Londonrake wrote:A couple of weeks ago both RH and I received an Admin warning relating to references to another Forum.
When I first engaged with him on this Forum there was an immediate effort to discredit me. Apparently I am a pompous alcoholic. Neither of which is true and Mr Hood well knows it. I'm a cockney born-and-bred and his only experience of my supposed alcoholism was when for a while he attended a monthly lunch club I go to, with a gang of 15 or so other guys who were there to - surprise, surprise - have a good time. I submit that nothing I have posted indicates anything along the lines of drunken stupor. Why I have to defend myself on issues like that beats me. It's blatant lies.
Anyway, perhaps his previous post in this thread should be viewed in that light? There is very much a "spin" on events as related. I could respond in kind but am not going to.
Nevertheless, I maintain that the reason Paphitis has stopped posting is principally down to him. Although, I believe he also lost his rag with the polling issue.
I'm sure he must still read the posts so would say that you should come on back mate. It's clear that you're missed by quite a few. Missed in a good way by some and perhaps not such a good way by others.But definitely missed.
I certainly wouldn't quit something you have been involved in for years, just like that, or for those reasons.
YOU followed ME .... remember ...... not the other way round! Why ? As for 'spin' that is most definitely your department. Tell me where I referred to you as a drunk ? I didn't, that is just your 'spin' on my post, but my post was accurate ..... you like a regular drink !
So, end the personal references, the ad hominem attacks you are so fond of accusing others of.
I can't help feeling there's something fishy going on with you two...
No, not really we just have history! We could have been friends but he has a long memory and holds grudges.