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Which member posts most ...crap !

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Poll ended at Sat Feb 18, 2017 8:45 pm

Robin Hood
GR the Psycho
Lordo the ..Brains
Shashnegger The Isis supporter
Paphitis the consistent one
Miltiades , the gracious one !!
Total votes : 17

Re: Which member posts most ...crap !

Postby miltiades » Sat Feb 25, 2017 1:19 pm

With ... intricate knowledge that you claim to posses how come you got the Syrian issue so wrong !!
YOU demanded the removal of Assad, YOU failed to achieve it. Aleppo that you said would never fall has fallen.
No fly zone over Syria has not materialized, in fact none of your ....esteemed :lol: predictions has come to fruition, including of course the US presidential elections.

You still can not properly spell POOPPOOTIN :lol: :lol: Abit like Lordo the brains and terggggy !
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Re: Which member posts most ...crap !

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Feb 25, 2017 4:21 pm

The poll ended on the 18th Feb and still no reasoned analysis? So I will give mine. :D

Although Militiades topped the poll with 7 votes, Paphitis came a close second with 5. Even without considering the accusations of multiple votes by a single member, the result was close.

Reading through many of Militi’s posts it would appear to me that he doesn’t so much post ‘crap’ as many of his posts are quite logical and well informed, but, he does have the frequently applied habit of responding on a very short fuse and uses shall we say colourful language to get his point over. He calls ‘a spade a spade’! This may upset many members who are easily offended or are of a tender nature. I can say, however he has never abused me in that way ....... or any other way come to that! :?

Paphitis on the other hand really does produce reams of his unbridled opinion which often lacks understanding, foundation (proof) and rationale. Although he rarely responds to any queries on his pronouncements he can also reply in colourful ways although he tends not to be as ‘colourful’ as Milti. He is guilty of often posting multiple consecutive posts of some length and very often contradicts himself from one post to the next. He often resorts to denial when shown to be incorrect. He calls ‘a spade a pickaxe’ and then denies it and then changes the argument to lawnmowers!

So for actually posting ‘crap’ Paphitis is in my book, more guilty than Miltiades. However his comments made on other members are still insulting but less offensive than those made by Milti.

So, on balance I would declare a tie as no definition of the term ‘crap’ has ever been specified. :roll: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Which member posts most ...crap !

Postby miltiades » Sat Feb 25, 2017 5:12 pm

Robin Hood wrote:The poll ended on the 18th Feb and still no reasoned analysis? So I will give mine. :D

Although Militiades topped the poll with 7 votes, Paphitis came a close second with 5. Even without considering the accusations of multiple votes by a single member, the result was close.

Reading through many of Militi’s posts it would appear to me that he doesn’t so much post ‘crap’ as many of his posts are quite logical and well informed, but, he does have the frequently applied habit of responding on a very short fuse and uses shall we say colourful language to get his point over. He calls ‘a spade a spade’! This may upset many members who are easily offended or are of a tender nature. I can say, however he has never abused me in that way ....... or any other way come to that! :?

Paphitis on the other hand really does produce reams of his unbridled opinion which often lacks understanding, foundation (proof) and rationale. Although he rarely responds to any queries on his pronouncements he can also reply in colourful ways although he tends not to be as ‘colourful’ as Milti. He is guilty of often posting multiple consecutive posts of some length and very often contradicts himself from one post to the next. He often resorts to denial when shown to be incorrect. He calls ‘a spade a pickaxe’ and then denies it and then changes the argument to lawnmowers!

So for actually posting ‘crap’ Paphitis is in my book, more guilty than Miltiades. However his comments made on other members are still insulting but less offensive than those made by Milti.

So, on balance I would declare a tie as no definition of the term ‘crap’ has ever been specified. :roll: :lol: :lol:

A good analysis Robin. I have been on this forum for almost 11 years, over this long period I have come to know most of the regular contributors not least Paphitis, GR , SHNAZZZENIGGER the Pervert and many many more that I consider as friends and ones that would never be called to as it were. I have met numerous members personally, have spoken to Paphitis on the phone and had a cordial chat.
There are for me RED LINES that whoever crosses deserves no more than my utter contempt.
First and foremost would be a verbal attack on my family, I have never in all years ever insulted any members family and would never dream of such low down behaviour. Those that do so are for me disgusting individuals and deserve nothing more than utter contempt and on ...occasions accompanied by colourful and rather expressive language.

As for the votes I gracefully received, 5 were given to me by the Psycho, I know....
I post regularly, I post funny stories, I post frivolous material but I do not post crap.
A new poll will soon emerge but will respect Pahitis' request to ...strike him out :lol: :lol:
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Re: Which member posts most ...crap !

