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May's Brexit Speech

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Re: May's Brexit Speech

Postby Paphitis » Wed Jan 18, 2017 12:13 pm

You know, I really get pissed off how Western countries want to be so accommodating and bend over backwards.

I am Atheist, but when I get a Christmas card from my MP, I return to sender it with a message that I am offended because it had no Christian material on it and that the "Happy holidays' greetings should say Merry Christmas and perhaps it should have a picture of the Birth of Jesus on it. Everyone should send it back!

that is where we derive our values from.
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Re: May's Brexit Speech

Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Jan 18, 2017 12:16 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Illegal immigration.

Nothing new under the sun about that, mate. You'll find there was illegal immigration to the UK before it joined the EU, and there will be if/when it leaves - except if the economy starts contracting it will be a less attractive destination.

Yes, but now Britain can go into lock down.

If they introduce Aussie Immigration policies, I bet there wouldn't be anymore illegal immigrants going to Britain.

You got to be rough to be kind. it saves lives too!

You are aware, I take it, that the UK is not part of Schengen and has border controls. There is even an arrangement at the channel tunnel for immigration formalities to the UK to be conducted at the French side.
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Re: May's Brexit Speech

Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Jan 18, 2017 12:19 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Are you telling me Rolls Royce is the exception to the rule?

Yes, Rolls Royce is the exception to the rule. I mean, look at vehicle manufacturing in the UK. There were quite a few world-famous home-grown manufacturers up until the 1970's. It is all foreign-owned plant now, a lot of it just doing assembly work.
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Re: May's Brexit Speech

Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Jan 18, 2017 12:23 pm

"The service sector dominates the UK economy, contributing around 78% of GDP." ... ed_Kingdom

That's abnornally high and is problematic for the UK economy.

I can't find any statistics about percentages of EU-related trades in the City of London, but as far as I know it is crucial to the City's survival and it acts as the financial centre for the whole continent nowadays.
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Re: May's Brexit Speech

Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Jan 18, 2017 12:32 pm

Paphitis wrote:You know, I really get pissed off how Western countries want to be so accommodating and bend over backwards.

I am Atheist, but when I get a Christmas card from my MP, I return to sender it with a message that I am offended because it had no Christian material on it and that the "Happy holidays' greetings should say Merry Christmas and perhaps it should have a picture of the Birth of Jesus on it. Everyone should send it back!

that is where we derive our values from.

Well, then, the following should be music to your ears: ... ture.shtml

A little tale of how Polish Catholics living in the UK celebrate Christmas and they do not seem to compromise on the Christain content, being far more religious than the indigenous British population which is extremely secular and has a large atheist/agnostic component, and which mainly regards Christmas as a time to eat, drink and be merry. (Incidentally, there is no religious content to Christmas really. This was a pagan festival that the Church absorbed because it was unable to kill it off, and Jesus was born in the summer. Don't let harsh facts get in the way of anything, though.)
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Re: May's Brexit Speech

Postby Londonrake » Wed Jan 18, 2017 6:12 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:
Londonrake wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
Londonrake wrote:And Tim renounce his U.K. Heritage.

How am I renouncing my UK heritage? I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that you are a prize idiot.

Ahh. My apologies. I got the impression that you were "bailing out". Adopting a more appropriate nationality. Now that it seems your EUSSR one is under threat.

It's OK. Do throw out a few insults though, If it eases the pain of being a (bad) loser. I understand.

TBH, I think your fundamental problem is one of "rapidly coming to the conclusion". Get it? :wink:

Yes, and you carry on with your infantile, ad hominem arguments in the attempt to paper over your lack of any substantive arguments.


I just popped back in and there are like, 3 pages of posts!

Throughout many Forum discussions on this very divisive issue is the mantra from remoaners about "infantile" responses. I will tell you that after the referendum I was completely kool about things. As shocked as most I imagine. We all went to bed expecting a remain vote. Who didn't? Subsequently I could appreciate and actually sympathise with people who wanted to remain in the EU. The absolute last thing on my mind was any sort of gloating. Low profile.

Fast forward

I really wasn't prepared for the avalanche of bile and spite (tell me about infantile) that ensued afterwards. So called "democrats" were clearly anything but. The schemes that were hatched and the totally ridiculous contortional arguments made turned my stomach. So - yes - F*** you! You lost. Suck it up.

As far as complaints about "ad hominem" are concerned, well, you might want to relect on how "prize idiot" shapes up. If you want a civilised discussion you should perhaps act civilised. First blood and all that.
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Re: May's Brexit Speech

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Jan 18, 2017 6:15 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
Londonrake wrote:And Tim renounce his U.K. Heritage.

