'Old King Crap' is a nasty old chap
who sought to discredit his peers,
he constructed a 'Poll'
which went straight up his hole,
lob him off the rooftops with the 'Queers'.
Sorry I missed all the 'Fun', , my duties compelled me to remain out of touch with civilization for a while and, now that I am back in range, I feel obliged to join the aftermath of the disgusting attempt (by you know whom) to pour scorn upon various creditable contributors to this forum.
I cannot see any mention of a 'Coronation Ceremony' (or some such) and sincerely hope that (if there possibly be one in the offing) I might be invited to attend since I have a connection in the 'Art World' who would be delighted to design an appropriate 'Crown' for the occasion.
'Heroes' have a 'Crown of Laurels', 'Jesus Christ' a 'Crown of 'Thorns', perhaps a 'Crown of Grass' might be appropriate in this case, as 'His Majesty' has oft indicated his willingness to 'Grass Up' his mates and certainly demonstrates his ambitions in the presentation of his ridiculous 'Poll'.
Greetings to all you good folks, glad to be back for a while (I think).