Robin Hood wrote:You bitch about Tim Drayton and his ad hominem attacks on you ..... but just look at this post. It is all about me and then discrediting any sources I use. The subject of the OP is missing completely. As you inevitably do, you don't counter argument, you just try to discredit any thing you disagree with using your own views.
Nevertheless, I posted one which clearly shows that Russian involvement in the Ukraine was entirely against the international law that you keep invoking to support their activities in Syria. That's a widely accepted view, which is a couple of minutes Googling away.
Robin Hood wrote:LRNevertheless, I posted one which clearly shows that Russian involvement in the Ukraine was entirely against the international law that you keep invoking to support their activities in Syria. That's a widely accepted view, which is a couple of minutes Googling away.
You posted something that ‘clearly showed’ nothing. You made a statement without foundation.
"Without foundation" What is, - with foundation? That's a pat expression that you use all the time. Do you dispute that Russia's activities in the Ukraine did not break the international law that you use when it suits?
It seems that anything which contravenes that is ...................."without foundation". Then you post something from a man that used to be involved in Syrian affairs a decade ago, his opinion, and present that as definitive. With foundation?
Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis:
This meets your requirements for standards of journalism it is from the New York Times.......
Why Readers See The Times as Liberal
Even the NYT itself admits it is biased and is haemorrhaging readers ......... they are trying to recover their credibility.
The final sentence says ....... “Imagine a country where the greatest, most powerful newsroom in the free world was viewed not as a voice that speaks to all but as one that has taken sides.Or has that already happened?”
Robin Hood wrote:LRNevertheless, I posted one which clearly shows that Russian involvement in the Ukraine was entirely against the international law that you keep invoking to support their activities in Syria. That's a widely accepted view, which is a couple of minutes Googling away.
You posted something that ‘clearly showed’ nothing. You made a statement without foundation.
The interference of the US and the instigation of a coup by them to overthrow a legitimately elected President, is also against International law, a fact that you conveniently choose to exclude from your assesment. You also completely ignore the agreement that Russia had with the elected government for their use of the base in Sevastopol which had 25 years to run. That was under threat, would the US accept such a threat on any of their 880 military bases outside the USA?
Evidence: Not that you will read any of it because it runs contrary to your rose coloured spectacles view of events. As you suggest ........ all available, and many more with ‘....a couple of minutes Googling away’:
[url] ... -news.html[/url]
But of course if you exclude any sites that you deem ‘unreliable’ or express contrary views, or authors you deem to be anti-West, or sites that do not support your perspective, ...... then you can whittle it down to just the sites that support your view ....... so you are left with the completely unbiased Washington Post and The New York Times. Yes .... a really objective way of determining events.![]()
The US did in Ukraine what they did in Iran in the 1950’s and after 50 years of denial the US and UK finally admitted it. They have repeated the same in country after country since WWII. Ukraine will be the same, a late and very low key admission as they did with Iran...... except by then there will very likely be no independent journalists or independent news sites ...... just The Ministry of Information.
Paphitis wrote:Robin Hood wrote:LRNevertheless, I posted one which clearly shows that Russian involvement in the Ukraine was entirely against the international law that you keep invoking to support their activities in Syria. That's a widely accepted view, which is a couple of minutes Googling away.
You posted something that ‘clearly showed’ nothing. You made a statement without foundation.
The interference of the US and the instigation of a coup by them to overthrow a legitimately elected President, is also against International law, a fact that you conveniently choose to exclude from your assesment. You also completely ignore the agreement that Russia had with the elected government for their use of the base in Sevastopol which had 25 years to run. That was under threat, would the US accept such a threat on any of their 880 military bases outside the USA?
Evidence: Not that you will read any of it because it runs contrary to your rose coloured spectacles view of events. As you suggest ........ all available, and many more with ‘....a couple of minutes Googling away’:
[url] ... -news.html[/url]
But of course if you exclude any sites that you deem ‘unreliable’ or express contrary views, or authors you deem to be anti-West, or sites that do not support your perspective, ...... then you can whittle it down to just the sites that support your view ....... so you are left with the completely unbiased Washington Post and The New York Times. Yes .... a really objective way of determining events.![]()
The US did in Ukraine what they did in Iran in the 1950’s and after 50 years of denial the US and UK finally admitted it. They have repeated the same in country after country since WWII. Ukraine will be the same, a late and very low key admission as they did with Iran...... except by then there will very likely be no independent journalists or independent news sites ...... just The Ministry of Information.
Once again you post junk links I couldn't be bothered wasting my time with.
Where are those credible links from reputable services like NYT, Washington Post or SMH? Give us something we can actually read please!
Paphitis wrote:Your posts are irrelevant because all you do is post junk material no one can take seriously.
You formulate an opinion which has a clear anti West pro Pootin and Assad agenda and like ok for sources which agree with your opinions.
Some of the websites you post from are actually hosted in USA, and Canada as well which says a lot about the plurality, democracy and freedom of speech in those countries. There is no Stasi ready to knock their door down and take the site owners to a Gulag where they will pull their finger nails off one by one for being contrarian or anti West.
In Russia however, they don't have that plurality, freedom of thought or freedom of speech as journos there not towing the Pootin line are liable to disappearing or murder. That is the reality of it.
Now, where are those NYT links? Go on, humour us and just give us one credible link please. Something we can open and actually have in a web browser history.
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