Cherry picking. Very few at that.
Whilst the Irish GDP graph looks very impressive, wrt the standard of living in the country it's a total fiction. What you're seeing is primarily the result of a relatively small number of quite large US companies moving capital assets there, in order to benefit from the low rate of Corporation tax. Fear not though, Merkel and Hollande are on the case, as can be seen from the recent (wink, wink, nudge nudge) Commission instigated ECJ judgement against Apple. They don't like it and it's going to get stopped, one way or another. They are scared by it, which is why we are hearing all this rubbish from Schauble at Davos today warning the UK not to become a Corporation tax haven post Brexit. That would make the Irish CT problem appear for what it actually is - small fry.
As far as EU grants are concerned (EU grants usually involving the Commission giving you back some of your money as long as you spend it on things which meet with their approval

). Ireland has lost far more from effectively surrendering control of its rich fishing waters than they have ever been given back in "Grants". Being an EU member aside they have suffered just like the rest of the P.I.G.S. from loosing the ability to set their own interest rates and devalue when appropriate. The huge housing bubble (the graph resembles yours - only upside down

) and banking crisis in the country were partially products of a lamentable lack of leadership from the EU.
So - as much as you might wish to present Ireland as still being a "Celtic Tiger" in fact - it ain't.
Cloak it in whatever language you choose, your comment about the character of people who voted to leave was ugly and offensive. But I imagine like most of these things, it made you feel good writing it. Furthermore, it's equally repugnant that you try and tar all of those 17 million plus voters with the brush of instigating hate crimes. Whilst nobody could condone such appalling actions and everything should be done to pursue those responsible, not only are they a relatively small figure but moreover there was a concerted and major effort on the part of all UK regional police forces in 2015 to improve their recording efforts for such crimes. You might also add as a factor the way that Cameron campaigned on the referendum issue. His actions, both before and after the vote, served to amplify the divisiveness. The man was a moron, who showed a lamentable lack of understanding regarding the character of the people that he and his cronies were preaching fear to.