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Russian and Turkish jets in joint operation over Syria

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Re: Russian and Turkish jets in joint operation over Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Jan 20, 2017 6:55 pm


In spite of all your bravado, bullsh*t and claims of invincibility, what is really important in a conflict is results. So far Russian results in Syria are more than obvious to any following events but your coalition has very few notable achievements to show for its efforts after some four years of conflict. What you are in denial of, is that YOU and your coalition partners are competing for reputation with probably the finest military in the World today.

Does Russia have the best armed forces in the world? – The Saker

Russia's military forces are arguably the most effective in the world today because they possess an unmatched combination of a clearly defined and realistic mission, the ability to wage war at every level, and a strong military tradition.

So, if the purpose of a country’s armed forces is to achieve specific and political objectives, this directly implies that saying that some country’s armed forces can do anything, anywhere and at any time is nonsense. You cannot access a military outside a very specific set of circumstances:

1) Where: Space/geographical ..... 2) When: Time/duration ..... 3) What: political objective

Yet, what we see, especially in the USA, is a diametrically opposite approach. It goes something like this:

(Paphitis, he obviously reads your posts ……..) :roll: :lol: :lol:

We have the best trained, best equipped and best armed military on earth; no country can compete with our advanced stealth bombers, nuclear submarines, our pilots are the best trained on the planet, we have advanced network-centric warfare capabilities, global strike, space based reconnaissance and intelligence, we have aircraft carriers, our Delta Force can defeat any terrorist force, we spend more money training our special forces than any other country, we have more ships than any other nation, etc. etc. etc.”
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Re: Russian and Turkish jets in joint operation over Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Jan 20, 2017 7:48 pm

Just watched President Trumps inauguration speech and he has said that the US will no longer impose their ideals upon other nations. :D

Looks like it’s time for the coalition to start packing ...... YOUR participation in Syria looks like it’s coming to an end Paphitis! Don’t feel YOU have lost the war in Syria YOU just never managed to achieve the peace. That accolade will go to Assad’s forces assisted by Russian air power and no doubt some sound advice from President Putin.

Maybe the US and Russia will now cooperate in degrading Daesh in both Iraq and Syria ....... we shall see! :roll:

If he is true to his word I think we are about to see a new US attitude to the rest of the World. 8)
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Re: Russian and Turkish jets in joint operation over Syria

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Jan 20, 2017 10:33 pm

Peace, once Turkey is silenced!
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Re: Russian and Turkish jets in joint operation over Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Jan 21, 2017 8:06 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Peace, once Turkey is silenced!

Turkey is an irrelevance ...... Russia will 'cooperate' with Turkey all the time it suits them. Then Erdogan will spit his dummy when he is put down by Putin and try to snuggle up to the US/EU again. Not difficult to work out that he will be about as welcome as a fart in a spacesuit! :lol: :lol:
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Re: Russian and Turkish jets in joint operation over Syria

Postby miltiades » Sat Jan 21, 2017 8:15 am

Robin, you are making a wrong assumption mate ! Trump and the coalition will do as told by ....Paphitis :lol: :lol:
Incidentally, Poooootin has achieved bugger all in Syria :lol: :lol:
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Re: Russian and Turkish jets in joint operation over Syria

Postby kurupetos » Sat Jan 21, 2017 10:14 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Peace, once Turkey is silenced!

Gently said... but I will just say eliminated... :wink:
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Re: Russian and Turkish jets in joint operation over Syria

Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Jan 27, 2017 11:57 am

Tim Drayton wrote:There was a very long and insightful interview that appeared at the end of last year in what is virtually the final remaining opposition newspaper in Turkey, Cumhuriyet (which may not have long left to go) with Turkish international affairs expert Prof. Dr. İlhan Uzgel in which he made the following points about Syria:

• There was a deal done between Russia and America in 2013. Under the deal, Assad gets to stay but the Kurds retain their autonomy in the north of the Syria and come under American patronage.
• He says this strategy has been a great success for the Americans, both because they have seen to it that Syria has been reduced to rubble and so the Russians are not left with much of value under the control, while the Americans now have their own troops stationed in seven places in the north of Syria and they are constructing an airfield there, things that it would previously have been unthinkable for the Americans to do in Syria.

(Interview in Turkish) ... nilgi.html

I am starting to wonder if the purpose July’s coup attempt in Turkey was to pressurise the Erdoğan regime to abandon its Neo-Ottoman dreams in Syria and to start cooperating with the new plan, which includes cooperating with Russia (the pressure being applied by the Americans). Just a conspiracy theory, but it fits all the facts.

Curious. Putin's mouthpiece Sputnik claims to have 'got hold of' (nice scoop!) a copy of the new Syrian constitution being promoted at Astana by Russia: ... stitution/

What do you know! It is promoting an autonomous Kurdish region with the Kurdish language having official status there in the new republic, to be known as the 'Republic of Syria' (not the Syrian Arab Republic). This of course flies in the face of Assad's long-standing Kurdish policy - he even denied citizenship to the Kurds living on Syrian territory, and will not come as music to the ears of the Erdoğan regime in Turkey, either. This scotches the theory that Turkey has done an independent deal with Russia whereby Assad stays but the de-facto automous Kurdish entity in the north of Syria gets annihiliated. It strengthens the theory I have promoted before that the Americans and Russians brokered a secret deal a few years back. The fruits of this deal now appear to be coming to light. How about a really wild conspiracy theory? Trump has been brought in to spare the USA any embarrasment over its U-turn in abandoning its demands for Assad to go. Instead, it can be explained away as the radical new policy of the new administration that claims to be making a clean break with the past.
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Re: Russian and Turkish jets in joint operation over Syria

Postby Get Real! » Fri Jan 27, 2017 12:05 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:What do you know! It is promoting an autonomous Kurdish region with the Kurdish language having official status there in the new republic, to be known as the 'Republic of Syria' (not the Syrian Arab Republic). This of course flies in the face of Assad's long-standing Kurdish policy - he even denied citizenship to the Kurds living on Syrian territory, and will not come as music to the ears of the Erdoğan regime in Turkey, either. This scotches the theory that Turkey has done an independent deal with Russia whereby Assad stays but the de-facto automous Kurdish entity in the north of Syria gets annihiliated. It strengthens the theory I have promoted before that the Americans and Russians brokered a secret deal a few years back. The fruits of this deal now appear to be coming to light. How about a really wild conspiracy theory? Trump has been brought in to spare the USA any embarrasment over its U-turn in abandoning its demands for Assad to go. Instead, it can be explained away as the radical new policy of the new administration that claims to be making a clean break with the past.

What are you talking about? :? It was Assad himself that granted the Kurds autonomy early on once the 2011 debacle began! ... om-turkey/
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Re: Russian and Turkish jets in joint operation over Syria

Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Jan 27, 2017 12:22 pm

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Re: Russian and Turkish jets in joint operation over Syria

Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Jan 27, 2017 12:57 pm

OK, the Kurdish people in north Syria, aided by the Kurdish movement in Turkey and taking advantage of the turmoil, managed to carve out self-proclaimed socialist Rojava, and the Assad regime, with its back up against the wall, accepted this de-facto situation and agreed to recognise the autonomy of this region although they stressed that they saw it as being a temporary expedient. If you wish to believe that the Assad regime genuinely favours the Kurdish region of the country having autonomy, then do so. My above argument is based on the premise that it doesn't. Anyway, the argument still holds sway for Turkey, which opposes Rojava. Also ironic for the Yanks to be backing an experiment in socialism, don't you think?
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