Schnauzer wrote:There was never any real conflict twixt G/C and T/C until the seeds of discontent were sown which gradually created disharmony and the frictions which followed.
In context, the 'harmony' was silence from fear of death at the hands of the Ottoman invaders and then the British Empireeeees. Once we rose up for freedom, the TCs showed their 'community' colours and have been trying to steal from Cyprus and Cypriots ever since.
Schnauzer wrote:What is 'Brave' about a poor family man being stabbed to death by an enraged assassin who may have felt that he was making a statement by taking the life of one of the ordinary policemen unfortunate enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time ?.
What is 'Brave' is the fact that the policeman put on a uniform every day and put himself in the firing line to defend those around him.
- Credit where due, hey Schnauzer, we're not barbarians!