Now LOOK what has happened whilst I have been away (and out of touch) for a few days.
Not content with the almost daily references to the normality of 'Homosexual Couplings', together with other sexual practices performed by various new 'Genders', the government of the UK has finally decided to grant posthumous pardons to those 'Poofters' who (by breaking the laws which condemned their filth) were committed to serve time in prison for their unnatural habits.
Just because it suits the politicians and (dare I mention) 'Royals' to adopt the moral standards of 'Jeremy Thorpe' and countless other politicians and so called 'Celebrities', it does not add respectability to the pursuance of such immorality, NOR does it convey the message that it is a standard of morality that should be accepted by us ALL if we wish to be regarded as 'Tolerant and Understanding' when confronted by such filth.
Call me 'Homophobic' if you like BUT, I am with the IS on this issue and I reckon the 'Rooftops' are the proper place for the scum that contaminates our society, it's bad enough already when we witness the outpourings of grief from our impressionable youngsters because the likes of 'George Michael' (and others) kick the bucket because they cannot conduct themselves in a manner which conforms to even a basic degree of respectability.
As to all those who uphold the right of the 'Poofters' to continue with their filthy life-styles, just be thankful that 'I' am not in the position to govern the country, for if I were, far from granting 'Pardons, I would dig up the remains of the filthy scum and lob their 'Skeletons' (or ashes) off the rooftops.