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Greek Cypriots lose once again!

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Greek Cypriots lose once again!

Postby MrH » Sat Feb 18, 2017 3:29 am

I find it hilariously funny how the Greek Cypriots, for some strange reason, believe that they have any control over our lives in the TRNC. Hillarious. We fly hundreds of plane hours to Ercan Airport, operate Mercedes, Nike and Japanese cars and even Pepsi Cola under licenses from Turkey Due to the Isolation instigated and maintained by the Evil Greek Cypriot so called compatriots. What does that do? It brings us closer to Turkey. The moment you try to further our isolation will be the day that Turkish Cypriots and Turkey integrate into one country. In the meantime it looks like the TRNC has been officially acknowledged and upgraded by the 57 nation block of the OIC. Checkmate....the Greek Cypriots have now finally lost. Good bye talks and good bye Cyprus.

If the Greek Cypriots had an inch of a political brain, they would have recognised the "Turkish CYPRIOT Fedrated state", worked closely with us, broken down all political and economic barriers of trade, where within only a few years would have placed a huge amount of pressure on Turkey, thus convincing the world that both Cypriot Federal states work very closely and could boost confidence measures in integrating many services. If the GCs don't recognise the TRNC, why do they agree and continue to agree with HSBC opening of further checkpoints along the border knowing that it was their rivals Denktas whom started it I'm 2003! I bet even Olympic Airways would have been landing in Ercan Airport by now. Since 2004 let's say, the island would have been fully unified. BUT, THANK GOD the Greek Cypriots are ultra nationalists and hate all Turks whether Turkish Cypriot or mainland, the current status quo has remained and the TRNC is now being elevated even more so in recent months than ever before. Thus, when I'm asked if the GREEK Cypriots know their politics, I simply laugh and tell people that they are the most uneducated and dumbest nation for losing Northern Cyprus because of their deep rooted hatred. For the Turkish Cypriots to have voted a resounding 65% Yes in the 2004 Annan Plan, and now to have voted in someone like Akinci to once again give them a second chance, the Greek Cypriots must seriously either got to be the most dim-witted people on this planet or seriously hate us.
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Re: Greek Cypriots lose once again!

Postby boomerang » Sat Feb 18, 2017 5:33 am

closer to turkey...they own your ass...the farts are dislodging your bud plug...

if the Roc allowed turkey to annex the north all the tcs will move to the south and happily accept one man one vote...idiot...

who the hell wants to be part of an upcoming blackmailing Islamic country?...with a soon acquired caliph for life?...are you fucking nuts?...

soon our new neighbours will be the kurds...firstly via a turkey annexation and secondly they are going to out breed the turks in as little as 20 years...

count your blessings the RoC is not this mean...
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Re: Greek Cypriots lose once again!

Postby MrH » Mon Feb 20, 2017 12:57 am

Here's a secret boomerang, TURKEY ANNEXED NORTHERN CYPRUS MANY years ago, but of course you need to be able to speak proper Turkish to understand that as how the Turkish Cypriot youth do today! Northern Cyprus is gone, while the TRNC is playing the ROC for a fool with the Opening of the Boarder Crossing prior to any solution. So you like Visiting Turkey then as that's Exactly what Northern Cyprus is!
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Re: Greek Cypriots lose once again!

Postby MrH » Mon Feb 20, 2017 1:01 am

If you don't believe what I've said above, simply cross over the Cyprus BOARDER-CEASEFIRE LINE and read "NE MUTLUYUM TURKUM DIYENE". Turkey is badly taking your side for a fool and the UN are also in on it everytime the UN Boarder mandate is ratified by your side every year! Lol.....what a bunch of idiots your government members are!
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Re: Greek Cypriots lose once again!

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Feb 20, 2017 3:49 am

...seriously, you think, "a resounding 65% Yes" is success?

...if Turkey is so keen on a Federation, there would have been no Annan 4, or Annan 5.

Turkey doesn't even want to help the "Cypriot Turks", as they call them, certainly Cypriots who are Turkish still exist, voiceless as it is, small victories, like flying the Flag of Cyprus, "legally", if you dare...

...only "Turkishness" counts, and that according to Erdogan.

Frankly, MrH, you are a disappointment, not Cypriot, more a coward that enjoys what little fear you can generate as a "Turk"; are you a "Turk"?
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Re: Greek Cypriots lose once again!

Postby boomerang » Mon Feb 20, 2017 7:16 am

see your stupidity is really starting to shine... "he who is proud to be a parasite" :lol:
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