akiner wrote:Well said indeed this is an old video and starting from 2013 polls show the same results from Turkish perspective as well, nobody wants to bear the difficulties of last decades of a fallen Union whose last nail will be put on coffin by Turkey without her membership status in account.
By the way Turks have enough 5th column 'muslim personel' all around the EU(i am not counting 3 million on the way soon). Now upcoming years it will be Turkey who is playing with EU by the means of minorities.
Being a EU wannabe was always a hideout to cover that plan. Christians were always used by Europen powers and Russia, to slice up Ottoman domination. Luckly those Neo Ottomanists will use the very same tactics to destroy Europe.
There will be so much tear than joy upcoming years for you lads.
Turkey is propped up by the West. Erdogan tried to play tough with the Russians and in the end he had to give a blowjob to Putin and beg for forgiveness. EU can do way worst to Turkey than Russia can. If the West decides to get rid of you then you will be the next Iraq/Syria. Don't push your luck