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Help stop forum abusers from wrecking our joint…

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Re: Help stop forum abusers from wrecking our joint…

Postby Get Real! » Sat Mar 11, 2017 2:10 am

Oceanside50 wrote:Where's Bill Cobbett?

He got lost somewhere in the Turkish water pipe project. :lol:
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Re: Help stop forum abusers from wrecking our joint…

Postby Get Real! » Sat Mar 11, 2017 2:14 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:Anyway imo this forum is on it's road to slow death. Nothing of interest, and all old members got tired...
From the new members only 1-2 contribute anything of interest (for me at least). Not enough to keep it going... :cry:

These days there's just far less CyProb and a lot more general/social discussions.

Nothing wrong with that really but you just don't get the long technical debates that the CyProb entails.
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Re: Help stop forum abusers from wrecking our joint…

Postby DT. » Sat Mar 11, 2017 4:05 am

Well it is true, for me the place lost interest when Zanny and VP dissapeared and Yfred showed up as Lordo to "takeover" the tc view with one liners.

I remember being in University and staying up all night researching on page long answers against those two. Mrfromng, Iceman and a few more would provide excellent counter balance and realism on the tc view. Kickapu and Nikitas well thought out answers that gave you another angle you never considered. Even GR and Oracle enjoyed each other's debate then. Bananiot would infuriate me but If I saw him posting I'd drop everything and take him on...Pyr, piratis, Sotos miltiades, paphitis, cbbb, Richard, o Kafenes :cry: ,....even that little shit that went to study in Australia ( :shock: forgot your name mate)

I know I've missed a lot more but all these people made it challenging to post. Made you think of opening a new subject in case you where wasting people's time and "had we really exhausted the previous debate?" I have nothing against new forum members and I guess the new wave is consistent with how we do things lately. Devote 15 seconds on a Facebook post, get bored and move on.
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Re: Help stop forum abusers from wrecking our joint…

Postby tsukoui » Sat Mar 11, 2017 3:33 pm

Lordo is a typical Bechktashi, the Mehvlevi view as taught by Rumi is to never open the Quran until you are ready, then it will be the most beautiful poetry you have ever read, the so called scribes were poets of mediocrity, the truth is no one knows what the Quran says but the orphan's lost mother who was African, memorise at least phatiha and you will have a good basis for fellowship. I am talking to you my lord. Deniz what is the political reality of Africa?
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Re: Help stop forum abusers from wrecking our joint…

Postby kurupetos » Sat Mar 11, 2017 5:58 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Other than the above, another problem that needs to be addressed is that we expect Paphitis to get his arse back here immediately and without further delay.

You hear me Psoriti? Get your damn arse back in here… no ifs and no buts!

Btw, RH promised he’ll be nicer to you and he won’t split hairs as much.

Paphitis has a pride, and can't digest it that he complained any nothing happened.
I tried to warn him that nothing would happen, considering that VP was complaining all day in the past to no avail.
Anyway imo this forum is on it's road to slow death. Nothing of interest, and all old members got tired...
From the new members only 1-2 contribute anything of interest (for me at least). Not enough to keep it going... :cry:

The koala sent me a pm some time ago.

I reckon the little bugger will soon be back. Maybe as Maxx, or with some other ID. :wink:
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Re: Help stop forum abusers from wrecking our joint…

Postby kurupetos » Sat Mar 11, 2017 5:59 pm

yialousa1971 wrote: I guess you miss Archimedes and Voltaire. :cry:

Some of the better members of this forum. :mrgreen:
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Re: Help stop forum abusers from wrecking our joint…

Postby Londonrake » Sat Mar 11, 2017 10:05 pm

IMNSHO it isn't the Hippy posts that deter people from interacting on this Forum. You always get 1 or 2 of those. You can of course either laugh at them or just ignore. Characters.

It's the belligerence.

The compulsion towards an ever shrinking clique of posters who have a tendency to regard anyone who isn't part of it as an intruder. I could cite a lot of examples of what I mean. The word "CUNT" tends to pop up in many ("quality"? :roll: )

Ultimately, it's up to you. Either you embrace people with views which you may not find palatable ---------------- or, you eventually disappear up your own butts.
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Re: Help stop forum abusers from wrecking our joint…

Postby Get Real! » Sat Mar 11, 2017 10:39 pm

Londonrake wrote:IMNSHO it isn't the Hippy posts that deter people from interacting on this Forum. You always get 1 or 2 of those. You can of course either laugh at them or just ignore. Characters.

It's the belligerence.

The compulsion towards an ever shrinking clique of posters who have a tendency to regard anyone who isn't part of it as an intruder. I could cite a lot of examples of what I mean. The word "CUNT" tends to pop up in many ("quality"? :roll: )

Ultimately, it's up to you. Either you embrace people with views which you may not find palatable ---------------- or, you eventually disappear up your own butts.

This thread complains about those that make no sense whatsoever (English language wise) most likely due to medical issues etc, but it doesn’t complain about or discourage, opposing/alternative views so your gripe here is nothing short of an opportunistic attempt by your whiny little persona to vent off your frustrations…

So stop being a CUNT! :wink:
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Re: Help stop forum abusers from wrecking our joint…

Postby Londonrake » Sat Mar 11, 2017 10:46 pm

Get Real! wrote:This thread complains about those that make no sense whatsoever (English language wise) most likely due to medical issues etc, but it doesn’t complain about or discourage, opposing/alternative views so your gripe here is nothing short of an opportunistic attempt by your whiny little persona to vent off your frustrations…

So stop being a CUNT! :wink:

It isn't a gripe and I really don't have any "frustrations". I want to make peace with you GR. You are obviously the prima most prolific poster. Some of my views I know you find difficult to deal with but I have them and that's that. Nevertheless, I think there's room for a bit of mutual respect and civilised discourse. It just takes both of us to stop being "CUNTS". :lol:
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Re: Help stop forum abusers from wrecking our joint…

Postby Get Real! » Sat Mar 11, 2017 11:06 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Get Real! wrote:This thread complains about those that make no sense whatsoever (English language wise) most likely due to medical issues etc, but it doesn’t complain about or discourage, opposing/alternative views so your gripe here is nothing short of an opportunistic attempt by your whiny little persona to vent off your frustrations…

So stop being a CUNT! :wink:

It isn't a gripe and I really don't have any "frustrations". I want to make peace with you GR. You are obviously the prima most prolific poster. Some of my views I know you find difficult to deal with but I have them and that's that. Nevertheless, I think there's room for a bit of mutual respect and civilised discourse. It just takes both of us to stop being "CUNTS". :lol:

I can’t even remember your views because I haven’t even formed a “profile” of you in my head yet (it takes a while), and the only thing that stands out about you so far is that you’re a whiny character.

Typically British I’d say… :?
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