Btw Robin Hood,
I don't have a PPL, Night Rating, IMC, Commercial Pilot Licence and I've never held any of these in my life.
I've never even held a Student Pilot Licence, and never did a GFPT.
Can you execute NDB, VOR, ILS, GNSS, RNAV and VNAV Approaches with that? Or does it just let you fly in conditions below VFR? get into the specifics please. By IMC do you mean Special VFR? Or did you just learn to get yourself out of trouble?
Flying on Instruments takes a bloody long time to master and it's friggin VERY DANGEROUS for people like you.
tell me what the privileges are for this IMC Rating.
Instrument qualifications in the UK
Unless a pilot holds a current instrument qualification they must remain in visual meteorological conditions (VMC) at all times. The exact definition of VMC varies in the different classes of airspace, but they prescribe a certain inflight visibility and distance to be kept away from cloud, and may require the pilot to remain in sight of the surface.
When meteorological conditions are worse than the VMC minima, Instrument meteorological conditions (IMC) are said to exist. The training for the full Instrument Rating is very stringent and costly. Because of this, the UK CAA also issues the IR (Restricted) Rating, which is a limited form of instrument rating which is a lot simpler to obtain.
This was known as the (IMC) rating. It allows flight in IMC but only in certain classes of airspace and with restrictions on conditions for take-off and landing. This is a national rating, meaning it is not ordinarily recognised outside of the UK. It had previously been agreed that pilots who already held the rating before April 2014 would be allowed to use it indefinitely within the UK and to transfer it to a new EASA Private Pilot’s Licence as an Instrument Rating (Restricted). EASA proposed in October 2013 that the UK should be able to issue new restricted instrument ratings for UK pilots until April 2019.
The full Instrument Rating can also be added onto an EASA licence. This allows flight in instrument meteorological conditions in all classes of airspace, provided the aircraft is capable of the conditions encountered. In particular, an IR is required to act as a pilot on a scheduled flight.
Paphitis wrote:Yes thank you, I know what IMC is too.
Where did you do the ILS and remained outside Controlled Air?
And one more thing, doing it on the simulator isn't what I'm talking about. You can't experience Spatial Disorientation on a simulator and its that which will kill you. Reading instruments and an AH is easy, but ignoring all your basic human instincts and sensations that we have had since we were cave men isn't easy, especially when you got no sense of balance or visual acuity.
But what about limited panel. Can you stay upright on a Turn and Bank Coordinator with the AH failed? Did they teach you that or not? You were an accident waiting to happen Robin Hood. Pure and simple.
You're only a PPL IR and the UK CAA was suppose to repeal these qualifications in 2014 to be in line with the rest of the world. It didn't because of the British Pilots Association and will do it in 2019.
they don't want PPL pilots to have these qualifications because its a recipe for disaster.
And your attitude proves that. You profess to have under 100 hours and think you can fly IMC at night and in anger in a busy cockpit environment and without an instructor to hold your hand.
Would you turn your landing lights on the circuit or passing 10000 and minimum 15nms out? Last time you said circuit.
What is legal and what is fair and right are not always the same thing. Slavery used to be legal. Segregation based on race used to be legal. Being gay used to be illegal. If what is legal and what is right are not the same, then what should change is the law, not the other way around.
Therefore if the majority of the people of Crimea want to be independent or part of Russia and not part of Ukraine then so be it. The same goes for Scotland and Kurdistan. The "West" is hypocritical in placing sanctions against Russia for this issue when they don't do the same for Turkey about Cyprus.
......... but is committing war crimes such as ethnic cleansing and transferring part of her own population on occupied territory.
The British gained the bases by playing a dirty game against the native Cypriots and the bases are nothing more than a remnant of Colonialism.
I agree with you but no matter what laws you apply, they have to be applied to all ..... there can be no opt out’s for selected individuals or States.
I’m not sure ‘playing a dirty game’ is a fair description? They played the game according to the laws/rules that applied at the time. The Island was never invaded or taken by force by the UK, they annexed it from Turkey in WWI.
Sotos wrote:I agree with you but no matter what laws you apply, they have to be applied to all ..... there can be no opt out’s for selected individuals or States.
I agree that they should be applied to all, but if one state doesn't follow the rules it doesn't mean that none should. Many violate the speed limit but not all pay a penalty. What is hypocritical is when somebody who doesn't follow the rules himself accuses others.
If the majority follow the rules under the auspices of a supreme global authority (a United Nations with balls?) then those that don't could be made to toe the line, no matter how 'exceptional' they deem them selves to be ..... or face UN Globally enforced sanctions ..... maybe? I am not holding my breath for that to happen.
I’m not sure ‘playing a dirty game’ is a fair description? They played the game according to the laws/rules that applied at the time. The Island was never invaded or taken by force by the UK, they annexed it from Turkey in WWI.
Yes, but they continued holding on Cyprus long after WWII when Colonialism was already unacceptable and they played a very dirty game to keep parts of Cyprus under Colonial rule to this day. The vast majority of Cypriots wanted union with Greece and the right thing to do would be to hold a referendum in Cyprus for this, just like they did for Gibraltar and the Falklands. But they remember about democracy only when it suits them.
Maybe you are right? I tend not to express opinions on politics in Cyprus .... I am a guest here and it is something I regard as a minefield and a sure way to make enemies!![]()
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