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Is this genocide?

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Re: Is this genocide?

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Feb 12, 2017 1:18 pm

Sorry it isn't false because what Russia has done is taken sides in this sectarian conflict whilst we have really only engaged ISIL and tried to help out the rebels hold their ground so that they can go to the negotiations and achieve a reasonable outcome for themselves.

That is completely a travesty of the truth! Russia took the side of the elected government by invitation. You supplied terrorist with weapons to overthrow that government because you had a single purpose ‘Regime Change’. They were your proxies. That is illegal.

The political opposition have always had the negotiating forum in Syria and, if you check it out, since the start Assad has acquiesced to many of the oppositions demands but he will not allow his country to become another Iraq or Libya run by the very head choppers your US coalition has supported.
You are in a sectarian quagmire, whereas if you want to see true success which will bring peace and stability to a country, then no one need look any further than Iraq.

Once again .... Syria is secular, not sectarian! The Russians will eventually bring a form of peace ..... although nothing like they had before ...... because YOU woke up Islamic Fundamentalism!

The proof is in the pudding.

The Syrian people of all sects are not happy with Assad. If they were, there wouldn't be so many militias. yes that's right, you are NOT just dealing with terrorists and ISIL in Syria, but everyone is in a fight for survival.

You are completely out of touch with the situation. The Militias, as you put it, are no more than a collection of tin pot terrorists all of whom will do as the guy with the most firepower tells them ..... and that is Al-Qaida and Daesh.
It's not me painting a bad picture of Assad. He is a war criminal and has been painting a bad picture of himself.

He is not a war criminal ..... you have yet to give any proof. First you hailed Caesar and his 20,000 pictures of ‘Assads’ victims .... it turned out to be a mammoth Fake News story. Now you have the Amnesty claim of another 18,000 of Assads victims which is heading in the same direction. Are you aware that this Amnesty story was fabricated in London, and the Author had never been to Syria and carried out interviews only with opposition supporters, mostly on SKYPE!
A secular sectarian state that has hesbollah and kills opposition activists, citizens and sunnis in all kinds of criminal ways.

How on earth can you have a ‘secular sectarian’ State? Hezbollah .... check the origins of their formation and why. They are primarily a defence force ..... just like the IDF. The IDF gets US arms and support, Hezbollah gets Iranian arms and support. The US kills hundreds of activists, citizens and Sunnis/Shia and every other shade of Islam .... with drone strikes on an almost worldwide basis. Why do you just ignore that aspect. That is just as criminal ..... but if the one carrying out these atrocities claims it is exceptional and beyond the Law, you seem to applaud that.
don't start painting them as a bastion of secularism and democracy now and try and convince anyone that they are pure and innocent. Assad, will one day be tried for War Crimes and crimes against Humanity like the Nazis at Nuremberg and like Slobodan Milosevic.

I have no doubtat all that Assad has sent quite a few ‘head bankers’ to Paradise ..... name a single government that does not do the same? If you look at the performance of leaders in the West there are far more in the queue in front of Assad than behind him. Blair and Bush and their buddies are all walking free and their guilt is beyond doubt..... or were you not aware of the fraud that started the second gulf war, killing millions in the end?
And no, when our side was calling for a comprehensive peace settlement and a national unity, it is because we believe in the rule of law and that all sections of Syrian society and of any religious creed have a stake in Syria's future.

But you DON’T believe in the rule of Law, you constantly tell us it does not apply to the US coalition! YOU have destroyed Syria, Libya, Iraq and even Ukraine, but do not accept any responsibility for your crimes. YOU couldn’t give a sh*t about Syrian society or any other society,
You smashed and grabbed and carpet bombed and then cleansed aleppo of its rightful inhabitants amounting to another crime of Cleansing on sectarian lines forcing thousands of innocent people to run for their lives.

Aleppo was liberated ..... watch the reports by Bartlett and Beeley,(and many other proper journalists ) both of whom have spent weeks in Aleppo talking to those who were affected by being held prisoner by the terrorists you supported. The news is coming out ..... most people have never heard of these ‘White Helmets’ and many of their heroic rescues were not filmed in Aleppo .... in fact not even in Syruia. The thousands running for their lives were being gunned down and rocketed by the same terrorists YOU support as they ran for the sanctuary of Syrian government controlled areas and their friends and relatives.
The Coalition remembers this, and it has been chalked down and our Armies will be back and will one day go after Assad. it's only a matter of timing.

