I too know a few Iranians. One, a journalist born in Tehran and who works as a print journalist.
As you have never been to Iran, he must be an exiled Iranian? Read my previous reply to TD.
Yes that is what I am saying. Most of us would prefer to live under the Shah than under the Islamist Iranian Government of today, especially women.
Who is saying that, you or your journalist?
If it is you then the comment is irrelevant because it is hearsay. If it is the journalist, he assumes to speak for ALL Iranians, especially women? Be sensible, under any regime there are those that prefer the regime and those that oppose it. You have only to look at the US/UK/EU to see that.
Under the Shah’s dictatorship, as you point out, those that supported him saw benefit, the majority were opposed to him and paid a heavy price for it. That is why the return of Khomeini was welcomed.
You are the one that extols the Saudi regime and yet their women are far worse treated than Iranian women. OK, as I tried to explain, they would like more freedoms than they have with a Government that has an Ayatollah as The Supreme Leader, that is obvious, but unless these reforms are introduced gradually could they cope with a western type society?
there is no way to compare the 2 Administrations. Whilst the Shah had zero tolerance for political disobedience as you correctly pointed out, there was at least social freedom and a secular society
Iran has always been secular in its structure and still is today. There is far more tolerance of other faiths in Iran than almost anywhere else in the Middle East. The country is not run like you would like to see Syria run, under an oppressive Sharia Legal system. Sharia is the governing principal but nowhere near as strictly enforced as it is in many Muslim countries. Example: When I was there we wore sports shirts, with short sleeves and got the disapproving looks. Iranian men always wore long sleeved shirts, within a year the locals were wearing sports shirts with short sleeves, you could even buy them in the market.
They changed through example and freedom of choice, and this is a rolling process of social development. Their strict morality laws driven by their religion would never allow miniskirts, certainly not bikinis and public sex is a definite no-no.
Supplying drugs will get you the death sentence, using them, a caning, which when you see the harm being done in the west by drug abuse, sounds like a good idea to me.
But that is their choice, not something imposed by people driving around in cars with the Koran open on the dashboard, then leaping out and beating men and women with sticks, who offend them, as they do in Saudi. Never heard of the Religious Police? ........ I saw them in action just once ........ now they really are serious fanatics!
Women could wear bikinis, head bang to rock n roll, and take drugs. They can't do that now, but I bet the men have a lot more liberty than their female counterparts.
They did not wear bikinis walking down the street or in public, even in the Shah’s days. Men in Muslim countries always have more freedom than women. Even in Cyprus men have far more freedoms than women, although not as strict as a Muslim country, but Greek Orthodoxy still carries a lot of weight even here, which you could consider a free country.
many Iranians actually regret the Islamic Revolution against the Shah. They also believe Iran would have been a better and more liberal society, which is true.
I am sure they do .... many British regret the Brexit vote, many Americans are trying to destroy the US because they don’t like Trump ..... many French want to leave the EU ..... many in the Eurozone want out of the Euro .......the list is endless. Name one country where the population live in perfect harmony and have it all the way they want it. The problem is that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence! You have to take the rough with the smooth ... within reason!
it's the old argument of comparing political freedom with social repression and non-secularism.
You are misrepresenting facts! The Iranians have political freedom, they have Jewish and Christian members of Parliament ..... do the Saudi’s? It is not social repression, it is having control over the excesses that too much freedom can result in. Looking around me I don’t think that is such a bad thing.
Shah was actually 100 times better. We would all prefer the Shah in a heart beat.
Depends which side of the socio-political fence you were on at the time! The ‘WE’ I assume is you, so that is just your unsupported personal opinion speaking?