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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)


Postby MrH » Thu Feb 16, 2017 11:41 pm

Since 1963 the UN talks in search for this fantasy and infamous Federal based resolution under one umbrella have gone to waste and failed everytime, what makes today's process any different? The truth is, like the Palestinian and Israeli talks, it's high time the Cyprus talks now move to either a clear Two State agreement, or even a Velvet Divorce of two Republic states working closely "side by side". But....but, and here's the Point.....It's Turkish Cypriot traitors and blinded socialist liberals like Mehmet Ali Tala and now MUSTAFA AKINCI whom choose to Waste our time year after year on pointless processes, referendums and blinded talks to no avail but to continue to undermine our liberties and destroy the future of our youth on the International Stage. Like Brexit, it's time now for our Turkish Cypriots to formalise our referendum endorsed in the 1983 declaration of the TRNC to breakaway from the ROC. Therefore, the only element that should be discussed is the "acceptable" divide of the territory of the island.
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Postby MrH » Fri Feb 17, 2017 12:54 am

Here's the deal....The ROC Exits the EU, a solution to the Cyprus problem is secured, and then the Turkish Cypriots as one of the PARTNER founding people's of the ORIGINAL CYPRUS REPUBLIC 1960 makes its Vote as to whether the Island of Cyprus should join the EU block. While at this moment, the ROC has done everything contrary to what the Turkish Cypriots would have liked to see the island develop into! Do that, and maybe, just maybe unification might be a distant reality. Other than this, you might as well close this Money making, advertisement filled, and pointless forum!
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Postby MrH » Fri Feb 17, 2017 12:55 am

The ROC must leave the EU
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Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Feb 17, 2017 1:08 am

...tell you what, take 4.3%, "you" and the "Greeks"; that's too much but for the sake of Peace, "your" piece, and a piece for the "Greeks": figure out how to divide "that" among you.
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Postby DrCyprus » Fri Feb 17, 2017 9:30 am

MrH wrote:The ROC must leave the EU

The Turks must leave Cyprus.
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Postby B25 » Fri Feb 17, 2017 9:33 am

MrH wrote:The ROC must leave the EU

Yeah, bet you'd love that, this is what this is all about isn't it??

Countries that have the xxx-exit, are real sovereign countries, not some piss-pot invaded illegal state-lets demanding the rights of a REAL country.

You have wasted our time, but hey after 42 years of waiting who cares anymore. Build us the wall, pay for it and stay the Fuck out of the real legal genuine Cyprus. Wollow in your shit hole under the thumb of your Erdocunt and in 5 years even your own wives will be wearing burqas.

Hade assirktir
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Feb 17, 2017 11:30 am

MrH wrote:...or even a Velvet Divorce

Unfortunately for you there’s no such thing on offer through international law (UNSC/UNGA) but its something uneducated Turks have invented that can never come to pass.
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Postby DrCyprus » Fri Feb 17, 2017 12:59 pm

It's high time we have a MrHexit, where MrH takes his fat British ass and goes outside the Kebab shop he hides in to see the real world, instead of using this forum as his personal toilet.
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Postby MrH » Sat Feb 18, 2017 3:44 am


DrCyprus...and Get real..You actually mean Journalist building! In today's world of Social Media, each one of your Negative comments against anything TRNC and Turkish Cypriot is used as evidence in each and every report I write, every business head I see via the UK and Turkey. And now with Turkey's Economic Power elevated from 116th to 16th in the world, thankfully to companies such as Morgan Stanley, Deutche Bank, SocGen, Bloom berg, Reuters, Factset, Fidessa, Pepsi, Coca Cola, Apple, Google and many more strongly invested in Turkey, the Uneducated and bankrupt backers in Greece are not even blinked at by those Turkish Sympathisers. In addition, Germany's relationship with Turkey is now so strong that Turkey's EU membership cannot become a reality due to its lucrative economic advantages shared between the two countries as external business collaborators. But of course the Greek Cypriot minds are to narrow to see past their tree-lined decaying Limassol strip! All the Greek world does is beg the IMF and World Bank and EU for loans, knowingly that it'll take the next 40 years to even start paying them off, while Turkey under Erdogan has paid off Turkey's debt and is now even contributing to the IMF cause by offering it loans to help countries like Greece! Wake up to the real world and realise that if you don't work with the HOST of the Middle East, being Turkey, Cyprus and Greece will be seriously left behind if not already. Even Britain, Israel and the US are begging for you guys to work closely with Turkey on the Gas-Hydro affair.