The US coalition has run out of credibility in Syria, even the Kurds don’t want to know them. YOU will never be welcomed into Syria by the Syrian people even if Assad says they are welcome to join him in the fight against Daesh.
We did it with Hussein, and we will do it again with Assad. we own his arse now.

Iraq ........ yes, YOU did it in Iraq ........ you destroyed a country, impoverished and slaughtered the people ........ YOU did the same in Libya .......and you think you will do the same with Assad’s Syria? Think again ..... he has friends who can hurt YOU if they have to, so the West should not take Putin’s politeness and willingness to use diplomacy rather than might, too flippantly! You own nothing ........ that is the sort of stupid arrogant comment that destroys your credibility
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Re: Is this genocide?

Postby Paphitis » Mon Feb 13, 2017 1:20 am

Syria hasn't been liberated. it is under occupation by a regime that has subjugated, killed, murdered, and committed crimes against their people. it is now not a country that will ever enjoy any diplomatic relations or recognition from the civilized world or ever be able to engage in business or trade or International Markets. It is a Pariah terrorist State and it will remain so until it is liberated. it's status is now the equivalence of North Korea or the occupied Territories of North Cyprus.

As such, there is no chance of any peace and the worst thing is that the entire region will plunge into war beginning with Yemen, because the Sectarian divide is now 100 times worse than what it was pre Syrian War. This isn't something anyone can win. It's in fact an unwinnable scenario but the biggest losers of course will be the people, weak and vulnerable and terrorist activity will only increase and that will also feed into Islamic state which will get stronger in Syria with absolutely zero will from the regime or Russia to even fight this organisation at ANY level as we have witnessed for ourselves for the last nearly 2 years.

The Coalition sees no gain in the misery or subjugation of one creed over the other. Instead, we see nothing good that can ever come from it both for the region and the entire International community, especially Europe.

The only forces to actually have fought ISIL was the Coalition, in Syria and of course Iraq where the Coalition has been fully able to implement its plans with enormous success as opposed to Syria which is actually a huge mess and debacle of pootin's creating. All this is obvious and witnessed by independent international monitors, aid agencies, UN, Amnesty International and the free press.

In addition, Coalition countries will not in any way fight ISIL with any involvement of the regime or Russian or Iranian Military or Hezbollah Rebels or Al Qud mercenaries. The regime, Iran, Hezbollah and Russia are our enemies as much as ISIL is and our forces will never be complicit to working in any way shape or form with a criminal regime that has an appointment with a war crimes Commission in the future because they have annihilated their own people and conducted exterminations and cleansing and which has displaced hundreds of thousands of civilians from their homes. these are actions which repulse the very foundations of our morality, our societies and our very standing with God himself.

The Coalition has always been resolute and acted responsibly for the protection of all Syrians, the restoration of peace and stability in the region, the defeat of ISIL and more recently attempting to arm rebels to maintain their turf so that they can sit at any negotiations table to achieve a positive and viable peaceful outcome for themselves and their people. The Coalition has always advocated for these negotiations to take place in a fair and even manner, and for a comprehensive and viable peaceful outcome for all parties in Syria which now seems virtually impossible.

The Coalition's honesty, integrity and willingness to abide by all International Laws, The Geneva Conventions and its willingness to take all measures to preserve life of all people (Kurds, Sunni, SHIA) is on show in Iraq and the International Community, Aid Agencies (which we assist and cooperate with), and News Agencies which are able to see for themselves all that they wish to see concerning our conduct and the way we operate with The Sovereign Iraqi Security Forces with full and complete transparency. Our actions are an open book for all to see.

Coalition Countries like the USA, UK, France, Belgium and Australia which are present have flown their flags in Iraq and Syria honorably and with integrity at all times. The citizens of these countries should feel very proud of their fine young men and women. Our forces are on different plane to those of Russia's. We are the civilized and free and progressive democratic world and international role models after all and we distinguish ourselves with our societies and the freedoms we provide back home towards them which for some reason are lacking in Russia and its "allies".

The proof is there for all to see. It's clear as day. Right under your noses.

Of course the same can not be said of the other side, as everyone can see. Once again, the proof is in the pudding.

