Robin Hood wrote:Pyrpolizer:There are too many things that contribute nothing to real economy Robin.
Whores, kasinos, just to name 2.The list is endless.
If we ban everything we would end up to communism or dictatorship.
You surprise me! I think that is a very narrow view.
These people have a system that is completely divorced from the REAL economy but they can have catastrophic effects on it. Most of those that appear not to contribute actually do as they inevitably provide a service that other people are willing to pay for. Income tax does not contribute to the economy as it is taken out before it enters into it. So the idea for instance, that banks/bankers contribute by paying large amounts of income tax ..... is not a contribution to the REAL economy. Seems a daft idea ..... but think about it! The economy is based primarily on people spending. If everyone just saved say 25% of their income, the economy would collapse.
What the banks produce remains within the financial economy, and that directs its products to the financial markets. This expands assets such as housing, stock and bond markets, which is effectively taking money out of circulation. Only a very small fraction of the money the banks create goes into lending to wealth producing industries and the creation of jobs.
2015 (I think) the UK Government got the BoE to create a Quantitative Easing binge of some £375BN (?) virtually ALL of it went to the banks and ended up boosting asset prices. Very little ended up where it should have done ..... in the real economy.
You can’t ban banking completely as you need commercial banks (High Street Banks) to function as intermediaries, they should be a service to industry. The problem is the investment banks and the fact they are linked to the commercial banks. Commercial banks are, or should be, an essential part of the wealth creating process but they have been abused as the bankers have found they can make money out of money ....... and money is no good if you don’t spend it.
The OP is about the value of Sterling. This is manipulated by speculators to line their own pockets (watch the video -50 mins..) and it is only what they spend on Champaign and expensive cars, expensive clothes and other cash expenditure, that it adds to the economy. Most of their ‘contribution’ is in the taxes they pay ..... but that does not enhance the real economy. Also, a very large part of their money is paid in tax havens and that is lost to the economy. (I know that because we had one of them in the family and the video described him to a tee!)
IMO: The investment banks and The Markets, are as much use to the economy as an ashtray on a Harley Davidson! The money all us pensioners living in Cyprus have lost from our incomes has gone to the banks (currency markets) as profit. But of course it is much easier to blame Brexit than to work out what is really happening!![]()
Robin Hood wrote:
You can’t ban banking completely as you need commercial banks (High Street Banks) to function as intermediaries, they should be a service to industry. The problem is the investment banks and the fact they are linked to the commercial banks. Commercial banks are, or should be, an essential part of the wealth creating process but they have been abused as the bankers have found they can make money out of money ....... and money is no good if you don’t spend it.
It's common sense mate. No banks, no money, no money no business. You explain how on earth any nation can do without banks. Mate, you are obsessed with the banking system, do try and collect your ....pension from a bakery or a butcher shop !!!! Banks are a nations ONLY indispensable industry.
a) because I didn't say that in contrast to currency speculation . I think your long post to explain that currency speculation delivers nothing to the real economy was because of this misunderstanding.
b) Because it's a fact that there are many things in real life that deliver nothing to the real economy including a countless number of services
Let's take this example:
Suppose we have 5 Casinos all strictly made for use by the locals. Would increasing their number to 10 add anything to the economy? Would closing them down deduct anything from the economy?
What Casinos and other services do has nothing to do with the economy.
They just increase the re circulation and redistribution of money that increase the GDP but the GDP alone is not the measuring stick of the economy. Similarly with betting shops.
What these "no value added" services do is just improve the quality of life. So admittedly whores do improve the quality of life, but the economy will not change one iota if their number increases from 100 to 1000 , or decreases from 100 to zero
Quality of life and economy don't relate much. Even Milti thinks the quality of life here in Cyprus is better that in the UK, yet our economy is so much weaker.
Another example is the selling of drugs. Sure there are many people who would pay to buy some marijuana, does that mean there's any benefit to the economy? If yes let’s make it legal to boost the economy
Pyrpolizer wrote:Ok we have a disagreement on that.
While keeping the disagreement you seem to think that every re circulation of money contributes positively to the economy.
Imo it's not just that, if for example we take the case of Casinos and their creating of jobs etc as a +, you should also think of the minuses, been: lost manhours, increase of crime rate, destroyed families, "fish" getting out of it within weeks totally broke
A Good Way to Wreck a Local Economy: Build Casinos ... os/375691/
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