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Is this genocide?

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Re: Is this genocide?

Postby Paphitis » Sat Feb 11, 2017 1:29 am

DrCyprus wrote:Syria is totally flat, not a ten. Syria is fired.

Yes and Yemen is next in line and there isn't a solution in sight.

but that doesn't stop the trolls making accusations.

The Saudis and Iranians are genocidal. There are no quick fixes here. There is no military subjugation of one side over the other without severe consequences. There can only be a comprehensive settlement to solve this one and we are about a million miles away from being able to achieve such a thing.

The Syrian political executions of 13,000 are also a crime against humanity. A crime which Assad will eventually be forced to be made to account for in due course.
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Re: Is this genocide?

Postby Paphitis » Sat Feb 11, 2017 1:58 am

One more thing, the Coalition has no choice but to offer Saudi Arabia assistance.

And you want to know what is funny and none of you Einsteins had figured out?

Well Einsteins, Iran has Nuclear Weapons. Saudi Arabia doesn't.

You would actually wish and hope the Coalition enter into this one even if it is only to offer Saudi Arabia a nuclear deterrence against Iran.

yeh no one had worked that out did they? no you didn't!

We have no other choice but to threaten Iran with a nuclear counter Strike if they choose to go Nuclear one day, so that they wouldn't dare.

Oh but Iran wouldn't do that you would say. well what if Saudi Arabia has Iran on the ropes? Will Iran use Nuclear Weapons or not? It's a big gamble saying they wouldn't. A very big gamble.

Foolish people! :roll:

Now do you understand why the USA has introduced sanctions against Iran and toughened its rhetoric? They are preparing for war. we are now in a quagmire that is very difficult to extract ourselves from. A quagmire which will be felt for decades to come by everyone and no one is immune. Potentially, it can get way out of control and I let you all come up with your own conclusions but when it involves Iran and Israel and Nuclear Weapons, then work it out for yourselves.
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Re: Is this genocide?

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Feb 11, 2017 8:46 am

:lol: Paphitis:
One more thing, the Coalition has no choice but to offer Saudi Arabia assistance.

And you want to know what is funny and none of you Einsteins had figured out?

Well Einsteins, Iran has Nuclear Weapons. Saudi Arabia doesn't.

You don’t need to be an Einstein, just the application of a bit of common sense will suffice.

Trump even says that the Iranians don’t have a nuclear weapon now but could build one in 15 years time. The article below, like many others, shows even that to be false news!

You seem to be the only person that actually believes the Iranians have nuclear weapons? :lol: :lol:

So they have fooled all the hundreds of UN inspectors, drones, satellites, info leaks, US/Israeli spies and cyber intelligence and have hidden hundreds of bombs from prying eyes. Apply common sense ..... you don’t start a nuclear war with one bomb .... so they must have hundreds? Damn cleaver these Iranians? :roll: :lol: :lol:

Donald Trump says Iran military will have nuclear weapons as soon as enrichment limits expire

"I’ve studied this issue in great detail — I would say actually greater by far than anybody else," Trump said. When the audience voiced skepticism he said, "Believe me. Oh, believe me." (He sounds a great deal like you! :roll: )

The conclusion of the authors ........

Trump said, "When those restrictions expire, Iran will have an industrial-size military nuclear capability ready to go."
Key restrictions in the deal never expire, including the pledge to not conduct activities that would contribute to the design and development of a nuclear explosive.

And even if Iran were to go all-out for a nuclear program once the 15-year limit on uranium enrichment goes away, it would take months, if not years, for the country to develop a bomb and delivery system so its military could go to war with nuclear weaponry.

We rate the claim as False.

It is people with your mind set that start wars! Credibility score = 0 :oops:
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Re: Is this genocide?

Postby Paphitis » Sat Feb 11, 2017 9:05 am

oh yeh so you talk about common sense!

how friggin dare you insinuate you have any lease whatsoever on common sense when it is I that has always advocated for a comprehensive peace settlement just like the rest of the civilized world which doesn't include you.

Not only this, but i knew exactly what I was talking about back then and applying my analysis to many scenarios, one of which is unfolding as we speak right now. I predicted it over a year ago if you go back to my posts.