The Coalition is achieving great results in Iraq with the ISF. Russia and the regime have delivered injustice, war crimes, and crimes against humanity in Syria but that is something that shouldn't surprise anyone. it was predicted beforehand, and it is now tangible, disgustingly tangible even beyond our most wildest expectations.

Iraq will survive and prevail. A huge testament to the Coalition and Iraqi Government and People.

people have a choice to make as to who they find trustworthy. for most people, that is an EASY AND OBVIOUS CHOICE. For others that are a little mixed up, a slightly more troubled choice but they too see who has integrity.

For those who can easily justify War crimes, and crimes against humanity, well we all pity you and may God have Mercy on your Poor Souls!
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Re: Is this genocide?

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Feb 13, 2017 5:37 pm

Your post of Mon. 13/02 @ 01:20 Not bad for 19 minutes of writing! I was going to reply in detail ……. but it is not really worth all the effort.

Continuing to repeat the same irrational mantra, devoid of any coherent justification for your claims and prophecies, will not make your opinion any more credible. :roll:

This article sums up the imprecise view you have of worldwide events particularly when related to the war in Syria. Basically your composition is completely to the exclusion or even contemplation, of any other argument than yours. :roll:

By SATRE ……….. (Part of a fuller article)

Understanding the complex relationships that make up human endeavors permeates every aspect of society and politics. The ability to be informed about events is a basic motivation to search out news about what is exactly happening in the world we all live in. Journalism purports to report the first draft of history. In practice, the press and media coverage is systemically bereft of relevant facts and completely void of objectivity. The currency of the realm is trust for all journalists. Their collective credibility is bankrupt for a very simple reason; their newscasts are based upon lies, newspeak and intentional deception.

Essentially, every component of the mainstream media multiplex is foremost a business. The business model is to operate under the aegis of monopolies. Even a casual observation of the interlocking ownership of big media must acknowledge that the concentration of likeminded Oligopolists are in unison to construct a consortium of predisposed narratives that has nothing to do with seeking the truth.

When the term Pressitute is used to characterize the profession, the uninformed or limited literate news consumers often find comfort in turning on their network disinformation program. Those who take pride in obtaining their news from ‘papers of record’ like the New York Times and the Washington Post …………..rely upon a different motivation. their aversion to any source that contradicts the establishment worldview is so painful to consider that they adopt a feeble rationalization for self-preservation, which demands rejection of any argument, verifiable facts or documented evidence that challenges their scripted storyline of reality.

The selection agenda which determines what constitutes news is an editorial function that bears witness to the parameters for public conditioning. All other reporting is declared as ‘conspiracy theory.’ Even a casual assessment of the foreign press provides a contrast to the perception spin machine from K Street or Madison Avenue. As the monopoly media manipulation resorts to their faux news narrative, astute observers understand that their broadcast lies are the real Fake News.

You have not authenticated one single conclusion you have conveyed, which means it is no more than your personal opinion! The whole thing does no more than invoke a contrary response. So you still have zero credibility! :roll:
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Re: Is this genocide?

Postby Paphitis » Tue Feb 14, 2017 4:49 am

There are plenty of conclusions.

Everyone will of course remember that the Coalition only started arming rebels just after Russia entered Syria. Coalition never armed anyone before 2014.

people need to THINK and work out WHY. But some will say that our gulf allies did. well maybe, but they are not Coalition. They are Gulf States that happen to be allies of ours and just because they did does not mean Coalition endorsed or supported the practice prior to 2014.

As a matter of fact, Coalition had deep concerns and we were frantically still trying to work out who's who in the zoo. we were not sure of anything other than Al Qaeda, Al Nusra and Islamic State.

Coalition commenced arming rebels in Syria and in Aleppo in late 2014, when things started to turn for them. We were supplying arms to 1 or 2 groups in Aleppo alone, which formed an alliance through necessity with Al Nusra (Al Qaeda) which wasn't ideal for us but understandable. Some of our weapons ended up in the same terrorist groups that will have no hesitation bombing New York, Sydney or London. but our main objective was to keep the status quo and try to get all groups (minus Al Qaeda affiliates) to the negotiating table for a comprehensive peace settlement, which we knew would be impossible if they faced annihilation. We are right once again. A Comprehensive Peace settlement that will last, is impossible but not only is it impossible, but there will be more wars because the sectarian hatred just got multiplied 100 fold because of the regime and pootin.

