miltiades wrote:Tim Drayton wrote:Schnauzer wrote:...
Accountancy ?, yes, a very suitable occupation for a chap like yourself, "How to dodge issues and invent sneaky little ways to avoid responsibilities, you know, like how you managed to avoid you 'Military Obligations' to the country you have the audacity to claim allegiance to ('Cyprus') the land you NOW declare you love so well.
Why do you keep repeating this lie when Mr Miltiades emigrated from Cyprus to the UK after Cyprus had attained its independence?
What can one expect from pervert who admires the barbarians of Isis. The stupid Bastard does not even know that in 1961 there was no conscription of ....15 year olds in Cyprus.
Forget about the 'Conscription' of a 15 year old youth and focus upon the years thereafter, even to this day the young men of Cyprus, those who have respect for themselves and their country, duly serve their time in the 'Military' and would feel shame if they failed to do so.
YOU on the other hand, have spent your entire life carefully ensuring that whenever you visited Cyprus you did not tarry long enough to be called upon to do your duty and THAT is the bone of contention.
You relatively recently declared that you had spent the longest period in Cyprus whilst on holiday here, safe NOW of course since your age grants you exemption, it would not be so bad if you openly admitted your intentions rather than whingeing and whining about how hard done by you are because you cannot face the truth about your pusillanimous past life.
Stay in the UK mate, there are enough 'Rats' in Cyprus and you have nothing of any substance to offer those who stood their ground when times were hard, unless your intention is to look up some of your old 'School mates' who (hopefully) might have forgotten the snotty little weasel who used to 'Grass them up' in the classroom.
Your only attributes are solidly embedded in your ability to insult, spout filth, resort to foul language and lull yourself into drunken stupors whilst you dream of days gone by, a fitting end to a totally useless existence................your 'Majesty.