Without even reading your long post I will take the liberty of replying to your assumed nonsense.
That’s clever ... commenting on an assumed guess at what you didn’t read! How dumb is that? Your credibility is plunging into negative territory.
History remains the best judge and the outcomes are there for all to see.
Precisely ........ and in Syria that is already coming out. Bartlett, Beeley, Gabbard and many, many others are bringing the messages from the Syrian people into the light of day and it does not look good for
Whilst the Coalition never covered itself in glory with the mistaken intelligence of WMD which led to Iraq 2003, it can't be blamed for ISIL which was formed in Syria and merely took advantage of a power vacuum in Iraq (which we created) and also because of similar criminality of the Iraq Governments against Sunni peoples within Iraq as the Syrian regime (although nowhere near as bad).
YOUR coalition screwed up big time. It was not mistaken intelligence it was downright lies, they knew it, the intelligence people told them it was not verified, so did the UN but Bush and Blair et al, the real war criminals, went ahead anyway.
ISIS was formed in Iraq and quickly spread to Syria. You are confusing the anti-Assad terrorists with Daesh. Easily done as they are more-or-less the same bunch of Islamic head chopping, raping, murdering terrorists. History shows us that .... how they so love their videos.
The Coalition however has addressed many issues and its war against ISIL is achieving great success as it stands today. in all likelihood, ISIL will be comprehensively defeated in Iraq and the Iraqi Security Forces will be able to stabilize the country with peace and security with Coalition help and aid. But there are no 52+ militias in Iraq. So the situation in Iraq isn't as bad as it is in Syria and that says something about Syria and the regime. Only ISIl and they are on the way out.
Daesh will NEVER be comprehensibly defeated in Syria or Iraq or any where else come to that.... they will just ‘
shape shift’. Iraq has been almost constantly enveloped in
YOUR wars since 1990, the coalition ‘
help and aid’ has generally come in the form of sanctions and more and more violence ....... and has ruined the country for centuries to come with US depleted Uranium munitions. At least Syria will not have that to cope with ? In spite of everything you say about Assad, most of it totally unsubstantiated of course, he is
STILL the choice of the Syrian people! after five years of war. He has ended up better off than Churchill did after WWII !
The offensive in Mosul is proceeding according to our plans, albeit with some anticipated difficulties along the way which were completely expected and planned for. What we don't do is proceed with a scorched earth policy like you war criminals did!
We don’t know what is happening in Mosul, there is no independent coverage, only info from the coalition and the Iraqi military. Just think how you would have progressed if the Russians and their allies were supplying and supporting Daesh, as the coalition was doing in Syria ........ particularly evident in Aleppo? They could then have had their ‘
White Helmets’ and the ‘
Iraqi Observatory of Human Rights’, a tee shirt salesman based in St. Petersburg, telling the World what was going on.
Situation in Syria however is far more dire. In the end, Iraq was our worse but is now our best advertisement and even our operations in Mosul pale into insignificance compared to the carpet bombing of Aleppo. We have rules of engagement, transparency and our forces are accountable and they carry the flags of all our countries and their behavior has to pass the pub test back home or else.
Your forces may well be accountable but the Governments they work for are most certainly not. More propaganda ..... Aleppo was never ‘
carpet bombed’ ..... see what the people who lived there through the conflict have to say. Why, if what you claim is true, why do the liberated Syrians express their thanks to the Russians and Assads forces ........ and not your coalition funded White Helmets and your ‘moderate terrorists?
We are on top of our game. You aren't and neither will you have peace in Syria.
Unlike you, I am not personally involved! As Milti has told you many times, we are mere observers and express opinions. You are the only member of the Forum who conducts a personal war! But the Syrian conflict is now being comprehensively addressed, politically .....and without any US or coalition input. That says a lot.
Our approach has born real fruit and in a sensible and sustainable manner which will bring peace, stability and prosperity to Iraq. we are in a far better position than your side is in Syria and the history books will not lie. In 10 years time, iraq will be an economic powerhouse, but Syria won't exist as you know it today.
The Syrians are sitting down and talking a comprehensive political settlement ..... are
YOU are still carpet bombing Mosul, are still not even into the City proper and progress is slow .... very slow. Raqqa is very much on the back burner and is a Kurdish operation I believe.
Syria was a peaceful secular country with a fairly buoyant economy, just like Libya and even Iraq, until
YOU decided
YOU needed a regime change.
YOU did the same in Ukraine and look at the mess
YOU created there?
YOU instigated an extreme right wing fascist coup, didn’t get the Russians driven out of Sevastopol as planned, or get Ukraine into the EU or NATO, collapsed their economy and then abandoned them. Yes the history books will tell the real story ..... it has already started in Syria as the truth begins to rise to the surface. Do
YOU honestly believe Assad could survive as he has, through six years of war without the backing of the Syrian people?
BTW, your links are again from non credible sources. i do not even open them.
Live in ignorance then ........ the first on Putin was Brother Nathanael, a great and amusing US based Orthodox priest ........ the second was The Washington post. Yours were all MSM, but are credible ......... even though they didn’t support your opinion. OK. I except their credibility because they supported me not you!
You are a propagator of fake news. You develop your own thesis and look for sources that agree with you.
Is the following what you call ‘
fake news’?
A week ago, you found a source that purported that the Coalition was in alliance with DAESH
Do you remember that guy Kerry? He was the US Secretary of State at the time and he said, and it is a matter of HISTORIC and validated record, that the US allowed Daesh to grow so that they would eventually overthrow Assad. Thanks to Russia it didn’t happen. Instead of annihilating them when they were weak and
YOU had the chance,
YOUR coalition members (
Saudi/UAE and other Arab States ) with the full backing of the US Administration, helped them grow ever stronger by supplying weapons, including chemical weapons, whilst the US coalition avoided bombing them, they just bombed the desert instead. I think that could reasonably be called ‘....
being in alliance’ ?
YOU were complicit in their crimes.
YOU supplied the gun ..... and they pulled the trigger.
As for ‘
fake news’ if you have been following events in the US over the last few weeks, it has become more than obvious that the ‘
fake news’ creators and distributors, are the MSM and your Deep State. Trump I think will gradually flush them out, at least I hope so, and will do it from within. There are plenty more whistle blowers out there that will delight in dealing the dirt on their bosses. Maybe he will use his torture techniques on those that are exposed and who will, in turn, gradually drive the dirt to the top of the pile. Or maybe they will try to kill him, which of course would definitely NOT be a good idea ..... unless they want to create a martyr!
Well, you're an IDIOT to say the least!
Look in the mirror ..... now
THAT is an idiot!