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Help stop forum abusers from wrecking our joint…

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Re: Help stop forum abusers from wrecking our joint…

Postby Londonrake » Sat Mar 11, 2017 11:31 pm

Get Real! wrote: but it doesn’t complain about or discourage, opposing/alternative views so your gripe here is nothing short of an opportunistic attempt by your whiny little persona to vent off your frustrations…

Don't say I didn't try. So be it. I rarely make the same mistake twice.

Well, let's have a refresher on what "typical" you are:

"I'm starting to get comfortable to the idea that apart from suffering from severe hypocrisy you must also be plain stupid."

" That’s good… so stick around while I rub your face thoroughly in mud because your criminal country (Britain) is engaged in global terrorism"

"1. You're all British.

2. You're all lying hypocrites.

3. You have criminal imperialistic tendencies."

"Has Paphitis ever touched you at all... in places mommy said men shouldn’t?"

And let me get this straight - you don't understand why he left? :? :? :?

"And then an ignorant idiot like you comes along"

" Of course to a racist British CUNT like you"

"My posts are short, factual, direct, and effective "

"Anyway, I reckon you’re finished in here and there’s no point in me tearing a carcass apart any further"

"And he was caught touching forum cadets inappropriately…"

"There’s a place for people like you and that other mental retard Tsuki… it’s called a mental institution where they keep you sedated 24/7 to keep you from being an utter nuisance to the sane.That’s where you and your boyfriend belong, selfish CUNT."

There's more of course but the above is pretty typical. You're a foul-mouthed, overbearing Forum control freak. I suspect that you have ingrained racist views of the British. I'm guessing historical. Refugee, with lost family? In which case, nothing to do with me mate Get over it.

You have the idea that you own this Forum and have judice prudence over ever post. You're mistaken. Actually, you are just like me, a Joe Soap poster. Nevertheless, it's actually people like you who are killing this Forum. Not the likes of Schnauzer or Tsukoui.

You shoulda gone to Specsavers mate. :wink:
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Re: Help stop forum abusers from wrecking our joint…

Postby Get Real! » Sun Mar 12, 2017 12:23 am

Londonrake wrote:Don't say I didn't try. So be it. I rarely make the same mistake twice.

I fear you'll be making a lot of mistakes... in fact they are escalating! :lol:

Londonrake wrote:Well, let's have a refresher on what "typical" you are:

Well none of the quotes you highlighted were posted in this thread but anyway…

Londonrake wrote:"Has Paphitis ever touched you at all... in places mommy said men shouldn’t?" [/i]

And let me get this straight - you don't understand why he left? :?

So Paphitis left because of me eh? :lol:

Then why did he send me a pm to say goodbye and express all the positive things he did? (Which I won’t reveal because it’s a personal message)

I assure you that after a decade Paphitis knows my sense of humor’s wavelength very well and he doesn’t misunderstand such things.

Londonrake wrote:There's more of course but the above is pretty typical. You're a foul-mouthed, overbearing Forum control freak.

You have the idea that you own this Forum and have judice prudence over ever post. You're mistaken. Actually, you are just like me, a Joe Soap poster.

Let’s suppose that you’re right and I’m a deluded forum control freak… how exactly do you fit in all this? :?

Are you here for a takeover? Is that why you challenge me? :lol:

Londonrake wrote:Nevertheless, it's actually people like you who are killing this Forum. Not the likes of Schnauzer or Tsukoui.

:? I never meant Schnauzer... he's a GR ally so be careful there! :lol:


I get the impression that you’re annoyed that you haven’t been able to establish yourself here yet, and are trying to take a shortcut by forcing a “status” by attacking the one you perceive as being the obstacle to your stardom! :lol:

Oh my tummy... :lol:
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Re: Help stop forum abusers from wrecking our joint…

Postby Londonrake » Sun Mar 12, 2017 12:39 am

Well, of course this shite could go on ad infinitum. :|

I have no egotistical views about "establishing" myself here. I hoped to post occasional, reasonable views and receive the like in responses. I certainly am not out to "challenge" the Forum Alpha poster. You drew first blood. Your comments like "Watch me dispose of this ........" set the scene. Treat my views - all be they opposed to yours - with respect and I will reciprocate.

