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Which member posts most ...crap !

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Poll ended at Sat Feb 18, 2017 8:45 pm

Robin Hood
GR the Psycho
Lordo the ..Brains
Shashnegger The Isis supporter
Paphitis the consistent one
Miltiades , the gracious one !!
Total votes : 17

Re: Which member posts most ...crap !

Postby Schnauzer » Sat Feb 25, 2017 9:03 pm

miltiades wrote:For the benefit of newcomers on the forum let me introduce to you the Pervert and the Psychopath.
Firstly. The Pervert , a recent convert to the religion of peace , admires and fully supports ISIS and justifies each disgusting gruesome act committed by these medieval savages.
As for the Psychopath, he fully endorses the Perverts beliefs .
Both of these sick Bastards would terrorise the forum members if Miltiades was not around to ....politely ask them to go and blow themselves up amongst the Isis savages.

Also for the benefit of newcomers to this forum, may I introduce you to the intolerably offensive newly crowned 'King of Crap' who persistently besmirches the integrity of those who may disagree with his inane ramblings.

As to GR ( the 'Foremost' among members who are able to advise fellow members whenever they require assistance with technical difficulties) he certainly does NOT deserve to be tagged 'Psycho', particularly by one who (by his OWN admission) abandoned his own countrymen and took up residence among the enemies of Cyprus and remained there for over half a century !!........(NOW declaring himself to be a 'Patriot') :roll: :roll:

As to myself, I am neither a 'Pervert' nor a recent convert to the 'Religion of Peace' but DO own to the fact that I have managed (by humouring the old fool) to create the illusion that I am partial to the latter since one must allow for 'Senility' when confronted with his effrontery.

It is hardly MY fault if he is neither able to digest that which he reads nor understand that which is written without misinterpretation on HIS part, which leads him to believe that 'I' must be sympathetic with the 'Terrorists' when they commit atrocities and, even more, that 'I' must be one of them, how daft can you get ?. :roll: :roll:

One has to make allowances for the 'Old Fool', he is mostly inebriated (due to his alcoholism which he fancies to be the love of 'Red Wine' but is in fact 'Plonker' or 'Red Biddy' when described among his alcoholic counterparts) and as such should be allowed a certain amount of consideration for his unfortunate shortcomings.

He has had no experience of 'Military Service' (another misfortune) and therefore cannot recognize 'Courage' regardless of circumstances and actively avoided serving the country he swears 'Patriotism' to by remaining in the land of those that were instrumental in the destruction of Cyprus.

All in all, a pitiful example of a man who would dearly love to be able to engage in 'Debate' but does not possess the 'Social Graces 'to so do.

Finally. I cannot condemn him for those obvious shortcomings (aforementioned), I think I would be more inclined to blame 'The Cursed DRINK'........ 8)
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Re: Which member posts most ...crap !

Postby Londonrake » Sat Feb 25, 2017 9:48 pm

Schnauzer wrote:Finally. I cannot condemn him for those obvious shortcomings (aforementioned), I think I would be more inclined to blame 'The Cursed DRINK'........ 8)

That's a little unfair. Mili, like myself, has a mature appreciation of the finer qualities of some vintages of vin rouge. IMHO, it sharpens the intellect. If you have an objection, please focus it on other factors. :P :wink:
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Re: Which member posts most ...crap !

Postby Schnauzer » Sun Feb 26, 2017 12:19 am

Londonrake wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:Finally. I cannot condemn him for those obvious shortcomings (aforementioned), I think I would be more inclined to blame 'The Cursed DRINK'........ 8)

That's a little unfair. Mili, like myself, has a mature appreciation of the finer qualities of some vintages of vin rouge. IMHO, it sharpens the intellect. If you have an objection, please focus it on other factors. :P :wink:

A mature appreciator of fine wines does not boast of a capacity to consume six bottles of wine a day, (imho).

I appreciate the taste of a fine wine, I am also quite partial to a fine 'Port' accompanied by 'Stilton' under certain circumstances BUT, I would be prepared to wager that our 'Socially Impaired Arsolic Friend' would immediately 'Nose the Stilton' under the same circumstances I describe....I have seen it done.

Alcoholics,lovers of 'Plonk' in vast quantities and habitual 'Piss Artists' of the lower echelon, also display the same fondness for cheap booze, they are also invariably apt to resort to their own 'Cultivated' use of obscenities when the wine stocks are depleted.

The sad thing about 'His Majesty' is (imho) that he could have used his resources (ill gotten or otherwise) in helping the less fortunate or perhaps considered attending an evening class to discourage his uncouth habits, certainly there is much amiss with his general attitude toward those who disagree with his inane ramblings.

