You have again missed the point (well, deliberately veered away actually) and I certainly haven' t defended anybody's accusations. Nor have I broached the subject of events in the Ukraine or offered my opinion.
Then why post the article if you didn’t want comments on the contents? You are showing how this guy who appears to be a journalist, gets pilloried for being very disrespectful making remarks related to an air crash that just killed many members of a famous military choir. You think this sort of attacking the messenger doesn’t happen in the US/UK?
This man did what you do every week - in your case with complete freedom of speech. He posted his views and criticisms of Russia's engagements on his Facebook account.
But they were untrue! Russia is tougher on dissidents than they are in the US or many western countries, that’s true but what he posted was not true. Then he posts it on Facebook and gets upset when there are repercussions.
For that sin he has been hounded to the point of having to flee the country. The links attached to the article are Russian. They show how people like him are publicly targeted. If not by the State then at least it involves their passive approval. You continually attempt to divert from that OP.
There are a string of journalists in the UK and the US that have been hounded out of the profession and black listed for views that do not comply with the officially accepted line, but they still post articles on the free independent outlets .... those you don’t like and the sources more and more people are using to find out what is really going on in the world. It is the only way they can get their point of view aired.
It's odd that you can't see why people have problems engaging with you in debate. You accept nothing, from any source, which is at odds with your own views.
Have you ever read your posts ...... you always destroy the poster, then his/her sources and then the Authors ............ you never contest the message, then comes the sarcasm and riducule! I suspect because you can’t answer as you only ever contemplate the case for the prosecution ....... you never even consider the case for the defence because it is not what you want to hear. Ukraine .Georgia, Syria, Iran and Russia for example.
There is no debate, it's a sermon, with Hellfire and brimstone verbal assaults to anybody who dares to encroach on your territory. "This is the way it is. I know". There can be no meaningful discussion in that environment
Do you ever say I disagree with you because XXXXXXX. No, because you cannot discus because you cannot counter what is said by anyone else with a reasoned argument, you preach your opinion.
What I said was my common sense point of view, views supported by many sources you don’t like, but as far as you are concerned any counter opinion to yours has to be biased ......... but never your view, that is never biased just above and beyond any questioning!
The rest of your post is just the usual anti-Western stuff. Again, nothing at all to do with the OP.
Any easy get out of not having an answer to a common sense question. You only accept certain aspects of the OP as valid ...... the deeper content is not for discussion?
Anyway, maybe that poor journalist could get a job with the Guardian or the Telegraph? I’ll tell you one thing, if he sent an article to Global Research or Blacklisted News they would more than likely publish it!