I knew from reading the OP what the intention was ...... and you fell for it!
LR is fishing to get you at one another's throats.
As for the article; the minute I read that Russia had occupied Ukraine (
which they have not) and invaded and annexed Crimea (
which again is not true) then it was a propaganda piece! LR talks about every one else being hypocritical but look how he defends this guys published accusations against his own country as a right ...... but condemns anyone that does not fall for the story that the UK/US are the pinnacle of honesty, peace, tolerance and compassion and do nothing but good in the world.
Then look at it with a bit of common sense!
Where is Russia conducting military operations ....... Syria (
Legally) and ......well I can't think of anywhere else. You could say they have a presence in Eastern Ukraine but that is at the same level as the US coalition has in Syria, although I have not seen any reports of Russia using their air power in Ukraine. They have I believe three military bases outside Russia?
Now look at the Empire of Peace ....... they are currently at war in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and regularly use drones in places like Pakistan. They have over 800 bases World Wide in 150 different countries. They have Russia, China and Iran surrounded with a missile shield to protect US interests (
but the US is thousands of miles away), but when Russia puts a missile defence system inside it own territorial border, it is a threat to the western world.
The US has battle fleets all around the world to protect US interests but no doubt would object most strongly, even threaten war, if Russia, China, Iran were to do the same in waters any where near the US mainland or its numerous island bases.
So just an application of common sense says 'someone' has got a grudge against Russia and is using fear tactics and disinformation, as contained in the linked article, on a gullible population to justify claims of a serious threat from Russia to justify their own, far more obvious, aggression. To consider Russia as a peaceful nation has far more credibility than to believe they are a threat ! So Trump is right ..... better to have good relations with Moscow rather than to keep stirring up trouble. You should keep your friends close .... and your enemies (
perceived or otherwise) even closer.