GreekIslandGirl wrote:Schnauzer wrote:... and destroyed the fabric of co-existence which existed between T/C and G/C prior to the culmination of their well planned objectives.
You seem to be siding with the Brits now! The Brits (of then) knew that two communities could not co-exist. The cultrural differences were overwhelming. That's why they instigated the two community rule, no?
Only now has a Brit, Nigel Farage, come out to point out this 'community' fallacy. Now that it threatens the UK.
“The problem with multiculturalism is that it leads to divided communities. It’s quite different to multi-racialism. That’s fine, that can work very happily and extremely well. But we’ve finished up with very divided communities." ... 48273.html
I referred to the times prior to the political manoeuvrings which preceded the invasion (all very well worked out) by the (invited) Turkish forces, when both T/C and G/C lived quite harmoniously together, a co-existence that had to be destroyed in order that the Western powers might achieve their objective.
As the old adage says "Before you are able to destroy any nation, you must make a fool of it first" and it absolutely worked in the case of 'Cyprus'.
There was never any real conflict twixt G/C and T/C until the seeds of discontent were sown which gradually created disharmony and the frictions which followed.
I would never side with the 'Brits', I have seen and experienced far too much of their filthy handiwork across too many nations to do so.
If anyone wished to catch a glimpse of the 'Hypocrisy' which pervades almost every incident which causes concern to the general public,they would do well to read about the suggestion that the 'Hero Policeman' that died at the gates of 'Westminster', should be awarded a posthumous 'George Medal' for bravery !
What is 'Brave' about a poor family man being stabbed to death by an enraged assassin who may have felt that he was making a statement by taking the life of one of the ordinary policemen unfortunate enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time ?.
BUT, it serves it's purpose I suppose, the flags flutter at half mast, the minutes silence, everything back to normal..........until next time eh?.