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Driving in Cyprus

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Driving in Cyprus

Postby airbornepara » Fri Feb 10, 2017 6:40 pm

Hi all, new to the researching the possibility of taking my driving test in Cyprus.
I should say through my own stupidity and selfishness and wreckless behaviour, i lost my licence to drink driving a few months back.
I have been informed that it may be possible to re sit my driving test and gain a Cypriot driving licence, which i can then use in the UK for a period of 12 months?
Im an HGV truck driver in the UK, if i could find that work out in Cyprus, id probably just stay out there.
Do i have to be a resident to take the test?
Any advice greatly appreciated.
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Re: Driving in Cyprus

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Feb 11, 2017 9:26 am

Do you really think that would be a good idea? :?:

Would you try it in the UK ? :roll:

The Cypriot Authorities are not stupid, they would blow that scam apart in seconds !
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Re: Driving in Cyprus

Postby Paphitis » Sat Feb 11, 2017 9:33 am

good onya airbornepara for looking at ways to circumvent the law.

i do it all the time.

i was suppose to lose my licence once on demerit points but the law is so stupid that there are loopholes to be exploited and if the authorities are so stupid to have exploitable laws then they deserve no less especially in the UK and Australia. As with the traffic offence I allegedly committed, someone else owned up to it. it was all true Your honor! :lol:

it's a dog eat dog world out there.

I can't help you with the authorities other than advise you to not tell them of your plans.

as for the UK Traffic laws, you will need to get advice from someone in the know as to whether your plan may work.

Good onya for thinking outside the square mate. i can tell you are a resourceful human from your avatar.
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Re: Driving in Cyprus

Postby airbornepara » Sat Feb 11, 2017 10:00 am

Thanks Pahitis
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Re: Driving in Cyprus

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Feb 11, 2017 10:30 am

Paphitis wrote:good onya airbornepara for looking at ways to circumvent the law.

i do it all the time.

i was suppose to lose my licence once on demerit points but the law is so stupid that there are loopholes to be exploited and if the authorities are so stupid to have exploitable laws then they deserve no less especially in the UK and Australia. As with the traffic offence I allegedly committed, someone else owned up to it. it was all true Your honor! :lol:

it's a dog eat dog world out there.

I can't help you with the authorities other than advise you to not tell them of your plans.

as for the UK Traffic laws, you will need to get advice from someone in the know as to whether your plan may work.

Good onya for thinking outside the square mate. i can tell you are a resourceful human from your avatar.

Now ..... THAT'S TROLLING! :roll:

Credibilty score = < 0 :roll:
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Re: Driving in Cyprus

Postby Get Real! » Sat Feb 11, 2017 10:37 am

If he needs a license to earn an income then a clean slate in another country is necessary.

The “DEPARTMENT OF ROAD TRANSPORT” is what you’re looking for… ... enDocument
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Re: Driving in Cyprus

Postby Paphitis » Sat Feb 11, 2017 10:57 am

Robin Hood wrote:
Paphitis wrote:good onya airbornepara for looking at ways to circumvent the law.

i do it all the time.

i was suppose to lose my licence once on demerit points but the law is so stupid that there are loopholes to be exploited and if the authorities are so stupid to have exploitable laws then they deserve no less especially in the UK and Australia. As with the traffic offence I allegedly committed, someone else owned up to it. it was all true Your honor! :lol:

it's a dog eat dog world out there.

I can't help you with the authorities other than advise you to not tell them of your plans.

as for the UK Traffic laws, you will need to get advice from someone in the know as to whether your plan may work.

Good onya for thinking outside the square mate. i can tell you are a resourceful human from your avatar.

Now ..... THAT'S TROLLING! :roll:

Credibilty score = < 0 :roll:

no it's not. it's called trying to help a person in need as opposed to your self-righteous goody two shoes inanity.

I believe people deserve a break because the Traffic Authorities in UK and Australia are among the most obnoxious pigs in the world which in actual fact just harrass and pester the public to raise revenue and they stack the odds in their favour all the time.

