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Re: Help stop forum abusers from wrecking our joint…

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Mar 12, 2017 4:08 pm

Londonrake wrote:A couple of weeks ago both RH and I received an Admin warning relating to references to another Forum.

When I first engaged with him on this Forum there was an immediate effort to discredit me. Apparently I am a pompous alcoholic. Neither of which is true and Mr Hood well knows it. I'm a cockney born-and-bred and his only experience of my supposed alcoholism was when for a while he attended a monthly lunch club I go to, with a gang of 15 or so other guys who were there to - surprise, surprise - have a good time. I submit that nothing I have posted indicates anything along the lines of drunken stupor. Why I have to defend myself on issues like that beats me. It's blatant lies.

Anyway, perhaps his previous post in this thread should be viewed in that light? There is very much a "spin" on events as related. I could respond in kind but am not going to.

Nevertheless, I maintain that the reason Paphitis has stopped posting is principally down to him. Although, I believe he also lost his rag with the polling issue.

I'm sure he must still read the posts so would say that you should come on back mate. It's clear that you're missed by quite a few. Missed in a good way by some and perhaps not such a good way by others. :lol: But definitely missed.

I certainly wouldn't quit something you have been involved in for years, just like that, or for those reasons. :wink:

YOU followed ME .... remember ...... not the other way round! Why ? As for 'spin' that is most definitely your department. Tell me where I referred to you as a drunk ? I didn't, that is just your 'spin' on my post, but my post was accurate ..... you like a regular drink !

So, end the personal references, the ad hominem attacks you are so fond of accusing others of.

I can't help feeling there's something fishy going on with you two... :?

No, not really we just have history! We could have been friends but he has a long memory and holds grudges. :roll: A bit like his views on Russia ..... they will always be the Communist USSR and Putin will always be Stalin and Paphitis thinks in exactly the same way. :roll:
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Re: Help stop forum abusers from wrecking our joint…

Postby Londonrake » Sun Mar 12, 2017 5:02 pm

Ohh, we've had all that before. Anybody who has had the stamina to follow would know.

" I tap, tap, tap you glug, glug, glug." "Gin soaked" Yes?

As for "liking a regular drink" how would you know what/when I like? Outside of a taverna once a month you know nothing. You tried to give a false impression to discredit. You also know very well that I couldn't be further from the description "pompous".

As far as grudges go. I have good off-forum reason - but that's not a matter for in here. Once very easily resolved but far too difficult for you it seemed. Moreover, you have quite a few chips yourself. Banking, the Armed Forces- both attitudes founded in grudges.

Your exchanges with Paphitis have been littered with personal attacks for years. So, spare me the righteous indignation. :roll: The last one?

Robin Hood wrote:
Paphitis wrote:The more you post ......... the more irrational and erratic you become! Sorry but 90% of your posts are the ramblings of someone with serious mental hang ups.


I will stop posting until this is dealt with.

And I refuse to respond in similar vain.

I haven't expressed much in the way of views on Russia. An article about the fate of a man who wrote something on FB there. Boy, did that open a can of worms :roll: The clearly ridiculous claim that the likes of RT and Sputnik are free-acting paradigms of truth, whilst every source of news in the West (apart from those approved :lol:) is founded on packs of lies. I also highlighted the contradiction in references to International Law wrt Russia. That though was not a criticism of the country per se but rather highlighting the double-think being employed. You keep prattling on about my views on the country though, just to stir up others in an attempt to ally.
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Re: Help stop forum abusers from wrecking our joint…

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Mar 12, 2017 5:15 pm

Londonrake wrote:Ohh, we've had all that before. Anybody who has had the stamina to follow would know.

" I tap, tap, tap you glug, glug, glug." "Gin soaked" Yes?

As for "liking a regular drink" how would you know what/when I like? Outside of a taverna once a month you know nothing. You tried to give a false impression to discredit. You also know very well that I couldn't be further from the description "pompous".

As far as grudges go. I have good off-forum reason - but that's not a matter for in here. Once very easily resolved but far too difficult for you it seemed. Moreover, you have quite a few chips yourself. Banking, the Armed Forces- both attitudes founded in grudges.

Your exchanges with Paphitis have been littered with personal attacks for years. So, spare me the righteous indignation. :roll: The last one?

Robin Hood wrote:
Paphitis wrote:The more you post ......... the more irrational and erratic you become! Sorry but 90% of your posts are the ramblings of someone with serious mental hang ups.


I will stop posting until this is dealt with.

And I refuse to respond in similar vain.

I haven't expressed much in the way of views on Russia. An article about the fate of a man who wrote something on FB there. Boy, did that open a can of worms :roll: The clearly ridiculous claim that the likes of RT and Sputnik are free-acting paradigms of truth, whilst every source of news in the West (apart from those approved :lol:) is founded on packs of lies. I also highlighted the contradiction in references to International Law wrt Russia. That though was not a criticism of the country per se but rather highlighting the double-think being employed. You keep prattling on about my views on the country though, just to stir up others in an attempt to ally.

