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Erdogan waiting for Trump's phone call...

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Re: Erdogan waiting for Trump's phone call...

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Feb 06, 2017 7:15 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Lordo wrote:so accroding to you it makes no difference that the uk will help terggy develop their own jet fighters especially if it involves harrier jets.

kick baby you are the most ill informed individual i have ever come across.

The UK will never give Turkey the "know how" into any military aircraft, especially for the Harrier Jets. Turks will build the platforms maybe and all the hi-tech parts and the engines will come from the UK, should a deal is ever cut. Turks then will crow that the jets are 100% indigenous made, when they are not by a long margin. Turks love to lie about their so called "home made" products, like the so called high speed trains, which are the same as our normal trains here in Switzerland, when in fact, they are French made trains. There's no end to Turks claiming "home made" to anything, when they are not. They do suffer from Inferiority and Superiority complexes all the time.

Besides, Turkey has 100 F-35's on order supposedly, so why would they want to build the much inferior Harrier Jets instead. I don't buy the whole scam between Erdogan and May. They are both trying to boost their egos for their own domestic purposes.

...reminds of the "project of the century", water for those who thirst all paid for by Turkey, we can assume; so little is known about the project's benefits, even whether the water has reached the people who needed it in the first place.

Indeed, the British, and the Turks have a long history together, and on many levels. Both are masters at their craft; a plane such as this is not bought off the shelf, years (and billions) will be spent, for them to fly.
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Re: Erdogan waiting for Trump's phone call...

Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Mar 10, 2017 11:29 am

Lordo wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:Curious to see Merkel taking an uncharacteristically strong line with Erdoğan while in Ankara the day before yesterday and even taking the unprecedented move of meeting the leader of the opposition, Kılıçdaroğlu. Does this signal a cooling by the West towards Erdoğan, or the opening of a breach between the US and Europe?

Of course, with Trump playing the islamophobic card for all it is worth for the benefit of the bigots within his support base, he is unlikely to make any displays of warmth towards Erdoğan for the time being.

tim trump does not know his arse from his elbow and well suited to erdogan. they speak the same language. they talk about defeating terror and terrorise the populations they control. i am afraid we are in for a very rough period for the next 10 years. i gather the no camp in terggy is gaining strength but there is nothing to say this will be a fair vote. he will just as easily switch boxes with his votes like he did last time. It seems we need a new mustafa kemal and i am sure somebody will come along sooner or later to take him about with all his hodjas.

The latest poll shows 'No' on 57.5% ( ... sonuc.html ). I only reckon that this has to move into the 60's, which I believe is going to happen, and that is too big a number for them to be able to rig the poll.
The bad news from the poll is that the toxic fascist woman, Meral Akşener, is increasing greatly in popularity and a lot of people want to see her heading a new centre-right party. Perhaps she has mellowed in her old age. One thing is for sure. A 'No' vote spells the end for Bahçeli, and this looks like opening the way for Akşener to rise to prominence.
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Re: Erdogan waiting for Trump's phone call...

Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Mar 10, 2017 4:59 pm

The following article by sharp commentator Tayfun Atay, appearing in translated form on the Cumhuriyet web site, has relevance for the above: ... __too.html

It may be premature to write Erdoğan off until it actuall happens, but his fatal mistake may turn out to have been the belief the Bahçeli would bring the entire MHP vote with him. We will see.
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Re: Erdogan waiting for Trump's phone call...

Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Mar 22, 2017 6:27 pm

Curious to see the Financial Times giving space in a headline to Meral Akşener as supposedly the one and only person in Turkey daring to defy Erdoğan and campaigning for 'No': ... ba212dce4d

No mention of Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu or the rest of the CHP, the party that gets the second biggest share of the vote in the country, and who are all busting a gut campaigning for 'No'. Well, it looks like global capital either wants an Islamofascist or a fascist in charge in Turkey to look after its investments there.
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Re: Erdogan waiting for Trump's phone call...