Sorry, it's now 1:54 I'm at a London airport and I need to catch my plane to Zurich, and then to Athens!
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Postby boomerang » Sat Feb 18, 2017 5:26 am

social media in turkey?...they are all rotting in jail FFS... lol

in the mean time we have a Kurdistan in iraq, another springing up in syria and soon another in turkey all with compliments of your "partners"... lol
the turks are whining to the us, the "partner" is arming the PYD, while the Russians are pushing for an autonomous region in syria...they even bombed the turks on the eve of the CIA dude coming to turkey...well you can believe it was an accident...the turks even said so what else are they going to say?...the Russians did on purpose?...turks are russian guests in syria, don't you forget deviate from their policy and they will obliterate the NATO article 5 is gonna save you in syria... lol
simply put the blackmailing turks have become everybodies bitch...

the currency has fallen and is the worst performer amongst all world the way have you changed all your savings to turkish liras yet as your sultan commanded?...if not
what kind of a turk are you?...a traitor?... lol

tell me, since you have a vast amount of knowledge, at what point would the turks become billionaires again...please remember the hot money has dried up, arab money YOK, because they are screwed as well...please go ahead and enlighten us with your vast economic knowledge... lol ...oh yes I nearly forgot, the IMF loans were replaced with Saudi loans you idiot...just shifted that's all...otherwise if turkey was doing so well why then the currency has crashed?

I need also to ask, what planet are you residing?...because every turk forum I read, the turkish economy is going down the gurgler, they are talking civil war if the constitution gets a yes vote...

I say time is on our side as I see it...the AKP is the best thing since slice bread, happening in the region...part and parcel of the greater middle east project...see the RoC is not part of the greater middle east project because is an eu member...

long live Erdogan...see I even support Erdogan the next turkish caliph

you are a moron...the status quo will thankfull the RoC has not given permission to turkey to annex the north...yes permission...a tiny country holds turkey by the balls and you can't stand that can can't stand it because you are turkey slapped...24/7... lol ...well turkey is turkey slapped by the us, russia, the arabs, iraq, iran, syria, israel, and azerbajan because they chose Israel armaments to Turkish ones...have I left anyone out?...

anyway the oil/gas is coming out soon and it will flow from Cyprus to the eu....why you ask?...because no one trusts the blackmailing turks and all this thanks to the soon to be the turkish sultan for life...

all I see is the splitting of turkey because the jews want it...and when the jews want something they get it...let me give you an example...turkey is a partner on the f35...servicing will be done at set locations...the jews already got 2 x f35's they will service them themselves, only country to get the codes, and 50 more coming, all paid by the US their the mean time turkey a partner, haven't got any yet, and will never any codes...the jews can modify the f35s to suit their missiles, only country allowed to do this...why is that you think?...and dare say the way they are behaving they might not even get any...

nothing will change in are just can't, the us, Russia, eu and china will not allowed....they all have situations that prevents them from recognising the north...get it through your thick head...turkey is not, never was and never will be the centre of the universe... she is just another bitch that today has some usefulness regardless how useless she is...when that evaporates so will turkey...yeah, yeah I hear yeah the turks are born natural fighters, but here we are with the loss of an empire that had a vast amount of territory...were they different turks then and today the turks are on steroids?...please cut the crap...

try getting your bud plug re-fitted and give your mouth a try to making different noises... lol lol

in the mean time STFU and stop crapping all over the place, get back to the kebab shop and get me the doner kebab I ordered, pronto...
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