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Which member posts most ...crap !

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Poll ended at Sat Feb 18, 2017 8:45 pm

Robin Hood
GR the Psycho
Lordo the ..Brains
Shashnegger The Isis supporter
Paphitis the consistent one
Miltiades , the gracious one !!
Total votes : 17

Re: Which member posts most ...crap !

Postby Paphitis » Sat Feb 25, 2017 7:17 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:Yes , an identical one, almost, but this time we will have the names shown.
This will of course limit you to just one vote.
Sometime later on today the NEW poll will appear.

I only have one account so if people vote exactly as they did in the incognito then I fear you'll get hurt.

7 unique individuals voted for you Milti and you'd better believe it.

Your computer wizardry is well known on the forum. 3 Individuals voted for me, 4 GRs also :lol:
Lets have a bet if I ...loose :lol: will pay you 100 euros if I win, you would never bloody well pay :lol: :lol:

I suggest:
Who voted for Milti?
Who voted for Pahitis?
Who voted for someone else?
Who did not vote?

May I interject to this suggestion.

no one has permission to be including me in any polls. I will take it as a personal attack against me.

nor do i need to know who voted for me. I prefer not knowing so I can treat everyone equally. I am actually happy to polarize the forum with my not so popular at times POV but at least I have a well rounded POV and are not some kind of easily led sheep or seek favour with the forum in a popularity contest or just because my parents thought that way. many people try and get others to gang up on me, but I work alone and it takes confidence and brains to do that. I have my own worldview and it is formulated on a case by case basis, not some hysterical anti American or anti EU, or anti anything platform like some. I am also quite happy to support Trump and give him a go, because I have an open mind.

If people want my friendship on this forum, they have it, but I am not going to suck arse with anyone or change my POV because people don't like my POV or seek off forum meetings with some idiots, and put a bucket on my head or bury it in the sand.

My POV is in fact something that is sacred to me because it is what I believe in and what I ca`n reconcile with regard to my own values, and mindset.

There is only one member here I would close the door to, and that person wears a white singlet, white socks and sandals and is old.


it's also an embarrassment to be lumped in with the likes of miltiades. I never sort this kind of attention and it is unwelcome.
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Re: Which member posts most ...crap !

Postby Paphitis » Sat Feb 25, 2017 7:21 am

now with my previous post.


If this happens, I will be reporting the post and sending the ADMIN a strong protest via PM.

Don't say I didn't warn you guys. I've said it out in the open and now you know.

I'm no dibber dobber but anymore polls involving me will no doubt force my hand.

PS: I don't mind well intentioned and funny polls as long as they are well intended and funny, but any polls like this is a NO NO!

I have been personally targeted with the most polls on this forum ever, and they have personal overtones attacking my POV and intellect. it is completely undesirable and unwelcome attention designed specifically to discredit me and my POV.

If people are unable to counter my arguments without resorting to these types of personal attacks on my POV, then may I suggest you place me on your ignore lists and save yourselves the embarrassment because these types of polls and personal attacks are more a reflection of the instigator and not me.

My POVs are sometimes very unpopular on a Cypriot Forum. You should all be thanking your lucky stars that there is someone like me giving you all the flip side and a different way of looking at things because it makes you richer and a lot of people learn things from my posts. Sensible and well rounded things even if I do say so myself.

I am not some idiot that came down in yesterday's shower.

yes, sometimes I say things that are extraordinarily unpopular. like when I actually say things like Islamic State is the least of the Coalition's problems. Well I friggin mean it. I base it on what I perceive the dangers to be. Those dangers are things like sectarian conflict between Sunni and Shia. This is the real threat to all of us. it is the biggest threat to the Coalition, EU, Australia and Pootin's Russia as well. You can bury your heads in the sand if you want to, but not me.

And bombing Aleppo in the way it has been done will only make things 100 times worse. You will see the fruits of it very soon. thousands of dead and war on our streets too.

I may say things that give many of you a brain melt down, but I also stick by my positions and fight my corner. You only see rag-heads chopping off heads but I see a much bigger picture than you do!

