More platitudes I fear BUT, as I have suggested on so many occasions, READ and DIGEST that which is written before you publish your responses, a sensible person WOULD take note of such constant reminders and, in particular would have noticed that on several occasions within the construction of MY comments (those which you refer to) that most of them contain such phrases as " This does not mean that I agree with their actions".
You are so busy having a 'Froth' upon reading a few words of introduction, so busy formulating a suitably filthy and insulting reply, you obviously do not give yourself time to even THINK about that which you have just read.
Accountancy ?, yes, a very suitable occupation for a chap like yourself, "How to dodge issues and invent sneaky little ways to avoid responsibilities, you know, like how you managed to avoid you 'Military Obligations' to the country you have the audacity to claim allegiance to ('Cyprus') the land you NOW declare you love so well.
Let's face facts, you have got the hump with me because I had to remind you of your forgetfulness of 2014 when you failed to mention your 'Strange Feelings' about memories of 'Earthquakes', it's alright though, I am sure we ALL understand that, at THAT time, you were so busy publishing your usual filth and insult to respectable members (an attribute which YOU can never hope to aspire to) that you forgot, simple as that.
Your 'Majesty', pray do not distress over your lapse of memory, it happens to the older generation and is a natural development among the aged, I promise you I WILL remind you to have those 'Strange Feelings' in good time and you will not have to suffer the shame of such forgetfulness this year....... Insha Allah