You omitted to say Following Brexit .
So far you have posted countless of links describing the speculators as senseless people that abide to nobody and have no moral restrictions towards their ultimate goal of making money out of money. The Bankers motto "give us control of the money creation and we don't care who's behind the law, or something similar to that effect, is still fresh in my mind.
Now you want us to believe that speculators/Bankers are politically driven by the EU commission to destroy the UK by driving the exchange rate of it's currency downwards. Don't you understand this is impossible, because a)speculators are an international group that doesn't depend neither controlled by politicians and b) even if the EU had managed to convince the big European Banks to speculate against the STG the Asian and American ones wouldn't have any reason to follow, resulting to a loss for the European speculators/Banks?
For me it's very clear that the fall of STG is simply because of negative expectation.
Robin Hood wrote:
Most Western Governments are subservient to their Masters and their Masters are the US based International Banking system! This includes The Bank of International Settlement, The World Bank, The International Monetary Fund and you will note that The Troika also includes the ECB/EU Commission. So there is proof of a link? I will go with Wilsons observations on this subject and just look around at the power these Special Interests have and no need to look any further than present day USA !
However that's exactly the opposite of what you said before. .You (RH) said the political entity of the EU is trying to harm/punish the UK for attempting to leave, using the International Banking system as a tool.
I have never heard of a tool ordering a mechanic to tighten a bolt. It's always the mechanic who gives the orders and the muscle power to the tool to do the job.
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