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Terrorist attack at Westminster palace

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Re: Terrorist attack at Westminster palace

Postby Londonrake » Wed Mar 22, 2017 10:14 pm


That's not what happened at all.

You paid lip service to the atrocity and then launched:

A: Into a put down of a man who had intimate knowledge of the area the murderers came from. Based upon your superior knowledge of Muslims.


B. A barely veiled excuse for their actions based upon Western acts in the ME.

This on the very day Rigby died.

The reaction at the time on the Forum was universal - and you well deserved it.

Here we see similar. A woman walking across Westminster Bridge, a police officer doing his duty and at the moment reports that 3 French school teenagers were killed. Yet we see posts here explaining it away in an "Well, I'm not surprised. About time." vein. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

Unlike yourself (beware of it folks) I don't print out conversations from Forums (for distribution to people outside) or "keep files". I just have a memory for inept, overbearing and insensitive posts made by fruitcakes. Well, all yours as it happens.

BTW. You have absolutely no idea about any aspect of my Service life, other than the most sketchy. That because, like all the other people you met with, you were never interested. Conversely, I know a great deal about your life, trials, tribulations and job. (Mosly disgruntled "I showed them" stuff :roll: ) The reason for that being, it's all you ever talked about. In the end people were scrambling for a seat at the other end of the table. You didn't notice? :?
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Re: Terrorist attack at Westminster palace

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Mar 22, 2017 10:46 pm

Hmmm, which false flag is this raised in aid of, I wonder? :?

Timed to thwart the vote by the Scottish parliament to leave the UK? A timley reminder that we should be united against a common enemy of peace?

Or, timed to bury the news that Turks (and their terrorist friends) can not take laptops on planes to the UK? The Brits must accept another lost liberty, for here's the proof.
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Re: Terrorist attack at Westminster palace

Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Mar 22, 2017 11:10 pm

First of all I would like to express my condolences to the families of the victims
All I know is that a crime can never justify another crime.
Does the Muslim religion agree to that though? Does the Jewish religion?
And secondly what is the record saying for those who that do all these attacks?
Have they suffered anything themselves or are they just marginalized sociopaths born and raised in the very same western countries where they do all these killings?
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Re: Terrorist attack at Westminster palace

Postby miltiades » Thu Mar 23, 2017 1:54 am

It comes as no surprise that the Pervert expresses admiration for the ...courage of these sick bastard.

Isis social media sites REJOICING at this gruesome act by a thoroughly sick individual, on his way to paradise
Now eager to receive his rewards.

Sad to see that right here on the Cyprus forum similar excuberating sentiments have been expressed.
This savage drives his car and slams it on innocent men women and children , knifes and kills a police officer .
May the assailant rot in tell.
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Re: Terrorist attack at Westminster palace

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Mar 23, 2017 5:38 am

...the last time the lights went dark on the Eiffel Tower, were for the Muslims in their prayer that died in Quebec, at the hands of another fanatic.

London, and anyone who calls themselves British now share with other Capitals the same resolve, to be loving, as strange as that is.

We will see the mind of the young lad who stands charged for the murders that he committed (he left himself alive it seems, quite different to those that could be put on the same list).

Interestingly, as Cypriots, speaking of Canada, who has suffered such attacks twice, of the set of Constituencies that Canada has, being a BBF, we observe solidarity in all the complex forms it takes, in such tragedy, there was no difference French, or, English, Native, Inuit, an equal response, as these Nations, and, as Individuals, because as Canadians in any case, their commitment, as Persons and as Individuals, is toward the Universal Principals, that with their diversity is their strength..

In London, no one will forget the blood that soaked those streets, they join a special crowd who express their conviction toward these same principals; Charlie (read: in French) you say?

...for those who don't get the point (for the record); tonight, in Paris, the lights were left dark (again).

(and if you are glad call them the limies were popped, i ask, where were you the first time those lights on the Eiffel Tower were not turned on?)

Rest in Peace, these victims too.
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Re: Terrorist attack at Westminster palace

Postby miltiades » Thu Mar 23, 2017 6:47 am

Latest news confirm the number killed as five including the attacker and Keith Palmer the police officer. Forty people injured with some in serious condition. It has also been announced that the attacker was known to the police.
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Re: Terrorist attack at Westminster palace

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Mar 23, 2017 7:55 am


People have been brutally murdered. Shouldn't there be a period of grace before talking basically about how they had it coming?

