Robin Hood wrote:GR:
A hypocrite he undoubtedly is ....... stupid he is not! He is just thoroughly and irreparably brainwashed.
It is absolutely pointless to try and explain anything as he ignores anything he cant answer or doesn’t like, and his conceited smug replies when challenged will soon get up your nose. He really is one of the most supercilious and patronizing hypocrites I have ever met ...... but whist he is quick to label others, he can’t see his own faults at all.
He is a troll! Why do you think he posted this ............ he is fishing for comments, so he can display his very British moral superiority. Not all Brits are like him, some of us can recognise our countries crimes of the past and our faults. Best to ignore him.
The article he posted is just an opinion by someone who is anti-Russian and full of the usual deliberate misconceptions of events. The Guardian and Telegraph are on a par with the NYT, WP and The Hill etc. ...... they are just propaganda rags, that’s why Trump has exposed his media rags for spreading fake news.

Hello Robin.
Tell me again about your abhorrence of "Ad Hominem"

Oh, and my following you.

And of course "hypocrisy"

Did you get that lot - especially the end bit?
It seems that everything I post is "Trolling"

That one won't work mate.
As I have said earlier. You will broach absolutely nothing which puts Russia in even the slightest of bad lights. It's all "Fake news" (that's the new term I believe?). It doesn't matter what the source, you are absolutely not interested. Which is why of course it's such a waste of time bothering with them in your case. Naturally though, you expect others to treat yours with respect.
Your sycophantic friend obviously hasn't even read the article. His reaction is knee-jerk. He's shooting about all over the place - not in the direction of Russian dissidents though.
I would ask others who may be following this post whether they believe what they read is true or whether something entirely made up? I offer no opinions here upon what's going on in Syria. I highlight how one man did in his home country of Russia and paid a heavy price for it. That's what being "unpatriotic" means in Russia today. Just as well they don't practice it hereabouts, eh Robin?

Absolutely any source of information - if not "approved" by this man is - "a propaganda rag". Ohh, except when he references them of course. And I'm the hypocrite?
Don't talk about yourself as British, it's just something on your passport. You have always hated the place. Your frequent keyboard warrior attacks on the the UK over the years and support of absolutely anyone who might do it harm has always disgusted me. understand that .................I'm sure not bothered by you old friend.