :P Even there, you have it all wrong. There's nothing in their foreign policy about leaving the EU, idiot! Their anti-immigration policy is purely against those illegal immigrants from outside the EU (unlike 52% of the British who hate all foreigners! :wink: ).

How can you, on the one hand, call them 'Nazi Lovers' and then, on the other hand, label them as anti-EU - surely that would be hating the supposed origins of their great love?
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Re: BREXIT Countdown - Bye Bye Britain, Bye Bye!

Postby Londonrake » Sun Apr 02, 2017 10:35 pm

I am reluctant to interfere in this private disagreement. However, I just wanted to add that in my almost 7 decades, much involving wide travel around the U.K, I have yet to meet a fellow countryman who "hates all foreigners".

Exit.......... stage right.
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