There are many ways to skin a cat and thank heavens for that, because people need to earn a living and if you take away their licence you punish an entire family for no reason at all. The same rules apply in Australia. you can lose your licence in one state, just go across State borders and get a licence in another state and Bob's your Uncle mate! :D

it's ok to make a mistake, everyone is human.
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Re: Driving in Cyprus

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Feb 11, 2017 12:03 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:
Paphitis wrote:good onya airbornepara for looking at ways to circumvent the law.

i do it all the time.

i was suppose to lose my licence once on demerit points but the law is so stupid that there are loopholes to be exploited and if the authorities are so stupid to have exploitable laws then they deserve no less especially in the UK and Australia. As with the traffic offence I allegedly committed, someone else owned up to it. it was all true Your honor! :lol:

it's a dog eat dog world out there.

I can't help you with the authorities other than advise you to not tell them of your plans.

as for the UK Traffic laws, you will need to get advice from someone in the know as to whether your plan may work.

Good onya for thinking outside the square mate. i can tell you are a resourceful human from your avatar.

Now ..... THAT'S TROLLING! :roll:

Credibilty score = < 0 :roll:

no it's not. it's called trying to help a person in need as opposed to your self-righteous goody two shoes inanity.

I believe people deserve a break because the Traffic Authorities in UK and Australia are among the most obnoxious pigs in the world which in actual fact just harrass and pester the public to raise revenue and they stack the odds in their favour all the time.

There are many ways to skin a cat and thank heavens for that, because people need to earn a living and if you take away their licence you punish an entire family for no reason at all. The same rules apply in Australia. you can lose your licence in one state, just go across State borders and get a licence in another state and Bob's your Uncle mate! :D

it's ok to make a mistake, everyone is human.

Well maybe if someone with your morals .....was drunk, killed your child and you found out he had been disqualified for drink/driving in another State, you would just slap him on the back and say "Well done cobber!" People do not get disqualified '........for no reason at all'!

I must be superhuman then :roll: ..... after some 60 years on the road, I have no convictions, no points, not even a parking ticket ..... oh,........ and a full 60 years no claim bonus. I am also incredibly smug about it! :D :D :D :D
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Re: Driving in Cyprus

Postby airbornepara » Sat Feb 11, 2017 12:16 pm

Robin Hood, I find your lack of understanding for others circumstances disturbing, to say nothing of the fact that I was found actually trying to sleep in my vehicle completely stationary.
With no intention to drive it.
My life had been on a downward spiral since returning from Afghanistan wounded. Maybe you should ask questions before forming your opinions?
It was a one off event not a pattern of behaviour. I was simply asking the question, can I maybe move to Cyprus take my driving test again, maybe even my HGV start a new life with the sun on my back.
I'm not looking for scams and loopholes. I've lost everything here my wife job car house also my mental health has suffered.
Everyone deserves a second chance, and I'm quite sure I've earned it.
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Re: Driving in Cyprus

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Feb 11, 2017 2:58 pm

I unreservedly apologise to you and you are right ,maybe I should have asked questions first but that was not the impression you gave in your post:

You did say ........ "I should say through my own stupidity and selfishness and reckless behaviour, I lost my licence to drink driving a few months back."

In a way I can empathise although it happened to my Brother-in-Law not me. He suffers from Migraine, really bad and he did the same as you, pulled off the road into a lay by took a tablet and put the seat back to sleep until the tablet kicked in and the Migraine went. Two police officers booked him for taking drugs whist driving. His Lawyer told him to plead guilty as he had been taking 'drugs' and could not deny the charge. He got points on his licence and found it very difficult then to get car insurance and when he did .... the cost was astronomical.

I apologise if I offended you but as you can see from Paphitis reply, there are those that blatantly break the law, even rejoice in certain countries ignoring International Law but are the first to protest when someone else breaks the law and it affects them. I put you in the wrong category. I'm sorry ..... I hope things sort themselves out but in my book breaking laws is not the best way to do it.
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