With the Classic Browser completed I’d like to immerse myself in a new medium to large programming project but frankly I’m out of ideas.
I contemplated some basic new project criteria to be…
1. A Windows desktop application.
2. Useful to the masses or a sizable market.
3. Attainable within 6-12 months.
4. Have moderate competition.
5. Have some income potential.
6. Something that can benefit from integrated Internet maybe...
7. Something that fills a market void… would be nice.
Perhaps a POS system geared for business in Cyprus?
Perhaps some kind of alternative to Skype?
Maybe some kind of statistical business analysis?
I’m a bit lost and need direction… something that will arouse my interest.
I’m also open to a partnership with someone who is comfortable being responsible for specific project areas/modules. Someone who has no problem working on his own and then coming together so we can marry chunks that we have created towards our ultimate goal, etc.
This isn’t a job vacancy btw, so this would suit someone who already has his employment/finances sorted out and wants to dedicate some of his free time to a side project purely out of passion.
If it turns out to be a great, useful, and popular product then we can always go full time on it and reap any rewards but if not then we’ll still benefit from a great programming experience together.
That’s it for now really… I hope to hear of a good project idea and maybe even find a great like-minded programming buddy.
Regards, GR.