I see no evidence of that sentiment from anyone but you! Once again .... just your warped perception of others posts. :roll:

I didn’t notice you being quite so reticent in expressing your opinions when MH17 was bought down? :roll:

You expressed your perception that it was all down to Putin and being ‘conclusive’, within a couple of hours, based solely on the ‘irrefutable’ evidence Kerry claimed the US had but have never released, and of course your own anti-Russian hatred, bias and self opinion. More hypocrisy? :x

Maybe you should contact the BBC and complain? From 3pm until 9pm (when the TV was turned off) there was nothing but continuous coverage of the incident and an endless stream of people willing to talk to their reporters swarming all over the scene.

Obviously, it is the same this morning ...... it is called NEWS ........ members on here have expressed differing opinions and to varying degrees of civility...... only you find it necessary to single out one member and make it a strictly personal vendetta directed primarily at just that one member.

My advice to you to you remains the same ....... go and bully some one else! :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:
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Re: Terrorist attack at Westminster palace

Postby miltiades » Thu Mar 23, 2017 8:28 am

THE PERVERT WROTE : " I must confess that I have a certain amount of admiration for the 'Courage' of those who are prepared to fight such an enormous enemy.....others may disagree. "
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There is no end to this Perverts depravity. What is it to admire about a sick bastard mounting the pavement and mowing down innocent people, children amongst the. You are a fucking sick bastard and the sooner you join your courageous heroes, the savages, the better for all.
I despise all that you stand for you sick bastard and I ...politely ask you to go and fuck your degenerate self.
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Re: Terrorist attack at Westminster palace

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Mar 23, 2017 10:16 am

miltiades wrote:THE PERVERT WROTE : " I must confess that I have a certain amount of admiration for the 'Courage' of those who are prepared to fight such an enormous enemy.....others may disagree. "
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There is no end to this Perverts depravity. What is it to admire about a sick bastard mounting the pavement and mowing down innocent people, children amongst the. You are a fucking sick bastard and the sooner you join your courageous heroes, the savages, the better for all.
I despise all that you stand for you sick bastard and I ...politely ask you to go and fuck your degenerate self.


I think Schnauzer was talking about these Jihadi's in general ..... not supporting what happened yesterday. Surely, unless you identify and understand the cause you cannot solve the problem? It is now a problem that is going to take a lot of fixing!

In a way I can see his point? Anyone willing to sacrifice THEMSELVES for the cause has to have courage. To attack soft civilian targets is reprehensible and unforgivable and that applies both ways .... to 'us' just as much as them.

Our Governments have been the cause of this rise in Islamic fundamentalism by invading countries that are absolutely no threat to us or our way of life until we decided to attack and occupy them. We bomb the hell out of them ...... and for what? We invade them and we stir up a hornets nest. Once the hornets are angry then drastic measures need to be taken.

Firstly we should get the hell out of their countries! If they want tribal/religious conflict fine, it's their choice. What we need to do is blockade them. Limited border crossing points, one international airport and one port for international shipping. Isn't this what the Israelis do with the Palestinians?

You have often ridiculed the idea that the UK was getting the control of its borders back? Don't you think that incidents like this support the idea that not only the UK but ALL countries should have control over their borders.

I would go even further guards in all Mosques, allow Muslims their right to practice their faith but under our terms ..... i.e. a religion and nothing else but a religion. Maybe even chipping all Muslims and making them register when they attend a Mosque. Ban the Burkah completely ..... allow only head covering and treat extremist rhetoric that encourages hate crimes with deportation. In fact we should make deportation the norm for Islamic crimes.

It would be a start. :roll:
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Re: Terrorist attack at Westminster palace

Postby miltiades » Thu Mar 23, 2017 10:26 am

Robin, I vehemently disagree with your viewpoint. There is NO excuse or justification for anyone mounting his car on the pavement and mowing down innocent people. This was an act of a savage barbarian, the Pervert is on record justifying each and every heinous act perpetrated by these jihadist sick bastards. You are WRONG.

What drives these fucking lunatics to commit such hideous acts is NOT courage or bravery but sheer sickness .
There is NO justification.
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