But we had no choice but to continue arming the FSA otherwise 300,000 people will face extermination and cleansing and be subjected to the most hideous of crimes against humanity. and we were right all along. The results are there for all to see.

Coalition acted honorably, and proven to even be flexible and abandon even our own interests when faced with the most dire of humanitarian disasters ever to face mankind since WW2. that is what we are in the west. we are the progressive free world which will abandon interest and even compromise the safety of our own if it means saving hundreds of thousands of people which do not deserve to die, or be evicted from their homes. There is NOTHING at all that we have in common with pootin or his War criminal lap dog. We are miles apart as you all know from all the institutions and freedoms we enjoy and take for granted at times.

Some ignorants would say and accuse us that our arms will fall off the back of the FSA pick up truck and into the hands of Al Qaeda. How can you continue to do that. Well the answer should be obvious to all decent people. We had no choice because if we stop, we condemn hundreds of thousands of people to a gruesome fate as we can all see.

That say's a lot about the Coalition.

The West is like Achilles. we are strong but we have an Achilles heel which Pootin/Assad and other Authoritarian criminals don't have. our Achilles heel is our democracy, our Human Rights, our Constitutional Freedoms, our Freedom of association, our Free Press, our judiciary and Legal Systems, and our equality before the Government and Law. And our enemies (pootin) is attacking our very Achilles heel and Democracy. No one has done that before. china hasn't. north korea kind of has. pootin interfered with our Internal Affairs and Politics in USA and Europe and will probably interfere in France to have Marie Le Pen elected so that she can fracture the EU even more. Vigilance people.

We are being invaded. it's just a different type of invasion and warfare. A warfare they have an advantage in because of our Achilles heel.

But no matter what, France will never be abandoned like Britain will never be abandoned. We are all in it together and Western Countries will always support France with free Trade with or without Marie Le Pen.

Our battle in Syria still continues as we are the only ones fighting DAESH but more importantly, millions of Syrians depend on us to keep them safe. DAESH is a lower priority to the preservation of life and safety of Syrians within our safe havens.
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Re: Is this genocide?

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Feb 14, 2017 3:44 pm

Paphitis wrote:There are plenty of conclusions.

Everyone will of course remember that the Coalition only started arming rebels just after Russia entered Syria. Coalition never armed anyone before 2014.

people need to THINK and work out WHY. But some will say that our gulf allies did. well maybe, but they are not Coalition. They are Gulf States that happen to be allies of ours and just because they did does not mean Coalition endorsed or supported the practice prior to 2014.

As a matter of fact, Coalition had deep concerns and we were frantically still trying to work out who's who in the zoo. we were not sure of anything other than Al Qaeda, Al Nusra and Islamic State.

Coalition commenced arming rebels in Syria and in Aleppo in late 2014, when things started to turn for them. We were supplying arms to 1 or 2 groups in Aleppo alone, which formed an alliance through necessity with Al Nusra (Al Qaeda) which wasn't ideal for us but understandable. Some of our weapons ended up in the same terrorist groups that will have no hesitation bombing New York, Sydney or London. but our main objective was to keep the status quo and try to get all groups (minus Al Qaeda affiliates) to the negotiating table for a comprehensive peace settlement, which we knew would be impossible if they faced annihilation. We are right once again. A Comprehensive Peace settlement that will last, is impossible but not only is it impossible, but there will be more wars because the sectarian hatred just got multiplied 100 fold because of the regime and pootin.

But we had no choice but to continue arming the FSA otherwise 300,000 people will face extermination and cleansing and be subjected to the most hideous of crimes against humanity. and we were right all along. The results are there for all to see.

Coalition acted honorably, and proven to even be flexible and abandon even our own interests when faced with the most dire of humanitarian disasters ever to face mankind since WW2. that is what we are in the west. we are the progressive free world which will abandon interest and even compromise the safety of our own if it means saving hundreds of thousands of people which do not deserve to die, or be evicted from their homes. There is NOTHING at all that we have in common with pootin or his War criminal lap dog. We are miles apart as you all know from all the institutions and freedoms we enjoy and take for granted at times.