Some of my views were supportive of Paphitis. As I have said several times before, I hope he returns. Not because of my position but his long association here. He left because of RH. I have seen that happen before. A few times actually. Sooner or later, it will happen with somebody else.
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Re: Help stop forum abusers from wrecking our joint…

Postby Get Real! » Sun Mar 12, 2017 1:23 am

Londonrake wrote:You drew first blood. Your comments like "Watch me dispose of this ........" set the scene. Treat my views - all be they opposed to yours - with respect and I will reciprocate.

I can’t promise that because I never agree in everything with any given individual so we may be allies in some areas (topics) and rivals in others.

Take Oracle for example… she’s a lovely girl and we’re allies in most things but come a debate about the “Greekness of Cypriots” and I have no problems calling her a stupid cow and other horrible things!

That’s how it is… and the next day I like her again and all our alliances are still intact. That’s how it works here with everyone... friends in some areas and enemies in others!

Therefore... no specials deals with anyone.
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Re: Help stop forum abusers from wrecking our joint…

Postby miltiades » Sun Mar 12, 2017 3:06 am

It is no secret that I vehemently dislike this pseudo educated pseudo patriot bloody psychopath.The feeling is mutual I'm certain if that. He sees himself as a highly educated when in fact socially he is the most ill educated self delusional character.
I will never forget the obnoxious derogatory comments he made concerning many issues not least telling me to go and fuck my
Dead mothers corpse. He is a tediously unsavoury character and frankly full of shit.
I'm about to catch a plane back to London otherwise I could list a lot more of his disgusting contributions to this " joint"
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Re: Help stop forum abusers from wrecking our joint…

Postby Get Real! » Sun Mar 12, 2017 3:21 am

miltiades wrote:It is no secret that I vehemently dislike this pseudo educated pseudo patriot bloody psychopath.The feeling is mutual I'm certain if that. He sees himself as a highly educated when in fact socially he is the most ill educated self delusional character.
I will never forget the obnoxious derogatory comments he made concerning many issues not least telling me to go and fuck my
Dead mothers corpse. He is a tediously unsavoury character and frankly full of shit.
I'm about to catch a plane back to London otherwise I could list a lot more of his disgusting contributions to this " joint"

Didn’t you just get voted as the one who posts the most shit and then again about a week later as the least interesting? :?

Didn’t those polls send your brain any messages at all? :?

Do you ever get in touch with that marble in your cranium? :lol:
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Re: Help stop forum abusers from wrecking our joint…

Postby miltiades » Sun Mar 12, 2017 3:37 am

My posts are widely read and attract a great deal more views than the crap you write.
Go back over the last year and check, this however is besides the point and the point is you are a disgusting pseudo educated
man who tries to intimidate other forum members, you tried it with me but having failed you reverted to abusing my family you prick. One thing I have never done is insult anyone's family members.
Going to church this morning psycho ?? :lol:
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Re: Help stop forum abusers from wrecking our joint…

Postby Get Real! » Sun Mar 12, 2017 3:50 am

miltiades wrote:My posts are widely read and attract a great deal more views than the crap you write.
Go back over the last year and check, this however is besides the point and the point is you are a disgusting pseudo educated
man who tries to intimidate other forum members, you tried it with me but having failed you reverted to abusing my family you prick. One thing I have never done is insult anyone's family members.
Going to church this morning psycho ?? :lol:

So how come you just got voted as the one who posts the most shit and then again about a week later as the least interesting? :?

Are you implying that the poll results are fake and that only you know best? :? :lol:

You outrageous buffoon! :roll:
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Re: Help stop forum abusers from wrecking our joint…

Postby miltiades » Sun Mar 12, 2017 3:56 am

Indeed I'm psycho, on the other hand you consider your self as the most widely read member!!
My POLLS were light hearted as you can see I voted Lord as the ....most interesting "poster"
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Re: Help stop forum abusers from wrecking our joint…

Postby Get Real! » Sun Mar 12, 2017 4:04 am

miltiades wrote:Indeed I'm psycho, on the other hand you consider your self as the most widely read member!!

You have no idea what I consider myself as because unlike you I don’t say much...

miltiades wrote:My POLLS were light hearted as you can see I voted Lord as the ....most interesting "poster"

Well next to you he is! :?

Look, when will you ever learn Milti? You just ain’t go it…

Hell you tried… we all know you tried, but you ain’t go it.

And that is that.
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