tsukoui wrote:I'm sorry RH but for some reason the link didn't work, technical or spiritual, do I need to watch it?
The link is from 123movies web site .... I am subscribed, maybe that makes a difference. I found what he said a very pragmatic explanation of how the fabric of our society works. He wasn't making political comments just putting the various aspects into perspective. For instance:
He said that the US Constitution was developed by the Elite and that it was intended to remain under the control of the Elite. First thought, sounds ant-establishment? Then he explains that The Senate was originally not a voted assembly, but one more like The House of Lords in the UK ..... unelected members with power, who were given that power by other un-elected members. It was actions by the people that changed that and made The Senate and Senators subject to election.
Also he touched on the Industrial revolution which through the combined efforts of the people (
workers i.e. Unions) forced the wealthy factory owners to reward their workers rather than treat them like slaves. Certainly in the UK we know from history the workers were greatly abused and lived in poverty. People gained more wealth as time progressed and this led to the
'blue collar, white collar' concept and gradually the gap between the rich and poor closed.
This reached a peak in the US in the 50's and 60's, which is when the American Dream became a reality for many. I think the similar thing happened all over Europe. We can all see that since the early 70's that trend has reversed and we are now in a situation where the gap between rich and poor is greater than ever and the chance of
'making it' has disappeared for many.
He then explains why and how this has happened ...... I could relate to much of what he was saying through my own experience of life. I realised something was not right in the 80's and could see in the UK that a gap was widening, jobs were getting scarce and the idea of buying your own house was becoming more of a dream. My reaction was to take jobs abroad that paid well and then transferred myself out of the UK as it was obvious even then what was coming.
So, if you subscribe to 123 movies, you will be able to watch the video, that is, if you can't find it on YouTube somewhere. The site also streams all the latest and also a lot of older movies for free.