Postby Kikapu » Wed Mar 22, 2017 6:59 pm

Erdogan still waiting for an invitation from Trump. :D

Erdogan can't even get an invitation from Trump to help attack Raqqa! :lol:

What chance does Erdogan have getting an invitation to the White House? :roll:

Even if he did, he must now put away his lap-top into his suitcase to be stowed away below! :D
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Re: Erdogan waiting for Trump's phone call...

Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Mar 24, 2017 10:26 am

The latest poll is encouraging:
No: 40.63%, Yes: 32.54%, Undecided: 12.07%, Won't Vote: 14.76% ... kladi.html

Unless he rigs/they rig the poll (which I have no doubt he is/they are in a position to do) or cancel the poll, Erdoğan could well be finished.
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Re: Erdogan waiting for Trump's phone call...

Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Mar 24, 2017 2:00 pm

A polling company affiliated to Erdoğan's AKP has put the 'Yes' vote in the 45-47% band ... and says the undecided are drifting more towards 'No' than 'Yes'. ... r_var.html
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Re: Erdogan waiting for Trump's phone call...

Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Mar 28, 2017 8:12 am

Turkish citizens living abroad are starting to vote in the referendum. One such voter casts her vote at Izmir airport. I wonder which way that vote went.

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Re: Erdogan waiting for Trump's phone call...

Postby B25 » Tue Mar 28, 2017 8:14 am

Really, do you expect any fair voting where Erdocunt is concerned???

I'm will to make a small wager that he will get a YES vote!
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Re: Erdogan waiting for Trump's phone call...

Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Mar 28, 2017 9:14 am

B25 wrote:Really, do you expect any fair voting where Erdocunt is concerned???

I'm will to make a small wager that he will get a YES vote!

No, I don't expect a fair vote. In the first place, there is so much evidence that the 1 November 2015 general election was rigged - an EU delegation monitoring the poll was even forcibly ejected from a polling station by AKP thugs. So why should this poll be any different? The following reports give an idea of the atmosphere of intimidation faced by those campaiging for 'No' and the way that the resources of the state are being fully martialed in support of 'Yes', even though this is illegal: ... ality.html ... ttack.html

Nevertheless, I sense the winds of change blowing. At the beginning of the campaign, the AKP started branding those campaigning for 'No' as terrorists, which meant it was only a matter of time before they started rounding up and imprisoning anybody who dared to campaign for or even publicly voice an opinion for 'No' - and under the state of emergency they can hold anybody they want for thirty days without even stating any grounds - but they were forced to retract this and Erdoğan's place man idiot prime-minister actually came out and announced that people in the 'No' campaign could not be branded as 'terrorists' which suggests to me that this was a step too far that they could not even get their own support base to wear. The basic error they made was in thinking that in doing a deal with Bahçeli, he would bring the MHP vote with him, but there is strong opposition in the MHP base to an Erdoğan dictatorship and the extent to which MHP voters defy the party line and vote 'No' will be the most decisive factor. The AKP base vote on its own is not enough to deliver a majority vote. They recently tried stoking up tension with Europe and coming out with a lot of ultranationalist rhetoric in the hope of winning over the MHP vote to 'Yes' but there is no sign in the polls of this having had any effect.
Things are looking good and there seems to be little doubt that the 'No' vote is ahead. As I said above, I think the real 'No' vote will probably have to go above 60% to be able to win; they are capable of rigging the vote to a considerable extent but I don't think they can alter the result if the vote is really decisive. It will be tough to pull off, but I remain optimistic and I also think that if 'No' prevails this could trigger a process that leads to the final demise of the evil man. Those of us who suspect that the main reason Erdoğan gets away with so much is that the West and global capital wants a dictator in charge in Turkey to look after its interests there also note that the man's madness has developed to such a stage that he is now doing things that are not to the West's pleasure, and so will not be surprised at his downfall.
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