Get Real! wrote: but it doesn’t complain about or discourage, opposing/alternative views so your gripe here is nothing short of an opportunistic attempt by your whiny little persona to vent off your frustrations…
Don't say I didn't try. So be it. I rarely make the same mistake twice.
Well, let's have a refresher on what "typical" you are:
"I'm starting to get comfortable to the idea that apart from suffering from severe hypocrisy you must also be plain stupid."
" That’s good… so stick around while I rub your face thoroughly in mud because your criminal country (Britain) is engaged in global terrorism"
"1. You're all British.
2. You're all lying hypocrites.
3. You have criminal imperialistic tendencies."
"Has Paphitis ever touched you at all... in places mommy said men shouldn’t?"
And let me get this straight - you don't understand why he left?

"And then an ignorant idiot like you comes along"
" Of course to a racist British CUNT like you"
"My posts are short, factual, direct, and effective "
"Anyway, I reckon you’re finished in here and there’s no point in me tearing a carcass apart any further"
"And he was caught touching forum cadets inappropriately…"
"There’s a place for people like you and that other mental retard Tsuki… it’s called a mental institution where they keep you sedated 24/7 to keep you from being an utter nuisance to the sane.That’s where you and your boyfriend belong, selfish CUNT."
There's more of course but the above is pretty typical. You're a foul-mouthed, overbearing Forum control freak. I suspect that you have ingrained racist views of the British. I'm guessing historical. Refugee, with lost family? In which case, nothing to do with me mate Get over it.
You have the idea that you own this Forum and have judice prudence over ever post. You're mistaken. Actually, you are just like me, a Joe Soap poster. Nevertheless, it's actually people like you who are killing this Forum. Not the likes of Schnauzer or Tsukoui.
You shoulda gone to Specsavers mate.