Tim Drayton wrote:Londonrake wrote:Tim Drayton wrote:Londonrake wrote:And Tim renounce his U.K. Heritage.
How am I renouncing my UK heritage? I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that you are a prize idiot.
Ahh. My apologies. I got the impression that you were "bailing out". Adopting a more appropriate nationality. Now that it seems your EUSSR one is under threat.
It's OK. Do throw out a few insults though, If it eases the pain of being a (bad) loser. I understand.
TBH, I think your fundamental problem is one of "rapidly coming to the conclusion". Get it?

Yes, and you carry on with your infantile, ad hominem arguments in the attempt to paper over your lack of any substantive arguments.
I just popped back in and there are like, 3 pages of posts!
Throughout many Forum discussions on this very divisive issue is the mantra from remoaners about "infantile" responses. I will tell you that after the referendum I was completely kool about things. As shocked as most I imagine. We all went to bed expecting a remain vote. Who didn't? Subsequently I could appreciate and actually sympathise with people who wanted to remain in the EU. The absolute last thing on my mind was any sort of gloating. Low profile.
Fast forward
I really wasn't prepared for the avalanche of bile and spite (tell me about infantile) that ensued afterwards. So called "democrats" were clearly anything but. The schemes that were hatched and the totally ridiculous contortional arguments made turned my stomach. So - yes - F*** you! You lost. Suck it up.
As far as complaints about "ad hominem" are concerned, well, you might want to relect on how "
prize idiot" shapes up. If you want a civilised discussion you should perhaps act civilised. First blood and all that.