How am I renouncing my UK heritage? I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that you are a prize idiot.

I you are going to retain your UK identity via a UK Passport ...... are you not trying to have your cake and eat it? If you honestly believe the UK is heading for third world status because it is leaving the EU then be a man and cut your ties completely..... make it a 'hard exit'. :roll:

And you too, just to reduce the risk of you being a total hypocrite for once, you can solemnly swear that you will never claim Cypriot EU citizenship and perhaps you could also sell your property and pack your bags and leave EU State Cyprus.

I will wave my handkerchief for you.

I have a UK passport, I have no intention of giving that up as it is more use Internationally than a Cypriot one. Why should I want to swap that for a Cypriot one? I live here, I have a letter from the Cyprus Council of Ministers (?) that told me in 1990, long before Cyprus was a member of the EU, that I can live here and own property. I am no hypocrite ..... I abide by the laws of Cyprus, cost the Government nothing and ALL my income goes into the Cyprus economy, which helps support people like you. I will take my chances and I am told that if the UK leaves it will not change things very much for me .......... I will still be entitled to a Zimmer Frame on Cypriot MoH terms. :roll: :D
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Re: May's Brexit Speech

Postby Paphitis » Thu Jan 19, 2017 12:41 am

Robin Hood wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
Londonrake wrote:And Tim renounce his U.K. Heritage.

How am I renouncing my UK heritage? I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that you are a prize idiot.

I you are going to retain your UK identity via a UK Passport ...... are you not trying to have your cake and eat it? If you honestly believe the UK is heading for third world status because it is leaving the EU then be a man and cut your ties completely..... make it a 'hard exit'. :roll:

And you too, just to reduce the risk of you being a total hypocrite for once, you can solemnly swear that you will never claim Cypriot EU citizenship and perhaps you could also sell your property and pack your bags and leave EU State Cyprus.

I will wave my handkerchief for you.

I have a UK passport, I have no intention of giving that up as it is more use Internationally than a Cypriot one. Why should I want to swap that for a Cypriot one? I live here, I have a letter from the Cyprus Council of Ministers (?) that told me in 1990, long before Cyprus was a member of the EU, that I can live here and own property. I am no hypocrite ..... I abide by the laws of Cyprus, cost the Government nothing and ALL my income goes into the Cyprus economy, which helps support people like you. I will take my chances and I am told that if the UK leaves it will not change things very much for me .......... I will still be entitled to a Zimmer Frame on Cypriot MoH terms. :roll: :D

Likewise then, you can piss off back to the UK! Ta!
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Re: May's Brexit Speech

Postby Paphitis » Thu Jan 19, 2017 12:45 am

Tim Drayton wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Illegal immigration.

Nothing new under the sun about that, mate. You'll find there was illegal immigration to the UK before it joined the EU, and there will be if/when it leaves - except if the economy starts contracting it will be a less attractive destination.

Yes, but now Britain can go into lock down.

If they introduce Aussie Immigration policies, I bet there wouldn't be anymore illegal immigrants going to Britain.

You got to be rough to be kind. it saves lives too!

You are aware, I take it, that the UK is not part of Schengen and has border controls. There is even an arrangement at the channel tunnel for immigration formalities to the UK to be conducted at the French side.

No I wasn't but nevertheless I am fundamentally opposed to the EU for many reasons.

I would think it the most cringe-worthy scenario for Australia to be a member of the EU if it qualified and will oppose any move for its inclusion right to the bitter end. As such, I support to complete and total collapse of the EU. The sooner this cringe-worthy bureaucracy dies, the better.

I would take it as an attack to Australia and its people.

The EU was something I supported a long time ago, like in 2004, but I can't stand it anymore. I don't like to see my people being serfs again to these technocrats.
Last edited by Paphitis on Thu Jan 19, 2017 12:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: May's Brexit Speech

Postby Paphitis » Thu Jan 19, 2017 12:47 am

Tim Drayton wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Are you telling me Rolls Royce is the exception to the rule?

Yes, Rolls Royce is the exception to the rule. I mean, look at vehicle manufacturing in the UK. There were quite a few world-famous home-grown manufacturers up until the 1970's. It is all foreign-owned plant now, a lot of it just doing assembly work.

Companies change hands all the time.

I mean Chrysler is owned by FIAT etc etc. FIAT engines in Jeeps which are an American icon.

The innovation and manufacturing however is still home grown.
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