Perhaps a 'Poll' on who is the greatest 'Piss Artist' might be appropriate at some time or other, no doubt Milti would savour the taste of the 'Victory' he so dearly craves rather than the taste of 'Red Biddy', who knows, he might even develop into a useful member and perhaps offer some sound advice to any younger members whom , thus far, have learned naught but filth and insult from the dear old chap...................................... worth considering, I reckon. 8)
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Re: Which member posts most ...crap !

Postby Paphitis » Sun Feb 26, 2017 12:54 am

miltiades wrote:With ... intricate knowledge that you claim to posses how come you got the Syrian issue so wrong !!
YOU demanded the removal of Assad, YOU failed to achieve it. Aleppo that you said would never fall has fallen.
No fly zone over Syria has not materialized, in fact none of your ....esteemed :lol: predictions has come to fruition, including of course the US presidential elections.

You still can not properly spell POOPPOOTIN :lol: :lol: Abit like Lordo the brains and terggggy !

I have enough knowledge that even with the destruction of ISIL in Iraq and Syria, that we would have only addressed 10% of the problem.

The big Elephant is still in the room.

That is, if the Iraqi government do not change its way (they are making progress) then the Sunnis will always form groups. But Iraq is the most likely country to succeed and are making nice inroads.

In Syria, well there will be civil war in Syria for as long as Assad remains in power.

ISIL isn't even a real huge problem and you got to ask what it is that encouraged their formation if it is the real problem you wish to address. otherwise we will be going from one war to the next for decades.

All you see are some ragheads chopping people's heads off or throwing homosexuals from the rooftops. Yes its ghastly, but that doesn't compare to entire villages, towns, families being exterminated on sectarian lines between Sunni and Shia or even with the Yazidi, Turkmen and Assyrians.
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Re: Which member posts most ...crap !

Postby Paphitis » Sun Feb 26, 2017 1:03 am

miltiades wrote:For the benefit of newcomers on the forum let me introduce to you the Pervert and the Psychopath.
Firstly. The Pervert , a recent convert to the religion of peace , admires and fully supports ISIS and justifies each disgusting gruesome act committed by these medieval savages.
As for the Psychopath, he fully endorses the Perverts beliefs .
Both of these sick Bastards would terrorise the forum members if Miltiades was not around to ....politely ask them to go and blow themselves up amongst the Isis savages.

The only pervert and psychopath here is YOU!

You have engaged in a persistent campaign of character assassination against myself and others (including Schnauzer and Get Real).

Why? because you don't like our POVs.

Time for you to take a break methinks.

And as I was saying to you earlier. any more moves from you to include myself in any of your rigged polls, will not be welcome and it will be dealt with through the forum's ADMIN as it is offensive and personal.
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Re: Which member posts most ...crap !

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Feb 26, 2017 1:18 am

Paphitis wrote:May I interject to this suggestion.
no one has permission to be including me in any polls. I will take it as a personal attack against me.

You can't deny the fact that everything you (in plural) write in this forum is a reflection of your character, your personal opinion, and your knowledge on the matter, however at the same time it gives everyone the right to judge your character, the validity of your personal opinions, and the degree of knowledge you have. You can't impose a mind control on anyone to think differently of you despite your 3 long posts decorating and advertising yourself, trying to find excuses why so many people actually think you are posting crap.

As far as I know, the only polls allowed in this forum are polls about the issues been discussed, not about the persons behind the issues. So technically you might be right in warning that you will complain to the Admin if your name is included in any future poll, but you will be wrong in claiming any such poll was meant to be a personal attack on you, especially when there will be other names included.

Regardless imo these "personal polls" have gone too far, and I am somehow delighted that this time it backfired on the one who set it. Generally it was fun, but I don't think Milti got very happy in getting the crown :lol:
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Re: Which member posts most ...crap !

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Feb 26, 2017 1:22 am

Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:For the benefit of newcomers on the forum let me introduce to you the Pervert and the Psychopath.
Firstly. The Pervert , a recent convert to the religion of peace , admires and fully supports ISIS and justifies each disgusting gruesome act committed by these medieval savages.
As for the Psychopath, he fully endorses the Perverts beliefs .
Both of these sick Bastards would terrorise the forum members if Miltiades was not around to ....politely ask them to go and blow themselves up amongst the Isis savages.

The only pervert and psychopath here is YOU!

You have engaged in a persistent campaign of character assassination against myself and others (including Schnauzer and Get Real).

Why? because you don't like our POVs.

Time for you to take a break methinks.