Some ignorants would say and accuse us that our arms will fall off the back of the FSA pick up truck and into the hands of Al Qaeda. How can you continue to do that. Well the answer should be obvious to all decent people. We had no choice because if we stop, we condemn hundreds of thousands of people to a gruesome fate as we can all see.

That say's a lot about the Coalition.

The West is like Achilles. we are strong but we have an Achilles heel which Pootin/Assad and other Authoritarian criminals don't have. our Achilles heel is our democracy, our Human Rights, our Constitutional Freedoms, our Freedom of association, our Free Press, our judiciary and Legal Systems, and our equality before the Government and Law. And our enemies (pootin) is attacking our very Achilles heel and Democracy. No one has done that before. china hasn't. north korea kind of has. pootin interfered with our Internal Affairs and Politics in USA and Europe and will probably interfere in France to have Marie Le Pen elected so that she can fracture the EU even more. Vigilance people.

We are being invaded. it's just a different type of invasion and warfare. A warfare they have an advantage in because of our Achilles heel.

But no matter what, France will never be abandoned like Britain will never be abandoned. We are all in it together and Western Countries will always support France with free Trade with or without Marie Le Pen.

Our battle in Syria still continues as we are the only ones fighting DAESH but more importantly, millions of Syrians depend on us to keep them safe. DAESH is a lower priority to the preservation of life and safety of Syrians within our safe havens.

You have not authenticated one single conclusion you have conveyed, which means it is no more than your personal opinion! The whole thing does no more than invoke a contrary response. So you still have zero credibility! :roll:

How sad live in fantasy world ! :roll: :cry: :cry:
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Re: Is this genocide?

Postby Paphitis » Wed Feb 15, 2017 4:05 am

The supporter of assad and pootin accuses others of living in fantasy! just wow! :shock:
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Re: Is this genocide?

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Feb 15, 2017 7:08 am

Paphitis wrote:The supporter of assad and pootin accuses others of living in fantasy! just wow! :shock:

There are none so blind as those that cannot see. :lol: :lol:

Credibility still = 0
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Re: Is this genocide?

Postby Paphitis » Wed Feb 15, 2017 7:13 am

Robin Hood wrote:
Paphitis wrote:The supporter of assad and pootin accuses others of living in fantasy! just wow! :shock:

There are none so blind as those that cannot see. :lol: :lol:

Credibility still = 0

Yes everyone knows you are blind. it's obvious.

You support assad and pootin. need anyone say more?
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Re: Is this genocide?

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Feb 15, 2017 7:35 am

Paphitis wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:
Paphitis wrote:The supporter of assad and pootin accuses others of living in fantasy! just wow! :shock:

There are none so blind as those that cannot see. :lol: :lol:

Credibility still = 0

Yes everyone knows you are blind. it's obvious.

You support assad and pootin. need anyone say more?

I would suggest an ex-Ambassador to Syria would have just a tad more credibility than you ..... and he agrees with my view. You will fall for any propaganda that suits your distorted vision of events. Until you come up with a credible account of their atrocities, I will consider them innocent of the charges you make as the evidence now coming out, which you never reference, says the opposite of your fake stories!

For instance .......

This view from an Ex UK Ambassador to Syria, regarding the 18,000 hangings, has not been covered in the MSM but you swallow the wild claims in the original sensational MSM coverage, hook-line-and-sinker without question and shows why you are blind to real World events. :roll:

Amnesty Report on Syrian Prison Deaths Questioned by Ex UK Ambassador to Syria - Sir Peter Ford.

Amnesty International's latest report on mass extrajudicial killings in Syria would not stand scrutiny, according to former British ambassador to Syria, Peter Ford.

In an interview with Sputnik, Ford pointed out that it was interesting how the report was coincidentally released after the Syrian city of Aleppo was liberated by the government forces two months ago, after successful negotiations in Astana and as it appears that Syria is coming closer to a political solution for the ongoing war.
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Re: Is this genocide?

Postby Paphitis » Wed Feb 15, 2017 8:34 am

No really sorry, but an ex Ambassador of Syria is just that - a former assad henchman. And they won't be needing many Ambassadors anymore (maybe only 2 or 3) because no one will have diplomatic ties with this regime apart from a few other criminals that is like pootin. that's why they are all ex Ambassadors. They were made redundant.

By default, they don't have any credibility against anyone because the regime is a criminal regime which has committed gross crimes against humanity.
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