It definitely doesn't leave you with a warm feeling.

Saudi Arabia: gambler in charge: ... er-charge/
Londonrake wrote:I found this an interesting article, about what's been going on in the Kingdom for the past couple of years.
It definitely doesn't leave you with a warm feeling.![]()
Saudi Arabia: gambler in charge: ... er-charge/
Robin Hood wrote: I know you won't agree but Iranians and Iran are far more likeable and honest than Saudi's any day. Magnificent country when you get off the beaten track.
Londonrake wrote:Robin Hood wrote: I know you won't agree but Iranians and Iran are far more likeable and honest than Saudi's any day. Magnificent country when you get off the beaten track.
I'm not going to prattle on about differences of opinion. That just wouldn't be me.![]()
I've always had an aversion to dictatorships. It's a family thing. It does seem to me that history is littered with examples of the sort of disasters which come about when a single human being commands every aspect of State resources, without the restraining influence of internal opposition. Even Thatcher seemed to go a bit La la in the end though.
I'm not a fan of Trump's - I'm fairly indifferent really - but have watched his story unfold with a sort of "popcorn" fascination. I find his current problems reassuring though. Whilst the man is clearly very bellicose and seemingly self-important he cannot be a dictator. There are checks and balances. Others on the World stage don't have such problems. Moreover, it seems to me that the longer a person has total power the more likely they are to suffer from megalomania. At which point the shit tends to hit the fan (as they say around here)
Iran, whilst it has the veneer of democracy, is of course a theocratic dictatorship. That and their penchant for proxy war and pestilence of a religion makes me wary of them. They didn't of course get off to a very good start back in 1979/80. First impressions and all that.
I accept your view that at a day-to-day street level they are decent people but it isn't the decent people that usually dictate (pun) history.
Unlike yourself I've gotten around the US quite a lot and can say, equally, that I've found the vast majority I have met to be friendly and quite well informed. One man's meat and all that.
Oh look! I've prattled on about differences of opinion! A bit rambling, too.![]()
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