Postby Schnauzer » Sat Feb 25, 2017 6:33 pm

Whilst on the subject of 'Analysis', I think it quite interesting to note how the attitude/emotion of the raiser of this 'Poll' morphed from an initial positive glee toward a gradual despondency and final plea for face saving support.

Within the space of a very short time, it was apparent that all was not going according to plan, therefore, it was time to declare that the intention was to introduce a little 'Friendly Banter', a feeble attempt to convince that the 'Poll' was neither hurtful nor harmful to the reputations of any that were nominated by the raiser.

Then.....HORROR, ..... GR announced the result of the 'Poll' and the raiser hastily departed, silence fell upon all members who were concerned as to where the raiser might be BUT, between Sunday and Monday evenings, the newly appointed 'King of Crap' managed to spend a 'Long Week-end' (his words) apologized for his absence then launched into another attempt to distance himself from the result of the 'Poll' by declaring that GR had posted '4' of the votes cast against him.

The '4' soon became '5' when he sensed that a glimmer of hope remained BUT, finally, he actually 'Begged' forum members to cast votes for him in order that he might be able to convince us all that "It was all a little bit of frivolity" and that we should not take ourselves too seriously. :lol: :lol: :lol: (three laughs here I reckon).

Too late mate, there is no way out, the result stands and we ALL must bend our knee to the (Reluctant I am sure) undisputed 'King of Crap', long may you reign. 8)
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Re: Which member posts most ...crap !

Postby Get Real! » Sat Feb 25, 2017 6:38 pm

Schnauzer's perfect analysis cannot be faulted... :lol:
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Re: Which member posts most ...crap !

Postby Get Real! » Sat Feb 25, 2017 6:55 pm

I recall some years ago when Milti lost another poll (yes, it’s a recurring theme :lol: ) and his immediate reaction was my “multiple accounts” that allegedly rigged the result.

His accusations went on and on until Admin made a very rare intervention to verify that I only had the one account putting an end to the arguments! :lol:
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Re: Which member posts most ...crap !

Postby Schnauzer » Sat Feb 25, 2017 7:39 pm

Get Real! wrote:I recall some years ago when Milti lost another poll (yes, it’s a recurring theme :lol: ) and his immediate reaction was my “multiple accounts” that allegedly rigged the result.

His accusations went on and on until Admin made a very rare intervention to verify that I only had the one account putting an end to the arguments! :lol:

I thought it quite interesting to note just how transparent his intentions were in the raising of this 'Poll', his usual approach is to initially proffer his own views without realizing that such an opening immediately places a bias upon the subject matter which must corrupt the result, perhaps that is why he invariably ends up with egg on his face OR (as in this case) a 'Crown' upon his head). :lol: :lol:

His NEXT 'Poll', I await in anticipation, it might serve him well to engage the services of some other (less vulgar) person to assist him, I am sure he would welcome any success that his foul intentions might produce, he might even receive some encouragement from those of the more obscure members who have undoubtedly received numerous 'PMs' begging for support prior to the launch of it, nothing would surprise me.

As a 'Judge' asked of a defendant accused of a sexual act with a 'Red Setter', " How low can you get ?", "Down to a 'Dachshund' your Honour" was the reply. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Which member posts most ...crap !

Postby miltiades » Sat Feb 25, 2017 7:46 pm

The Pervert concurs with the Psychopath.
Two peas or rather two religious piss in a pot.
Both support the savages, both hate the west and both are prospective jihad it's. To both I say
Fuck off !!!
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Re: Which member posts most ...crap !

Postby miltiades » Sat Feb 25, 2017 7:57 pm

For the benefit of newcomers on the forum let me introduce to you the Pervert and the Psychopath.
Firstly. The Pervert , a recent convert to the religion of peace , admires and fully supports ISIS and justifies each disgusting gruesome act committed by these medieval savages.
As for the Psychopath, he fully endorses the Perverts beliefs .
Both of these sick Bastards would terrorise the forum members if Miltiades was not around to ....politely ask them to go and blow themselves up amongst the Isis savages.
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Re: Which member posts most ...crap !

Postby Londonrake » Sat Feb 25, 2017 8:03 pm

miltiades wrote:For the benefit of newcomers on the forum let me introduce to you the Pervert and the Psychopath.
Firstly. The Pervert , a recent convert to the religion of peace , admires and fully supports ISIS and justifies each disgusting gruesome act committed by these medieval savages.
As for the Psychopath, he fully endorses the Perverts beliefs .
Both of these sick Bastards would terrorise the forum members if Miltiades was not around to ....politely ask them to go and blow themselves up amongst the Isis savages.

But apart from that Mil........................ you have no strong feelings? :D :wink:
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