President Trump called President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey on Monday to congratulate him on winning a much-disputed referendum that will cement his autocratic rule over the country and, in the view of many experts, erode Turkey’s democratic institutions. ... .html?_r=0So, there you have it. It has now happened. In the first place, Erdoğan technically didn’t win anything, because he wasn’t standing for election. There was a referendum on constitutional change in which, under the constitution in force at the time of the poll, Erdoğan had no business even campaiging. But, yes, we all know that this was really a vote on constitutional change that would cement Erdoğan’s de-facto dictatorial status, and dictator-loving Trump has immediately phoned up to congratulate him on his victory, even though the poll is still contested and the official result has yet to be announced and there is a widespread suspicion that the poll was won through stuffing ballot boxes with phony ‘Yes’ votes following a campaign based on widespread intimidation. But, no, none of this worries dictator-lover Trump. Be sure of one thing – if America wants a dictatorship in its client state of Turkey and wants that dictator to be Erdoğan, that’s what will happen – unless the Turkish people can get him out, that is.