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Turkey loses its Temper on Cyprus!

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Turkey loses its Temper on Cyprus!

Postby MrH » Wed Mar 15, 2017 11:20 pm

EU does not support Cyprus solution Erdogan’s adviser alleges
15 March 2017

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s chief-adviser Yigit Bulut, published an article on Monday criticising Holland and Germany for not permitting Turkish Ministers to address election rallies on their territory.
Declaring that the EU’s intention is to banish Turkey from Cyprus and “imprison” it in its geographic location, Bulut claimed that there is no option including the EU for a solution in Cyprus. He stated, inter alia, the following:

“[…] I have been writing for months about the EU’s real intention in the Cyprus talks and that the talks will never give results. Will we entrust Cyprus and our brothers there to the EU countries, which attack our Ministers, lead dogs to bite our citizens and fundamentally violate human rights? Never! There is no option including EU any more in Cyprus! As far as the EU countries which think that they will cut off Cyprus from Turkey, I am saying the following: We back until the end the operation we had carried out in 1974 against those who killed our brothers and there could not be any reason to force us to succumb. […]
“It is out of the question for us to take even one step backwards in Cyprus, to secure an agreement as long as this stance of the EU against Turkey continues. I dare you! We have taken it [Cyprus] back by shedding our blood. If anyone wants to take it, let him come, if he agrees to pay the same price. Come on Holland, Germany, Sweden, Nazis who attacked women and children with police panzers, who had dogs attack our brothers, if you dare, Cyprus is there!”

Sorry, I didn't hear a word said to Yigit Bulut from Greece or the Greek Cypriot State?.....Hmmmm, seems like the Greek nations appear to be hiding when the Turkey flexes his muscles. As I've said many times over, the Greek nations is all mouth until Turkey loses its temper - don't let 1974 repeat itself, and trust me it's getting close. I have been informally informed that Turkey is fed up with the Cyprus situation and will make it a central point for the EU to understand what a grave mistake it made in April 2004 for admitting a divided Cyprus. It looks like Northern Cyprus is now a territory of Turkiye. If the above is not proof enough, then the Greek Cypriot administration is sleep walking!

This man literally invited any EU nation to forcefully try and take Northern Cyprus from Turkey...............Any takers! Nah!......., Don't be silly, against Turkey, not even on your best day! LOL
Last edited by MrH on Wed Mar 15, 2017 11:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Turkey loses its Temper on Cyprus!

Postby MrH » Wed Mar 15, 2017 11:21 pm

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Re: Turkey loses its Temper on Cyprus!

Postby MrH » Wed Mar 15, 2017 11:23 pm

Yigit is ruthless, ...just look at how he brushed his wife aside in only a few years of marriage!
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Re: Turkey loses its Temper on Cyprus!

Postby Get Real! » Thu Mar 16, 2017 12:19 am

How long is it gonna take Turkey to get very angry because I can’t wait to whoop Turkish arse.

"Nearly 10% of Turkey's military force is now stationed on Cyprus, and there have been heavy logistical and support requirements. Civilian "technicians" and others have also gone to the island. Moreover, there were considerable losses during the invasion. According to responsible military sources in the field, the performance of Turkey's armed forces during the first phase of the invasion was very poor. Although Turkey apparently employed a basic plan its general staff had drafted and perfected over a period of several years, military observers say there was poor operational planning, inadequate communications, and a near total failure of joint operations among Turkish air, sea, and ground forces.

As a result, through tactical errors Turkey lost an estimated 15 aircraft during the invasion. It sank one of its own destroyers. Casualties were considered light, but included some 300 men killed and another 500 wounded. Had there been any substantial Greek Cypriot forces and tanks in the northern part of the island, casualties undoubtedly would have been considerably higher. One military observer suggested, for example, that because the Turkish airborne assault came at too high an altitude, a better organized and equipped Greek Cypriot army could have easily eliminated an entire Turkish airborne regiment swinging helplessly in the air." ... enate.html
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Re: Turkey loses its Temper on Cyprus!

Postby DrCyprus » Thu Mar 16, 2017 8:48 am

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Re: Turkey loses its Temper on Cyprus!

