Catalonia voted but nothing that would have an economic impact happened. Nor is expected to happen in the near future. So why should the Euro get affected??
That is exactly the same as happened with the UK referendum vote and the resulting vote to Brexit ...... NOTHING HAPPENED due to the vote! The vote in the UK complied with the rules, there was never an intent to leave the EU within a few days , it was a planned exit over time .... i.e. controlled to avoid sudden financial or structural and legal changes, primarily intended to keep the impact to a minimum.
But the value of the pound dropped anyway ...... not due to the vote but due to political revenge ..... led by the ECB ad EU Commissioners so that others would not follow suit and that can only be achieved through the money markets ..... i.e. SPECULATORS!
The Catalonian vote has been deemed illegal (although ‘illegal’ seems to depend on which rule book you read from. International and UN rules say citizens are entitled to self determination ) Their actions were intended to be an instant split from Spain and, thus just as would have happened in Scotland, they would have to re-apply for membership of the EU as a new sovereign State. So presumably they would be instantly outside of the customs union and single market ...... overnight and with its own sovereign currency. Spain would remain a member of the EU but with the most prosperous part of it gone.
So, explain why the GBP dropped almost instantly and the Euro in similar circumstances didn’t? The answer can only be that it was not the vote that caused the drop but the actions of those that control the value of currencies ..... and they are they speculators.
OTOH the Brexit vote and Teressa's official application to leave the EU, is expected to have a negative impact on the British economy when it actually occurs.
Exactly ..... it’s called speculation and currency speculation is not an exact science, far from it. ‘Expected’, ‘when’ ...... give me a break here, they really have no more idea of what will happen than any of us, it is all guesswork.
However speculators still take into account that the UK might NOT eventually leave the EU. Therefore the STG is currently in it's midway from where it would be one day after the UK actually breaks ties. Watch it falling and falling as long as the Brexit negotiations progress.
They speculate that the UK ‘eventually might not’ leave ...... surely that is not speculation, that is wishfull thinking. The decision has been made ..... Art. 50 and all the negotiations?
It may fall even more after that if the British economy won't make it.
‘If’, ‘won’t’ ...... again speculation, as valid as me saying “......when the GBP recovers on the back of a booming economy!” I don't have a clue and neither do they!
The more I look at the Brexit and the decline of the GBP the more i am convinced that strings are being pulled by the ECB and the EU Commission and the intent is to make bloody sure that the UK leaving the EU is as painful as possible for the UK. They cannot do the same with Catalonia as it will collapse the Euro and the EU .......... so what has happened has been a behind the scenes political intervention, not economic.
This is what the EU is now afraid of .......... and exactly why they set up to make the UK pay dearly for leaving their club.