Trump strikes me as an arrogant and not very well educated individual but his inability to make fancy speeches is what has allowed him to get his message over. If you look at some of the points Trump has made on immigration and the US economy, they are remarkably similar to those May is proposing as the aims of terms of a Brexit.
The UK wants control of its own borders .... so does Trump. It is not a question of applying the Israel principal of erecting a barrier to anyone but their own nationals, it is a question of a State having the right to decide who they want and who they do not want in their Country. He needs a ‘wall’ as he has land borders ..... the UK has a moat!
The UK wants to have bi-lateral ties with other countries .... so does Trump. Trump wants to dismantle collective agreements, which is in effect what the EU single Market is and then negotiate bi-lateral trade agreements. He is decentralising trade agreements.
The UK wants to put Britains first ..... so does Trump. Both want to see their economies bring jobs and wealth back to their respective countries. This means curbing the powers of multinational organisations.
The UK wants to redirect wealth to the People instead of the small cabal that constitutes the Establishment Elite .... so does Trump.
The difference between the two is that May expresses her perceptions in ways that are politicall and diplomatically correct .... Trump shoots from the hip and says it like it is in a simple and direct manner ...... a diplomat Trump is not but I think it actually works in his favour. As we saw with his rebuke to the CNN reporter, he does not stand by the usual protocols.
May needs to do the same with Herr Junker and his pals. If she is faced with smug arrogance when they start negotiating ..... she should thank them for nothing ...... leave the room ..... and walk away from the EU, thus forcing the issue. When countries within the EU realise it is hurting them economically then Junkers vision of the EU as a Federal State is finished.
I just hope she has the balls (
?) to be that bold and decisive.
GIG: You need to differentiate between Public (
State) Debt and Private Debt, the latter is by far the most significant.