And as I was saying to you earlier. any more moves from you to include myself in any of your rigged polls, will not be welcome and it will be dealt with through the forum's ADMIN as it is offensive and personal.

And I was wondering who the hell has changed religion in this forum :roll: :lol:
Yep that was a definite personal attack!

Which btw this crappy section of this forum is full of
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Re: Which member posts most ...crap !

Postby Lordo » Sun Feb 26, 2017 1:23 am

the sad aspect of all this is the fact that he did not realise he is the worst crapper on the forum. especially when his mouth kept salivating as he posted.
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Re: Which member posts most ...crap !

Postby Paphitis » Sun Feb 26, 2017 1:28 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:May I interject to this suggestion.
no one has permission to be including me in any polls. I will take it as a personal attack against me.

You can't deny the fact that everything you (in plural) write in this forum is a reflection of your character, your personal opinion, and your knowledge on the matter, however at the same time it gives everyone the right to judge your character, the validity of your personal opinions, and the degree of knowledge you have. You can't impose a mind control on anyone to think differently of you despite your 3 long posts decorating and advertising yourself, trying to find excuses why so many people actually think you are posting crap.

As far as I know, the only polls allowed in this forum are polls about the issues been discussed, not about the persons behind the issues. So technically you might be right in warning that you will complain to the Admin if your name is included in any future poll, but you will be wrong in claiming any such poll was meant to be a personal attack on you, especially when there will be other names included.

Regardless imo these "personal polls" have gone too far, and I am somehow delighted that this time it backfired on the one who set it. Generally it was fun, but I don't think Milti got very happy in getting the crown :lol:

Sure people can question the validity of my opinions and even disagree. that's not the issue here.

The issue is being systematically targeted or one of the victim's to the culprits personal attacks and polls designed to harass, discredit and destroy my credibility.

This isn't a poll that discussed any issues, or is as the instigator claims, a lighthearted "attempt of frivolous banter" it's a personal attack against my (and others) credibility and POV. And as far as my POV is concerned, I am probably the easiest target on this forum.

for instance, if I went to the Guardian and wrote comments about Israel like I have here, i would no doubt be personally attacked and abused and eventually driven away as a fascist. Any attempts of a credible discussion would be futile. TRUE!

But that doesn't make my POV any less valid or less reasoned than your typical Guardian reader. My POV about Israel, might not be something you might agree with, or something Schnauzer or Get Real can agree with but it is still VERY VALID and correct. no one has proven this view not to be valid or correct. No one. not even the most astute diplomat can because it isn't correct and in fact they know it to be true.

And that is why Resolutions get vetoed, because they will achieve NOTHING. it will achieve nothing because the other guilty party isn't mentioned at all and Russia and China will never allow it to happen.

it is very disingenuous to say anyone wants a solution because they don't. They protect Iran, we protect Israel and round and round we all go with no solution in sight. that is the truth of the matter.
Last edited by Paphitis on Sun Feb 26, 2017 1:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Which member posts most ...crap !

Postby Paphitis » Sun Feb 26, 2017 1:34 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:For the benefit of newcomers on the forum let me introduce to you the Pervert and the Psychopath.
Firstly. The Pervert , a recent convert to the religion of peace , admires and fully supports ISIS and justifies each disgusting gruesome act committed by these medieval savages.
As for the Psychopath, he fully endorses the Perverts beliefs .
Both of these sick Bastards would terrorise the forum members if Miltiades was not around to ....politely ask them to go and blow themselves up amongst the Isis savages.

The only pervert and psychopath here is YOU!

You have engaged in a persistent campaign of character assassination against myself and others (including Schnauzer and Get Real).

Why? because you don't like our POVs.

Time for you to take a break methinks.

And as I was saying to you earlier. any more moves from you to include myself in any of your rigged polls, will not be welcome and it will be dealt with through the forum's ADMIN as it is offensive and personal.

And I was wondering who the hell has changed religion in this forum :roll: :lol:
Yep that was a definite personal attack!

Which btw this crappy section of this forum is full of

What religion are you talking about?

I am Orthodox, but non practicing. Probably Atheistic but not militant about it. I am not Jewish or a Zionist because I've been accused of both.

In other words, I don't particularly care for religion but I do appreciate its very rich cultural riches. In other words, i love the monasteries, the churches, the iconography, the stories, traditions and practices and i also love the moral and ethical codes. I was the first to enroll my kids into a CHRISTIAN PRIVATE SCHOOL, like I was, and I would be the first to visit a Monastery and learn about things and speak to people.

that's because these schools are the best schools and plus i don't agree with the Government's stupid curricula of indoctrination.
Last edited by Paphitis on Sun Feb 26, 2017 1:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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