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The unpatriotic dissident

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Re: The unpatriotic dissident

Postby Paphitis » Wed Mar 01, 2017 1:30 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Instead of delivering seasoned debaters to the forum you’re giving us psychologically damaged weaklings.

What on Earth are you doing with them? :?

I've seen nothing from you that passes as anything in the way of debate. You harangue. Usually it seems with a hefty helping of hysteria.

He is a bit of a girl.

DT told me his wife wears the pants at home. :lol:
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Re: The unpatriotic dissident

Postby Paphitis » Wed Mar 01, 2017 1:32 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Londonrake wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Instead of delivering seasoned debaters to the forum you’re giving us psychologically damaged weaklings.

What on Earth are you doing with them? :?

I've seen nothing from you that passes as anything in the way of debate. You harangue. Usually it seems with a hefty helping of hysteria.

I need to have a man to man talk with you…

(NB: This private post will only be visible to you)

Has Paphitis ever touched you at all... in places mommy said men shouldn’t? :?

You would need 2 men for a man to man.

I only see one so I thought I would come to the rescue!
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Re: The unpatriotic dissident

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Mar 01, 2017 1:43 pm

What I think is an interesting article that happened to turn up today. My apologies for its being extracted from a well known ........... independent source of news, alternative views and opinions. But that poor old journalist is upset because he was pilloried for his views .... in the Empires days he would have been executed! :o

The price the world has had to pay for what my country has done in places all over the World for a couple of hundred years or more, mainly in the name of Queen/King and Country. How can you repair the damage you have done to the world if you don’t accept you are the main cause of it in the first place? :roll:

No links but worth looking at, just a point of view based on England’s Imperial history ....... a sort of reality check.

Lock up England in Jail or an Insane Asylum! - By Andre Vltchek

The views expressed in this article are those of the Author, Andre Vltchek ..... but I thought they were interesting! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The unpatriotic dissident

Postby Get Real! » Wed Mar 01, 2017 1:44 pm

Paphitis wrote:You would need 2 men for a man to man.

I only see one so I thought I would come to the rescue! 8)

Yeah but don't say that in front of your friend... that would kill him. :?
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Re: The unpatriotic dissident

Postby Paphitis » Wed Mar 01, 2017 1:48 pm

Yep I looked at the publications that he has written and he is in the same vain as you. And the language and anti imperialism is so powerful.

No thanks. But he and Chomsky just don't have the credibility.

Link has been ignored.

Now that is what we can safely call Fake News. Click bait!
Last edited by Paphitis on Wed Mar 01, 2017 2:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The unpatriotic dissident

Postby Paphitis » Wed Mar 01, 2017 1:50 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:You would need 2 men for a man to man.

I only see one so I thought I would come to the rescue! 8)

Yeah but don't say that in front of your friend... that would kill him. :?

He's not my friend. Don't know what gave you that impression.

But he was the man I will need to have the man to man with on your behalf.
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Re: The unpatriotic dissident

Postby Londonrake » Wed Mar 01, 2017 2:41 pm


Congratulations. After 60 posts you have finally - actually - referred to the essence of the OP.

Your little friend has yet to get there. He spoke once last night about returning to the OP. Actually he didn't return as it happens but that's misleading anyway. He couldn't "return" as he's never visited the OP. At that time he hadn't even bothered to read it.

Anyway, not only that but you seem to now accept that what happened to Arkady Babchenko wasn't some sort of fabrication as per your normal dissmissive one liner about the likes of that "propaganda rag" (ie not RH approved source) the Fascist Guardian. You have shifted to "seems fair enough" mode.

Robin Hood wrote:Then why post the article if you didn’t want comments on the contents? You are showing how this guy who appears to be a journalist, gets pilloried for being very disrespectful making remarks related to an air crash that just killed many members of a famous military choir. You think this sort of attacking the messenger doesn’t happen in the US/UK?
journalist could get a job with the Guardian or the Telegraph? I’ll tell you one thing, if he sent an article to Global Research or Blacklisted News they would more than likely publish it! :roll:

I posted the article to get comments on the content. That's not what happened though. For 60 posts there was lots of the usual stuff, about Western war crimes and the Middle East. A bit about the SAS (BTW. You should read the Wicki link with it. It's full of how they were out blowing up innocent civilians in Arab markets, just like GR says).

He didn't just get pilloried though, did he?

Do people get run out of town in the UK for posting disrespectul comments on FB? Well, that would certainly reduce the immigration problem. Have you ever had a wander around FB? :shock:

Robin Hood wrote:But they were untrue! Russia is tougher on dissidents than they are in the US or many western countries, that’s true but what he posted was not true. Then he posts it on Facebook and gets upset when there are repercussions.

It doesn't matter if they were untrue. I don't care. You post stuff I think is untrue. You certainly have the same view of mine. :lol: Nobody's trying to drive us out of the country though.

Yes, Russia is much tougher on dissidents and always has been. Ask the likes of Sakharov and Solzhenitsyn. In fact there were many hundreds persecuted for their liberal views. If you are stupid enough to be an anti-Putin dissident then............................. :shock:

Robin Hood wrote:There are a string of journalists in the UK and the US that have been hounded out of the profession and black listed for views that do not comply with the officially accepted line, but they still post articles on the free independent outlets .... those you don’t like and the sources more and more people are using to find out what is really going on in the world. It is the only way they can get their point of view aired.