Postby B25 » Thu Mar 16, 2017 10:02 am

MrH wrote:

EU does not support Cyprus solution Erdogan’s adviser alleges
15 March 2017

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s chief-adviser Yigit Bulut, published an article on Monday criticising Holland and Germany for not permitting Turkish Ministers to address election rallies on their territory.
Declaring that the EU’s intention is to banish Turkey from Cyprus and “imprison” it in its geographic location, Bulut claimed that there is no option including the EU for a solution in Cyprus. He stated, inter alia, the following:

“[…] I have been writing for months about the EU’s real intention in the Cyprus talks and that the talks will never give results. Will we entrust Cyprus and our brothers there to the EU countries, which attack our Ministers, lead dogs to bite our citizens and fundamentally violate human rights? Never! There is no option including EU any more in Cyprus! As far as the EU countries which think that they will cut off Cyprus from Turkey, I am saying the following: We back until the end the operation we had carried out in 1974 against those who killed our brothers and there could not be any reason to force us to succumb. […]
“It is out of the question for us to take even one step backwards in Cyprus, to secure an agreement as long as this stance of the EU against Turkey continues. I dare you! We have taken it [Cyprus] back by shedding our blood. If anyone wants to take it, let him come, if he agrees to pay the same price. Come on Holland, Germany, Sweden, Nazis who attacked women and children with police panzers, who had dogs attack our brothers, if you dare, Cyprus is there!”

Sorry, I didn't hear a word said to Yigit Bulut from Greece or the Greek Cypriot State?.....Hmmmm, seems like the Greek nations appear to be hiding when the Turkey flexes his muscles. As I've said many times over, the Greek nations is all mouth until Turkey loses its temper - don't let 1974 repeat itself, and trust me it's getting close. I have been informally informed that Turkey is fed up with the Cyprus situation and will make it a central point for the EU to understand what a grave mistake it made in April 2004 for admitting a divided Cyprus. It looks like Northern Cyprus is now a territory of Turkiye. If the above is not proof enough, then the Greek Cypriot administration is sleep walking!

This man literally invited any EU nation to forcefully try and take Northern Cyprus from Turkey...............Any takers! Nah!......., Don't be silly, against Turkey, not even on your best day! LOL

And there you have it ladies and gentlemen, actual proof that Turkey is not looking for a solution to the Cyprus problem, but a back door into Europe.

And we have our traitors in Government that are begging on their knees for Akinci to return to talks, and the tourkophiles our side that are supporting the Turkish line. katarameni oulli sas.

We would be crazy to be talking to Turkey given what's developing in the EU, any moment now the EU will turn on Turkey and she will STFU. All this posturing and these wet dreamers like MrH is pie in the sky. Turkey wants to join the EU not the other way round as Mr Jumcker said. If the EU was to impose serious economic sanctions on Turkey we will then see how tough she really is. Bring it on, if you think you are so untouchable, tell the EU to go get stuffed and withdraw your membership application if you dare!!!!!

Hade assirktir with all this tough man talk.
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Re: Turkey loses its Temper on Cyprus!

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Mar 16, 2017 8:15 pm

...if and when the day comes where your so called "Greek" fights you, the "Turks", it will be the end of the Ottoman Empire all over again.

With the misery you take glee in, of others, in a way, i am glad that you are not Cypriot, i would feel shame with someone like you supporting our cause, already the victim, of "it".

...MrH, i bet you have no idea what death smells like.
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Re: Turkey loses its Temper on Cyprus!

Postby Maximus » Thu Mar 16, 2017 11:23 pm

MrH wrote:Yigit is ruthless, ...just look at how he brushed his wife aside in only a few years of marriage!

The problem with the Turks is that they are detached from reality.
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Re: Turkey loses its Temper on Cyprus!

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Mar 16, 2017 11:50 pm

...this is MrH, and their ilk. start an inflammatory thread, and watch the stomping that goes on to put it out. It is to him, i think, a demonstration of intelligence, the measure the number of replies.

He will not defend his position, nor is he prepared to, we won't hear from him on this thread again, but, he will start another thread ; i never hear from a fanatic the benefits of their society, only how the others any other is flawed and unworthy.

I never hear a fanatic like him to be welcoming, to enjoy any form of diversity, in being a Human being, even in being a Turk; if you are not a "Turk", you are not a "Turk".

...anyway, thank-you MrH, my day is not complete without another one of your hateful messages, cheers. But be careful, one day you may find that you have swallowed your tongue.
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