This Islamic State threat is for LOW INFORMATION individuals like the people who voted for trump in the rust belt and don't think that all of you are any different because all of you (minus a few exceptions) are ALL low information imbeciles!

It's like Israel. All of you condemn Israel. but you don't even know what it is you are condemning and what you are supporting. It's very easy being a Guardian Reader and saying how dare the Israelis, but you put yourself in their shoes and ask yourselves what kind of 2 State solution you want.

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Re: Which member posts most ...crap !

Postby Paphitis » Sat Feb 25, 2017 8:06 am

Coming up with over simplistic means of analyzing International affairs is just very poor for whoever engages in it.

Like for instance, when some of you guys support Russia with no questions asked.

What are you supporting?

Well in the case of Crimea, you are supporting the annexation of territory belonging to a sovereign state and then some of you have the audacity to accuse the West of somehow corrupting the United Nations because it has resoundingly on this occasion actually condemned violations against International law.

may I suggest it is these posters who are posting crap! again, it's undeniable, as you fluctuate from one extreme to another, condemning the UN whenever it calls out Russia and be the first to revere them when they call out Turkey, Israel or America. It is what I would call, complete and utter 100% crap, and then you would start a poll like this flinging crap against other members on this forum.

That is the truth of the matter. it is undeniable. Russia is in the wrong here and has violated the Minsk Agreement.

How many friggin times has the UN vetoed the West? Every single time we put stuff before the security council concerning Iran, North Korea, or war crimes in Syria including the use of Sarin and Chlorine gas, we are vetoed by Russia and China (no one else).

Yes it's friggin corrupt but it isn't stacked in our favour either.

that is who you are supporting and the actions you are supporting so don't try and take the high horse now and then accuse Coalition of assisting the Islamic state because that is completely NOT TRUE and only propaganda to show us in a bad light. the fact of the matter is this. Only the Coalition has been fighting Islamic state. The Russians have conned you all but deep down you know it.

look at how we are engaging Islamic State in east and West Mosul. We are gaining ground every day and look at the city itself. Do you see a BIG difference between Coalition Vs Russia/Assad? If you do not, then go to spec-savers.

so do some of you really want the downfall of America? well if you do, then how stupid can you get. some of you even want to downfall of the EU. I even made a statement to that effect in the past but I was pissed off at the way greece and cyprus were treated. It is in fact however an unsound position as the EU (all countries within it) are our really good friends and allies so of course there is no ill will to any of them. Only 100% support, but at the same time Britain and even France will enjoy 100% support even after BREXIT or FREXIT because we are all like-minded Nations of this world sharing the same values and morals which for now are not shared with pootin's Russia.

May I also point out, there is nothing better for Pootin than to see the downfall of the EU and also NATO. That's because they hate you and they have expansionist plans against countries of eastern Europe. You will see in time.
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Re: Which member posts most ...crap !

Postby CrookedRiverGuy » Sat Feb 25, 2017 8:43 am

Separated nicely in two adjacent posts, with a loud "END OF!" distinction in between:

Paphitis wrote:All of you condemn Israel. but you don't even know what it is you are condemning and what you are supporting.

Paphitis wrote:What are you supporting? Well in the case of Crimea, you are supporting the annexation of territory belonging to a sovereign state and then some of you have the audacity to accuse the West of somehow corrupting the United Nations because it has resoundingly on this occasion actually condemned violations against International law.

This posted on a forum under "Which member posts most crap" where too many of its users knows perfectly well the costs that comes from annexation of territory. The notion of having two completely different views on Israel/Palestine and Russia/Crime is ... *sigh!*

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Re: Which member posts most ...crap !

Postby Paphitis » Sat Feb 25, 2017 8:59 am

CrookedRiverGuy wrote:Separated nicely in two adjacent posts, with a loud "END OF!" distinction in between:

Paphitis wrote:All of you condemn Israel. but you don't even know what it is you are condemning and what you are supporting.

Paphitis wrote:What are you supporting? Well in the case of Crimea, you are supporting the annexation of territory belonging to a sovereign state and then some of you have the audacity to accuse the West of somehow corrupting the United Nations because it has resoundingly on this occasion actually condemned violations against International law.