This man wasn't hounded out of his job. He was hounded out of the country.

You are talking chalk and cheese. On the one hand people who have been kicked out of their profession and the other how they publish on independent outlets. Where are the independent outlets in Russia? What do you think would happen to the likes of myself and Paphitis if we were posting this stuff in Mother Russia?

I'm not sure what you mean anyway by not complying with the "officially accepted line". Which line, which officials?

Robin Hood wrote:......................but they still post articles on the free independent outlets .... those you don’t like and the sources more and more people are using to find out what is really going on in the world. It is the only way they can get their point of view aired.

YES! The free, independent outlets! A lot of which are - surprise, surprise - based in the very countries they openly criticise. Without fear of somebody knocking on the door at 3am, having to flee in fear of their lives or being targetted online in a list of The top 100 Brit/US phobes.

As far as not liking your sites is concerned. Not strictly true. I just think it's fair and reasonable for people to know what those sites promote. They certainly don't excel in objectivity.

Blacklisted News.

I'm not going to get into a discussion about any of the subjects but here's a typical selection of the titles:

Dick Cheney Poisoned Hundreds Of US Troops In Iraq. Now They’re Dying, And The Media Is Silent


Protest is Increasingly Becoming Criminalized in America

Newly declassified_Documents_Show_that_a_Senior_CIA_Agent_and_Deputy_Director_of_the_Directorate_of_Intelligence_Worked_Closely_with_Owners_and_Journalists_with_Many_of_the_Largest_Media_Outlets

The NSA and its British counterpart treated Wikileaks like a terrorist organization

The Pentagon smeared USA Today reporters because they investigated illegal Pentagon propaganda

The Obama administration also spied on Risen, Rosen, the Associated Press (Are these propaganda rags?)

The only reference at all I can find to Russia is:


On Blacklisted News:


Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category “may” publish unverifiable information that is “not always” supported by evidence. These sources “may” be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information, therefore fact checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources.

Factual Reporting: MIXED

Notes: Blacklisted News publishes real news stories mixed with conspiracy theories and some pseudo-science.

Of course - no bets on your response to that.

However, I am sure people get the idea. It is virulently anti-West. Most notably anti-USA. It is not the objective source that you infer.

BTW Blacklisted News is based in.................. Roundrock Texas!

Can you imagine Putin allowing that sort of thing? :shock: Can you not see the contradicion in using the likes of Backlisted News in support of the likes of Russia? :?

Then there's other stuff about me.

You do seem to have acquired a Poly Parrot mannerism. If I produce examples of things which you post that I believe are hypocritical, suddenly the word "Hypocrite" pops up in every other of your sentences. Your little Pinocchio friend has even taken to it. Although I think he has a literacy problem. To GR hypocrite seems to mean, somebody who doesn't agree with him.

Is he the sort of supporter you really want? Is he - like - very young?
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Re: The unpatriotic dissident

Postby Get Real! » Wed Mar 01, 2017 2:54 pm

Londonrake wrote:A bit about the SAS (BTW. You should read the Wicki link with it. It's full of how they were out blowing up innocent civilians in Arab markets, just like GR says).

The Wiki link is the follow-up attempt to free the criminals while they were incarcerated by Iraqis.

You’ll be pleased to hear that the two punks were murdered (read silenced) not too long after those events as the story went public and started threatening certain individuals in high places.
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Re: The unpatriotic dissident

Postby Londonrake » Wed Mar 01, 2017 3:03 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Londonrake wrote:A bit about the SAS (BTW. You should read the Wicki link with it. It's full of how they were out blowing up innocent civilians in Arab markets, just like GR says).

The Wiki link is the follow-up attempt to free the criminals while they were incarcerated by Iraqis.

You’ll be pleased to hear that the two punks were murdered (read silenced) not too long after those events as the story went public and started threatening certain individuals in high places.

I'm sure that gave you a very enjoyable, warm feeling.

I can't wait for your next few syllables of "Debate"
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Re: The unpatriotic dissident

Postby Get Real! » Wed Mar 01, 2017 3:09 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Londonrake wrote:A bit about the SAS (BTW. You should read the Wicki link with it. It's full of how they were out blowing up innocent civilians in Arab markets, just like GR says).

The Wiki link is the follow-up attempt to free the criminals while they were incarcerated by Iraqis.

You’ll be pleased to hear that the two punks were murdered (read silenced) not too long after those events as the story went public and started threatening certain individuals in high places.

I'm sure that gave you a very enjoyable, warm feeling.

I can't wait for your next few syllables of "Debate"

Absolutely! We will never know how many unsuspecting civilians they murdered in markets. Those two weren’t the only ones doing it btw… it was a sustained long-term British campaign and nobody has ever been tried for any of this.

And then an ignorant idiot like you comes along and thinks he can point the finger at Russia for cleansing the world of ISIS! :roll:

Go figure… :? :lol:

* Of course to a racist British CUNT like you they’re just “muzzies” and thus expendable.
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