miltiades wrote:For the benefit of newcomers on the forum let me introduce to you the Pervert and the Psychopath.
Firstly. The Pervert , a recent convert to the religion of peace , admires and fully supports ISIS and justifies each disgusting gruesome act committed by these medieval savages.
As for the Psychopath, he fully endorses the Perverts beliefs .
Both of these sick Bastards would terrorise the forum members if Miltiades was not around to ....politely ask them to go and blow themselves up amongst the Isis savages.
Also for the benefit of newcomers to this forum, may I introduce you to the intolerably offensive newly crowned 'King of Crap' who persistently besmirches the integrity of those who may disagree with his inane ramblings.
As to GR ( the 'Foremost' among members who are able to advise fellow members whenever they require assistance with technical difficulties) he certainly does NOT deserve to be tagged 'Psycho', particularly by one who (by his OWN admission) abandoned his own countrymen and took up residence among the enemies of Cyprus and remained there for over half a century !!........(NOW declaring himself to be a 'Patriot')

As to myself, I am neither a 'Pervert' nor a recent convert to the 'Religion of Peace' but DO own to the fact that I have managed (by humouring the old fool) to create the illusion that I am partial to the latter since one must allow for 'Senility' when confronted with his effrontery.
It is hardly MY fault if he is neither able to digest that which he reads nor understand that which is written without misinterpretation on HIS part, which leads him to believe that 'I' must be sympathetic with the 'Terrorists' when they commit atrocities and, even more, that 'I' must be one of them, how daft can you get ?.

One has to make allowances for the 'Old Fool', he is mostly inebriated (due to his alcoholism which he fancies to be the love of 'Red Wine' but is in fact 'Plonker' or 'Red Biddy' when described among his alcoholic counterparts) and as such should be allowed a certain amount of consideration for his unfortunate shortcomings.
He has had no experience of 'Military Service' (another misfortune) and therefore cannot recognize 'Courage' regardless of circumstances and actively avoided serving the country he swears 'Patriotism' to by remaining in the land of those that were instrumental in the destruction of Cyprus.
All in all, a pitiful example of a man who would dearly love to be able to engage in 'Debate' but does not possess the 'Social Graces 'to so do.
Finally. I cannot condemn him for those obvious shortcomings (aforementioned), I think I would be more inclined to blame 'The Cursed DRINK'........