Comprehensive Peace settlement in Syria leaves the potential for a Comprehensive Peace Settlement in Yemen and potentially elsewhere as well. no comprehensive peace settlement in Syria means there will be no Comprehensive Peace settlement in Yemen, just the military option as Saudi Arabia laughs at you just because you dare to believe they are STUPID.

I am not the war monger. I don't want to see a war between Iran and Saudi Arabia or a war between Iran and Israel. But that is what you are going to get.

yes, go right ahead and make a total fool of yourself by even mentioning common sense! Your hypocrisy has always shined through.
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Re: Is this genocide?

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Feb 11, 2017 11:02 am

Paphitis wrote:oh yeh so you talk about common sense!

how friggin dare you insinuate you have any lease whatsoever on common sense when it is I that has always advocated for a comprehensive peace settlement just like the rest of the civilized world which doesn't include you.

Russia, Iran and Turkey at least have a proposal to work on toward a comprehensive peace settlement .... their settlement is likely to be cemented before YOU drive Daesh out of Mosul! You can't quantify 'common sense' as you don't have any!

Not only this, but i knew exactly what I was talking about back then and applying my analysis to many scenarios, one of which is unfolding as we speak right now. I predicted it over a year ago if you go back to my posts.

You just can't tell us what it is .... because it's a secret,! Right? :roll:

Comprehensive Peace settlement in Syria leaves the potential for a Comprehensive Peace Settlement in Yemen and potentially elsewhere as well. no comprehensive peace settlement in Syria means there will be no Comprehensive Peace settlement in Yemen, just the military option as Saudi Arabia laughs at you just because you dare to believe they are STUPID.

The Russians are doing well with their settlement proposal, at least they have a discussion document as a basis for further talks as Lavrov said. I don't see how events is Syria are interdependent on the illegal US supported war and civilian slaughter in Yemen ? Saudi's stupid ? Don't think so .... unreliable and liars maybe.

I am not the war monger. I don't want to see a war between Iran and Saudi Arabia or a war between Iran and Israel. But that is what you are going to get.

In almost every post you make you are a proponent of 'might-is-right' wars on a global scale.

yes, go right ahead and make a total fool of yourself by even mentioning common sense! Your hypocrisy has always shined through.

Oh .... I don't think I make a fool of myself, I think that is a mantle you are too keen to claim. Like this post!

Credibility score = 2 :roll: ..... for recognising the need for a comprehensive peace settlement. I would have given you a 3 or even a 4, if you had acknowledged that the credit goes to Russia/Iran/Turkey for that. :lol: :lol:

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Re: Is this genocide?

Postby Paphitis » Sat Feb 11, 2017 11:17 am

Oh dear, the world is saved now that Russia and Turkey are working together to save the planet and work towards a comprehensive peace settlement.

now what kind of peace settlement would that be? one without the Sunnis because the opposition will not negotiate with the regime? yeh nice one Einstein! The saudis will also work on their own settlement in yemen and come up with their own document with Qatar, UAE etc. What a load of crock! :roll:

And a peace settlement which will allow Turkey to invade North Syria and annihilate the Kurds.

Well you forget one thing. The coalition is in Syria and will remain in Syria and protect its Kurdish Safe havens and also Homs.

What secret are you on about anyway? Any person with half a brain can work out this this is going to go on and on and that Saudi Arabia isn't going to take this nonsense. Can you honestly blame them? but you will be the first to condemn their actions in Yemen, but with what authority can anyone actually force them to stop and enter into negotiations which would hopefully lead to peace between Sunni and Shia in Yemen and a national Unity? With what authority?

yeh you have a document for further talks and then you will have another document for further talks and another and on and on it goes, as the rebels in Syria refuse to even acknowledge the criminal regime.

here is a news flash for you! They are preparing for war and you are telling us about a stupid document no one takes seriously now. They don'rt care about Lavrov's or Turkey's stupid document.

No I have from day one advocated for a comprehensive peace settlement and that is not what the Russians are working on because they ignore the fundamental rights of most Sunni Syrians.

Now as for Russia and Turkey. Obviously we are talking about 2 countries that between them invaded and occupy another 3 countries. hahahahaha! :lol:
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Re: Is this genocide?

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Feb 11, 2017 3:51 pm

Paphitis wrote:Oh dear, the world is saved now that Russia and Turkey are working together to save the planet and work towards a comprehensive peace settlement.