So what is it about:

So, end the personal references, the ad hominem attacks you are so fond of accusing others of. fail to understand ? :?:

The usual selective spin from you ......... your views on Russia/Putin are clearly evident as are Paphitis', that is why you are ready to scratch one another's backs!

If you want to exchange civilised views on the monetary system/economics, events in Syria and Ukraine then fine. If not I suggest you keep off such subjects. :x
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Re: Help stop forum abusers from wrecking our joint…

Postby Londonrake » Sun Mar 12, 2017 5:37 pm

Robin Hood wrote:So what is it about:

So, end the personal references, the ad hominem attacks you are so fond of accusing others of. fail to understand ? :?:

The usual selective spin from you ......... your views on Russia/Putin are clearly evident as are Paphitis', that is why you are ready to scratch one another's backs!

If you want to exchange civilised views on the monetary system/economics, events in Syria and Ukraine then fine. If not I suggest you keep off such subjects. :x

Sauce for the goose?

How are my views "clearly evident"? I've said little to nothing of any substance on Russia. :?

I don't recall much in the way of scratching Paphitis's back. :? Although you've certainly tried several times to join us at the hip.

There is no civilised exchange of views with you. Any attempt to take up an opposing position to yours almost immediately slides into bitterness and acrimony. That's what happens. With anyone. Always.

Thanks for your suggestion.

You intervened in this thread when I pointed out why Paphitis appears to have stopped posting. That seems clear. In your parlance he was "Shot down".

Once again here, it's you following me. :wink:

Looking on the bright side. At least we're not posting abusive Hippy stuff. :lol:
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Re: Help stop forum abusers from wrecking our joint…

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Mar 12, 2017 5:51 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:So what is it about:

So, end the personal references, the ad hominem attacks you are so fond of accusing others of. fail to understand ? :?:

The usual selective spin from you ......... your views on Russia/Putin are clearly evident as are Paphitis', that is why you are ready to scratch one another's backs!

If you want to exchange civilised views on the monetary system/economics, events in Syria and Ukraine then fine. If not I suggest you keep off such subjects. :x

Sauce for the goose?

How are my views "clearly evident"? I've said little to nothing of any substance on Russia. :?

I don't recall much in the way of scratching Paphitis's back. :? Although you've certainly tried several times to join us at the hip.

There is no civilised exchange of views with you. Any attempt to take up an opposing position to yours almost immediately slides into bitterness and acrimony. That's what happens. With anyone. Always.

Thanks for your suggestion.

You intervened in this thread when I pointed out why Paphitis appears to have stopped posting. That seems clear. In your parlance he was "Shot down".

Once again here, it's you following me. :wink:

Looking on the bright side. At least we're not posting abusive Hippy stuff. :lol:

You just don't get the message do you ......... nobody but you could give a s**t about your endless ad hominem posts ? :roll:
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Re: Help stop forum abusers from wrecking our joint…

Postby Londonrake » Sun Mar 12, 2017 5:55 pm

Robin Hood wrote:You just don't get the message do you ......... nobody but you could give a s**t about your endless ad hominem posts ? :roll:

See what I mean? :lol:
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Re: Help stop forum abusers from wrecking our joint…

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Mar 12, 2017 6:24 pm

Forums do thrive when there are personal attacks, insults and all sorts of uncivilized behaviour.
Londorake is right that such things push some people way, but remember the word "some".
It's a plus and minus phenomenon, it repels 1 it attracts 3 :wink:
This very topic is a perfect example, half of it is about the previous vendetta between RH and LR. :lol:
Other than that I personally dig our useful and meaningful arguments and information from nearly every poster, and beleive it or not Lordo is included.
Nobody can force ANYONE to embrace his views, and this was always Paphiti's mistake. It really makes me sad that he left for this same reason. Because he failed to force the admin to take action in his favor as if he was the "saint" of the forum and Milti et al the "evil" ones. Nobody is a "saint" here, ,neither GR, Paphitis, RH, Lordo, Milti, or myself just to name a few....

What the forum needs is more donkeys :!:
Last edited by Pyrpolizer on Sun Mar 12, 2017 6:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Help stop forum abusers from wrecking our joint…

Postby Londonrake » Sun Mar 12, 2017 6:31 pm

What do you mean..............previous?? :wink: :lol:
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Re: Help stop forum abusers from wrecking our joint…

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Mar 12, 2017 6:34 pm

Londonrake wrote:What do you mean..............previous?? :wink: :lol:

ahhh... you donkey :mrgreen:
Last edited by Pyrpolizer on Sun Mar 12, 2017 6:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Help stop forum abusers from wrecking our joint…

Postby B25 » Sun Mar 12, 2017 6:38 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote: Nobody is a "saint" here, ,neither GR, Paphitis, RH, Lordo, Milti, or myself just to name a few...

I am :angel: :angel: :angel:
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