kurupetos wrote:repulsewarrior wrote:It must be known that Cyprus is of vital importance in the context of the Eastern Mediterranean
...indeed. One Cyprus, One Turkey; a Cyprus divided, is a Turkey divided.
The prerequisite for one Cyprus is zero Turkey.

Turkey is our friend, at least they could be. It is not the Turks who are our enemy, but the "Turks" not unlike the "Greeks" caught up in their own mythic realities, do tend to go too far, where they in the end destroy themselves.
Cyprus is Cyprus like Turkey is Turkey.
...zero "Turks" would be a nice dream, i suppose, in Cyprus (and in Turkey); i will go along with you on that perhaps.
Providence is a strange thing; i still have hope, with a change of intention, Humanity wins, Erdogan becomes a hero to the rest of us, not "Turkish".