This posted on a forum under "Which member posts most crap" where too many of its users knows perfectly well the costs that comes from annexation of territory. The notion of having two completely different views on Israel/Palestine and Russia/Crime is ... *sigh!*

no further comments

Yes but actually there are no separate points of view here.

The position is that everyone condemns the settlements in the west bank. That includes all of Israel's biggest supporters. They even believe that new settlements are a hindrance to a 2 state Solution.

Now the DIFFICULTY: They also know that Israel can not proceed to the negotiations table with Hamaz and Hezbollah. That is something that just can't happen.

Which is why one sided resolutions are unhelpful and why they keep getting vetoed. A resolution actually targeting both Israel and Iran is something that is better, because it would actually force Iran to the table as well because they are responsible for this terrorism. But no one is even mentioning iran and Hezbollah which is a very big shame and a huge own goal in Israel's favour. just like the settlements are an own goal against Israel. But why not mention both in the interests of peace. both sides should hang their heads in shame but the finger is pointed to one party only.

Look at it this way. if you were netanyahu, would you negotiate a 2 State and effectively sign the existence of hamaz and Hezbollah on your own border?

let's just say they did? Does that address Israel's Security Concerns? Everyone seems to ignore that. Which of course, doesn't bode well at all for anyone.
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Re: Which member posts most ...crap !

Postby Paphitis » Sat Feb 25, 2017 9:16 am

The other question to ask and this is a real BIG one.

Will Iran recognize The State of Israel if they sign a 2 state Solution?

i think we all know the answer to that one don't we? Isn't it obvious?

Will netanyahu's jet be able to fly over Iran next time? If so, I am sure they will sign such a deal within 7 days flat and you will see Israeli bulldozers go in and knock down all their settlements. :lol:

So let's just point the finger against one side and expect the Israelis to sign off on a terrorist State right next door to them as if they aren't already surrounded.

That's not going to work.

It's an interesting question that needs to be resolved. Will Iran recognize Israel? Probably not! So why would they negotiate when we know that's OFF the table?

2 way street not one way street. :roll:

They came real close a few years ago, but Iran did what it did to get rid of Arafat because he was then labelled a traitor and Hamaz and Hezbollah took over.

Did anyone ask WHY the UN Resolutions were vetoed? Did anyone actually care? No I don't think anyone did care to ask WHY?

That's the problem. We all like to condemn one side without having an in depth knowledge as to WHY and without acknowledging Israel's concerns over Security.

The thing is, if there is good will on both sides, the Palestinian Question will be solved. Problem is, there isn't any mutual good will from either side at all. The Iranian positions (Hezbollah) are hard line and non compromising and this forces Israel to be the same. Which is a real big shame because it leads to a dead end for everyone.
Last edited by Paphitis on Sat Feb 25, 2017 9:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Which member posts most ...crap !

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Feb 25, 2017 9:43 am


Five lengthy posts all expressing your opinion. The World as you see it ...... and every view that opposes your view even if supported you ignore. The only sources you accept are such as the Washington Post, The New York Times and CNN or the BBC. So now you have a problem .... the White House has excluded them from press briefings as they generate most of the fake news.

Your posts, in just this thread alone, shows you have an inability to stick to the thread, any thread ..... you use every thread as a sound board for your opinions on any subject that takes your fancy. Even when challenged to provide anything to back your views you can't, because there is no one on the Planet that shares your opinions. Neither you or your views have any credibility!

BTW: I have no white socks, I only wear a proper white shirt for formal events and meetings, but I do confess to having several pairs of sandals, a few pairs of posh shoes gathering dust in the wardrobe and spend most of my time wearing various types of boots. I even have a pair of Red Wings . Tell me .... do you wear a hat with corks on bits of string to keep the flies off? As for age .... I may be older than you but I am very obviously a lot wiser! :lol: :lol: Tell me how old are you ? :?:
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Re: Which member posts most ...crap !

Postby Paphitis » Sat Feb 25, 2017 9:54 am

Robin Hood wrote:
Five lengthy posts all expressing your opinion. The World as you see it ...... and every view that opposes your view even if supported you ignore. The only sources you accept are such as the Washington Post, The New York Times and CNN or the BBC. So now you have a problem .... the White House has excluded them from press briefings as they generate most of the fake news.

not at all. I accept pretty much all sources, just not your sources because your sources are complete propaganda sources from the Russian and Iranian state.

