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Erdogan waiting for Trump's phone call...

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Re: Erdogan waiting for Trump's phone call...

Postby Kikapu » Sun Feb 05, 2017 12:54 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:If Trump takes a hardline on Turkey and continues with the program of upgrading the Kurds status then he could well be the perfect President!

Early days, but if the current trend continues, I will build a Trump statue and it's going to be big! :lol:

Well, Trump appears to piss off Erdogan big time by using the phrase "Radical Islamic Terrorist" and now giving heavy arms to PYD & YPG. There's something cooking regarding future of Turkey as we know it, and I don't think Erdogan likes the smell of it. Time will tell. This may help resolve the Cyprus problem also.

Hi Kikapu

How do you square Trump's (apparent) stance with that of Teresa May's who has gone and effectively rearmed Turkey to fight the Kurds?

Hi Island Girl,

That's a good question, but I think Paphiti's has got it partly correct regarding the UK to be seen to be on the right track to attract business after Brexit and a "in your face to the EU", even if it means making a deal with the Devil. Turkey has plenty of weapons to fight the Kurds, so any additional arms from the UK is not going to make any difference against the Kurds. The Kurds are "hit and run" type of enemy to Turkey and no amount of sophisticated weapons from the UK will help the Turks against the Kurds. Just waste of money by the Turks.

The other objective of May well be, that UK has always been Turkey's closest ally in this part of the world and the biggest supporter of Turkey's EU aspirations, with the idea of the two teaming up together to in effect become a "cancer" within the EU to try and kill off the EU. The EU was never going to let that happen, so the UK decided to bail out of the EU since Turkey never stood the chance of becoming one of the two "cancers" within the EU. Now, May and Erdogan may have some delusional ideas (with Trump perhaps) of somehow "trapping" the EU from both ends by acting as the "Gates to the EU" to excerpt some psychological pressure on the EU that the EU needs the UK and Turkey more than the other way around.

One way for the EU to counter such delusional intentions by the UK and Turkey ought to be, that once the UK leaves the EU and Turkey opens her gates to the EU for the refugees to try and blackmail to EU for concessions from the EU, what the EU should do is, takes all the refugees who enter the EU illegally and take them all to Calais and put them all on ferries with a one way ticket to the UK, which is where majority ultimately will want to go anyway, and let the UK deal with the refugees on her shores. Once that happens, May will then call Erdogan to close the gates and keep the refugees in Turkey instead of them coming to the UK. Then lets see how that relationship between the UK and Turkey will develop over time. Not very cordial, I'm sure!
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Re: Erdogan waiting for Trump's phone call...

Postby Lordo » Sun Feb 05, 2017 2:27 pm

so accroding to you it makes no difference that the uk will help terggy develop their own jet fighters especially if it involves harrier jets.

kick baby you are the most ill informed individual i have ever come across.
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Re: Erdogan waiting for Trump's phone call...

Postby miltiades » Sun Feb 05, 2017 3:23 pm

Lordo wrote:so accroding to you it makes no difference that the uk will help terggy develop their own jet fighters especially if it involves harrier jets.

kick baby you are the most ill informed individual i have ever come across.

That's because you have ever encountered incoherent kebab peddlers such as your self Stupid!!
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Re: Erdogan waiting for Trump's phone call...

Postby Paphitis » Sun Feb 05, 2017 3:33 pm

TF-X fighter program looks pretty damn potent. But the question is why?

There are so many great options like the F-35 and Eurofighter Typhoon.

It's not really anything of major concern to the Kurds of Syria. If America is backing the Kurds, then the Turks can't do anything but watch.

Plus the first prototype is scheduled to fly in 2023.

If there is a No Fly Zone over Northern Syria not even the Russians will violate it. It's a pretty risky move which the Coalition will have no choice but to confront otherwise the No Fly Zone is compromised.

Violating a No Fly Zone would risk war. No one wants to see such a war.
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Re: Erdogan waiting for Trump's phone call...

Postby DT. » Sun Feb 05, 2017 9:42 pm

Jesus Paphiti...trump really let Australia have it on that call! :shock:

Doesn't look like he has much respect for the ozzies ... alia-sucks
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Re: Erdogan waiting for Trump's phone call...

Postby Lordo » Mon Feb 06, 2017 1:20 am

miltiades wrote:
Lordo wrote:so accroding to you it makes no difference that the uk will help terggy develop their own jet fighters especially if it involves harrier jets.

kick baby you are the most ill informed individual i have ever come across.

That's because you have ever encountered incoherent kebab peddlers such as your self Stupid!!

you say what?

was that with cili sos or without.
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Re: Erdogan waiting for Trump's phone call...

Postby Kikapu » Mon Feb 06, 2017 2:47 am

Lordo wrote:so accroding to you it makes no difference that the uk will help terggy develop their own jet fighters especially if it involves harrier jets.

kick baby you are the most ill informed individual i have ever come across.

The UK will never give Turkey the "know how" into any military aircraft, especially for the Harrier Jets. Turks will build the platforms maybe and all the hi-tech parts and the engines will come from the UK, should a deal is ever cut. Turks then will crow that the jets are 100% indigenous made, when they are not by a long margin. Turks love to lie about their so called "home made" products, like the so called high speed trains, which are the same as our normal trains here in Switzerland, when in fact, they are French made trains. There's no end to Turks claiming "home made" to anything, when they are not. They do suffer from Inferiority and Superiority complexes all the time.

Besides, Turkey has 100 F-35's on order supposedly, so why would they want to build the much inferior Harrier Jets instead. I don't buy the whole scam between Erdogan and May. They are both trying to boost their egos for their own domestic purposes.
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Re: Erdogan waiting for Trump's phone call...

Postby Get Real! » Mon Feb 06, 2017 3:00 am

Maybe Erdo imprisoned all the phone operators so Trump can’t get through! :?
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Re: Erdogan waiting for Trump's phone call...

Postby Kikapu » Mon Feb 06, 2017 3:26 am

I was right, Erdogan has been leaving messages for Trump to call him, but with no luck. :lol:

Trump swore in as the new president of the U.S. on Jan. 20 but is yet to reply to Erdoğan’s phone call request, who had earlier said he was keen to know what the new U.S. administration’s approach was on the emerging issues of the Middle East. ... sCatID=510
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Re: Erdogan waiting for Trump's phone call...

Postby Kikapu » Mon Feb 06, 2017 3:33 am

Paphitis wrote:If there is a No Fly Zone over Northern Syria not even the Russians will violate it. It's a pretty risky move which the Coalition will have no choice but to confront otherwise the No Fly Zone is compromised.

Violating a No Fly Zone would risk war. No one wants to see such a war.

If Russia vetoes any No-Fly zone in Syria, then there won't be any UN mandate for such, in which case, any aircraft trying to implement the No- Fly zone will be targeted by Syria and Russia, just like Saddam use to do to the Americans over Iraq, except, Saddam didn't have what Syria and Russia has to bring down any unauthorized flights over the Syrian territory. :wink:
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