If you want an example of just how shallow Paphitis is .... look no further!
Here we have a member who has started a thread titled ‘
Silencing Pests and Trolls’ aimed primarily at the originator of this new thread but he fails to heed his own advice. He is the only one who has replied so far, but he claims he has blocked this member as an ‘
enemy’ so that he is not annoyed by his posts that systematically destroy every bit of fake news that he posts.
To reply he must have read the post?

Seems a reasonable assumption ...... but he has advised others NOT to read his enemies posts. A classic example of his hypocrisy and of that of a fake news propagator!
The thread of course I knew he could not resist. So I was 100% correct in my prediction of what his reaction would be when he saw it. I thought the title would just give him high blood pressure but never dreamed he would be stupid enough to actually reply to it, being the first one to do so at that and contrary to the advice and warnings he gave to other members. I was wrong there! How much dumber can he get?
I have not read his reply as I have taken his advice and excluded his rabid posts. His posts have little credibility. But, I will exercise the right of reply in this instance ..... but blind.Virtually everything Paphitis posts is fake news or an expression of his own irrational imagination. A sure indication of fake news is where the creator and promoter of it cannot tolerate being asked to substantiate the claims they have made. Their response is to attack those that question!
Paphitis very rarely provides any supporting links for his views and proclamations. However, when he does, he only reads the headline of the ‘link’ he provides and assumes the headline to reflect the content. He recently posted three credible links (
his words and in this instance I agree) but unfortunately for him the articles they linked to illustrated exactly the opposite of the dialogue he spouted in ignorance. A frequent result of his failure to read what he posts or links to. Therefore he is a headline only reader and any post contrary to HIS view is therefore false.
His response .... what it always is ..... he ignores it as he had no countering response or he tries to bullsh*t his way out of it by changing the subject and making even wilder claims! This scenario is repeated over and over again. I would make a guess that any member who has read his extensive views and prophesy’s on events in Syria, will be aware that these views are very far removed from being credible and are promoted by an individual with a serious mental block against reality.
Then, as we have seen in the last few months in the US, he starts a fake news campaign to ridicule and insult the poster that has had the audacity to call him out and asked him for some credible evidence. In his arrogance he considers he needs no justification because he is always right. Of course this is something he has continually failed to demonstrate because, when he is wrong he either ignores it or claims he was right, against all the contrary evidence that demonstrates otherwise.
I will no longer read his intellectually challenged and offensive posts and obviously, this will be the only time I will waste my time replying to the ramblings of a man with serious hang-ups and views that defy all reason and common sense.
Paphitis ..... consider me your ‘enemy’ and block me, you have no interest in my views and I certainly have no interest in yours. I have absolutely no further interest in your rabid views on any subject, so please resist the temptation to reply to any of my posts.