I would accept Israeli sources though a lot more. WHY? because they have a free press and a variety of viewpoints even viewpoints which are against the settlements and against Fundamentalist settlers which are not popular among the liberal conscious Israelis of Tel Aviv.

That in itself, separates Israel from the likes of Iran in a very good way.

Robin Hood wrote:Your posts, in just this thread alone, shows you have an inability to stick to the thread, any thread ..... you use every thread as a sound board for your opinions on any subject that takes your fancy. Even when challenged to provide anything to back your views you can't, because there is no one on the Planet that shares your opinions. Neither you or your views have any credibility!

On the contrary! I am fully aware who the target of such threads are and quite frankly I am not impressed. I have been the subject of ridicule by such threads for a long time by people who love to take everything out of context to degrade and attack the credibility of my POV.

That isn't a game I am willing to play anymore, and the instigators of these personal attacks are only degrading their own credibility not mine.

Robin Hood wrote:BTW: I have no white socks, I only wear a proper white shirt for formal events and meetings, but I do confess to having several pairs of sandals, a few pairs of posh shoes gathering dust in the wardrobe and spend most of my time wearing various types of boots. I even have a pair of Red Wings . Tell me .... do you wear a hat with corks on bits of string to keep the flies off? As for age .... I may be older than you but I am very obviously a lot wiser! :lol: :lol: Tell me how old are you ? :?:

You know, when i read your posts I form a mental image.

No I don't wear a hat but I got an Akubra hat which of course I wouldn't wear. I do like Akubra's though and wish i could wear it with a nice pear of jeans and a big buckle belt and some nice Rossi boots but it would look rather odd unless I was off with one of my mates on a Cattle Muster in the outback on his property.

love to hang the shotty on the back of the ute and have some slabs of tinnies and stubbies with one on the lap too.
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Re: Which member posts most ...crap !

Postby CrookedRiverGuy » Sat Feb 25, 2017 9:57 am

Paphitis wrote:Will Iran recognize The State of Israel if they sign a 2 state Solution?
i think we all know the answer to that one don't we? Isn't it obvious?

// blah blah blah snip blah blah blah //

2 way street not one way street. :roll:
they came real close a few years ago, but Iran did what it did to get rid of Arafat because he was then labelled a traitor and Hamaz and Hezbollah took over.

Again; you're using your rhetoric arsenal just like an Isis warrior hopes to use his 'tool' (you know; the 72...) in heaven.

Example: On the one hand side you stress that the Sunni/Shite conflict is a bigger threat than Isis warfare (yup, furniture at home kills more people than terrorists do). One can agree to that. At the other hand you demonize Iran, only because they are threat to your beloved Israel. Next; you glorify 'the coalition' who has (and I don't like to admit it) f**ked up the 3rd world more than anything the past decades. When did Iran invade someone the last time, huh? Don't come with any crap that they expose Israel to a threat through their proxies (that you 'forget' that has a most valid reason to hate those who has stolen their homes, orchards, self-respect).

And when someone points out self contradictory statements, you just introduce new ones to try to knit it all together, only making it worse.

By the way; I skip much of the crap on this forum (one good reason for this is that there are so many better things to do), but I still see enough to find it highly fascinating that some apparently cannot breathe without expressing their conflicting ideas to the community (even those who once has boldly declared their exit...)
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Re: Which member posts most ...crap !

Postby miltiades » Sat Feb 25, 2017 10:01 am

He, the ....consistent one, wont mention his name , is obsessed with his total ignorance of understanding of ME politics, if one can call them politics !!

He is on record stating that he hates poooootin more that Isis !! That says a great deal about his inability to understand events in the ME., and elsewhere for that matter.

Mate you are obsessed with your own views , your understanding of world affairs is elementary and influenced by a state of mind that considers the ....Arab culture, as you once posted, superior to that of the west.. :lol: :lol: Wet behind the bears or what :lol:
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