That is more than your coalition ever achieved!

now what kind of peace settlement would that be? one without the Sunnis because the opposition will not negotiate with the regime? yeh nice one Einstein! The saudis will also work on their own settlement in yemen and come up with their own document with Qatar, UAE etc. What a load of crock! :roll:

Try to keep up! Assad is not part of the talks. Again .... I don't see you r concept of relating events in Syria and Yemen?

And a peace settlement which will allow Turkey to invade North Syria and annihilate the Kurds.

You answer your own question! Northern Syria ..... think about it, this autonomous Kurdish area is still part of Greater Syria, If Turkey attacks the Kurds they are attacking Syria ...... an act of war? :roll:

Well you forget one thing. The coalition is in Syria and will remain in Syria and protect its Kurdish Safe havens and also Homs.

Your coalition has little influence now in Syria. If Putin and Trump join forces to curb Daesh, then I see Russia/Assad daling with them in Syria and the US coalition doing the same in Iraq. With cooperation maybe there will be some overlap ..... that is what cooperation is all about.

What secret are you on about anyway? Any person with half a brain can work out this this is going to go on and on and that Saudi Arabia isn't going to take this nonsense. Can you honestly blame them? but you will be the first to condemn their actions in Yemen, but with what authority can anyone actually force them to stop and enter into negotiations which would hopefully lead to peace between Sunni and Shia in Yemen and a national Unity? With what authority?

What is going on and on? The war in Syria, Iraq or Yemen? You mean to tell me the mighty US coalition can't control a bunch of Arab's but you seem to think they can take on Russia and win? Freeze their assets in the west, stop the US/UK supplying them with weapons, stop sending US warships up and down the straights of Hormuz. Then maybe the Saudi's will stop killing defenceless men. women and children and start talking.

yeh you have a document for further talks and then you will have another document for further talks and another and on and on it goes, as the rebels in Syria refuse to even acknowledge the criminal regime.

From a little acorn a mighty Oak grows! Unlike you who tends to foresee the end with no coherent plan for getting there, Putin takes it a bit-at-a-time! The 'criminal' regime as you put it, is the elected President and Government of Syria. It is only western propaganda that sees the Syrian 'regime' the way you do, the people rescued from your 'moderate' terrorists seem to see him in a different light!

here is a news flash for you! They are preparing for war and you are telling us about a stupid document no one takes seriously now. They don't care about Lavrov's or Turkey's stupid document.

Who exactly are 'they'? The UN takes the progress in coming to a comprehensive settlement seriously and sees the draft Russian proposal as a step in the right direction.

No I have from day one advocated for a comprehensive peace settlement and that is not what the Russians are working on because they ignore the fundamental rights of most Sunni Syrians.

In your opinion of course? Unlike the western attempt to impose a settlement that suited the US coalition, this proposal is put to all sides. They will then make their recommendations ..... and so on, until they finally get a solution all can accept. But one thing is for sure ...... ASSAD WILL STAY .... at least until the Syrian people decide otherwise.

Now as for Russia and Turkey. Obviously we are talking about 2 countries that between them invaded and occupy another 3 countries. hahahahaha! :lol:

Turkey ...... agreed , they occupy the Northern part of Cyprus. But what countries has Russia invaded and occupied, or are you going to quote Ukraine, Crimea and Georgia? Which means you have got it all wrong once again ....... because that is just propaganda and proven to be so ..... time-and-time again ! :roll:

Credibilty score = 4 :) ..... at least you are beginning to get the fundamentals of debating points, although you are still mainly trying to score them! :roll:
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Re: Is this genocide?

Postby Paphitis » Sun Feb 12, 2017 2:20 am


I don't think so.

it has now been proven that the Coalition's policies are far more long term than a smash and grab carpet bombing scenario we have seen from criminal Russia and Assad.

We know and understand we are dealing with sectarian forces here and age old sectarian disputes. we won't held one side have an advantage over the other or deliberately make all Sunnis or all SHIA our enemy.

Your actions are irresponsible, and only cement the sectarian divide leading to further war and mayhem. Our policy is to bridge the divide and try and restore some-kind of peace and stability in the region. There is a VERY big difference between you and us and that is another reason why you have sanctions against Russia and Terrorist State Iran.

