Excuse me Cabbie, but I believe my, I mean Mickleham's, posting is absolutely correct
so svetlana, can we rejuvenate our races?
As for us, Western Europeans, we have been deprived for too long from these people and especially the so beautiful Russian women who just lately started to rejuvenated our race by inter-marrying with us lately
that is because there are not enough men in russian and also the population of russia is on the decline, there are very few births.
so if you happen to go to russian you can see a whole lot of single women who are looking very sad for want of a man.
as for the few russian men, they like any other normal man find the grass greener on the other side.
iam thinking of getting a multiple entry visa to russia.....so that each time i go to russia, i can make some woman happy.
ah iam so helpful.........