GreekIslandGirl wrote:It's just been brought to my attention that the CF website address (on the top of my screen) has a circle with an i in it meaning it is insecure.
Is that right?
It's got to do with security Certificates.
I wouldn't worry about it. fact is, nothing is secure on the Internet. Nothing at all.
this site would be just as safe as most other sites and if you were to pay attention to the i, and not visit such sites, then you have restricted most of the internet. No difference coming to this site than it is visiting the Guardian, or Politis, Cyprus Mail, Fileleftheros etc etc.
Websites install cookies onto your computer, and some unscrupulous sites can skim data from you such as when you enter banking details. This leads to potential identity theft. but this site will need to have intent for such a thing (which they do not) but you can never be too careful I suppose.
There are things you can do to increase and protect this sensitive data. Such as deleting cookies, and using secure web browsers as well as malware detection.