The results speak for themselves in Iraq, and our fight against terrorism is genuine as we really do fight against the scourge of ISIL as compared to your side which hasn't done anything of the kind.

Dream on mr goody goody two shoes Troll Number 1. :lol:
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Re: Is this genocide?

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Feb 12, 2017 8:44 am

it has now been proven that the Coalition's policies are far more long term than a smash and grab carpet bombing scenario we have seen from criminal Russia and Assad.

That is false! YOU have proved nothing to date except that the US serves ONLY its own interests.

If Russia and Assad are as terrible as you paint them, why do the Syrian people of all sects, welcome them when they drive rebels (mainly Sunni) out of an area ? Assad/Putin have carried out a steady advance over some 18 months and achieved major success, it would appear that the coalition attacks are more of the ‘smash-and-grab’ variety!
We know and understand we are dealing with sectarian forces here and age old sectarian disputes. we won't held one side have an advantage over the other or deliberately make all Sunnis or all SHIA our enemy.

I can’t believe you still believe that? Syria is secular not sectarian. Sunni’s hold a lot of high positions in the Military and also in politics. So, once again, you spread a false concept.

Your actions are irresponsible, and only cement the sectarian divide leading to further war and mayhem. Our policy is to bridge the divide and try and restore some-kind of peace and stability in the region. There is a VERY big difference between you and us and that is another reason why you have sanctions against Russia and Terrorist State Iran.

It is YOU that promote this idea of sectarianism, because most of the terrorists you support are Sunni’s or Wahabi’s.

How does bombing the sh*t out of a nation create Peace and Stability'? You create division, as this suits your global policy ........ divide and conquer, just like you accuse the British of in Cyprus. Nothing has changed! BTW: The US is the Worlds biggest sponsor of terrorism ..... by far! :roll:

I don’t speak for Russia and Assad, I am merely an observer of events. Again your opinions are totally irrational and without credibility.
The results speak for themselves in Iraq, and our fight against terrorism is genuine as we really do fight against the scourge of ISIL as compared to your side which hasn't done anything of the kind.

Unfortunately, the US coalition has prolonged this war by supporting terrorism. Your fight is one of self interest, it is far from genuine. Assad and Putin said from day one of the Russian intervention their intent was to fight terrorism, they did not differentiate between good and bad terrorists. So they had to fight on two fronts ..... the US supported terrorists trying to overthrow the elected government, and ISIS.

Dream on mr goody goody two shoes Troll Number 1.

Credibility score = 0.5 It’s still mostly false news and your unsupported opinion.
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Re: Is this genocide?

Postby Paphitis » Sun Feb 12, 2017 10:27 am

Sorry it isn't false because what Russia has done is taken sides in this sectarian conflict whilst we have really only engaged ISIL and tried to help out the rebels hold their ground so that they can go to the negotiations and achieve a reasonable outcome for themselves.

You are in a sectarian quagmire, whereas if you want to see true success which will bring peace and stability to a country, then no one need look any further than Iraq.

The proof is in the pudding.

The Syrian people of all sects are not happy with Assad. If they were, there wouldn't be so many militias. yes that's right, you are NOT just dealing with terrorists and ISIL in Syria, but everyone is in a fight for survival.

It's not me painting a bad picture of Assad. He is a war criminal and has been painting a bad picture of himself. ... -1.3273576

A secular sectarian state that has hesbollah and kills opposition activists, citizens and sunnis in all kinds of criminal ways.

don't start painting them as a bastion of secularism and democracy now and try and convince anyone that they are pure and innocent. Assad, will one day be tried for War Crimes and crimes against Humanity like the Nazis at Nuremberg and like Slobodan Milosevic.

And no, when our side was calling for a comprehensive peace settlement and a national unity, it is because we bhelieve in the rule of law and that all sections of Syrian society and of any religious creed have a stake in Syria's future.

You smashed and grabbed and carpet bombed and then cleansed aleppo of its rightful inhabitants amounting to another crime of Cleansing on sectarian lines forcing thousands of innocent people to run for their lives.

The Coalition remembers this, and it has been chalked down and our Armies will be back and will one day go after Assad. it's only a matter of timing.

We did it with Hussein, and we will do it again with Assad. we own his arse now.
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