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May's Brexit Speech

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Re: May's Brexit Speech

Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Feb 03, 2017 8:49 am

Londonrake wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
Londonrake wrote:During the campaign many people made apocalyptic predictions of things that would come about IMMEDIATELY.

That's a man of straw argument. Nobody said that. Some of us said, and continue to say, that leaving the EU will have disastrous consequences. And no - not all on day one. The immediate next day if and when we leave will feel pretty much like the day before. Some of the negative consequences will be felt more immediately some will take longer. The effects will be felt over years.
Please provide a quote of anybody in the remain campaign who said that the first day after a vote to leave, and while we still remain full members of the EU, there would be an apocalypse. Nobody did so.

No, it isn't.

"George Osborne will warn that he would have to fill the £30bn black hole in public finances triggered by a vote to leave the European Union by hiking income tax, alcohol and petrol duties and making massive cuts to the NHS, schools and defence.

In a sign of the panic gripping the remain campaign, the chancellor plans to say that the hit to the economy will be so large that he will have little choice but to tear apart Conservative manifesto promises in an emergency budget delivered within weeks of an out vote."

"George Osborne is warning that Britain would face a year-long “DIY recession” following a vote to leave the European Union, as he raises the stakes in the referendum battle on Monday with one month until polling day.

“a vote to leave would represent an immediate and profound shock to our economy. That shock would push our economy into a recession”. There’s no doubt whatsoever that he meant that the economy would enter negative growth immediately after the vote

Let's bear in mind that this isn't some Civil Service jobsworth or journalist hack. It's the UK's Second Lord of the Treasury quoting his own "experts" forecasts. One of, if not the, principal leaders and architect of the remain campaign.

Were you on holiday or something? :?

'A vote to leave' was careless wording although I am sure at the time of the run-up to the campaign the expectation was that a 'no' vote would lead to a speedy exit from the EU, in which case the prophecies could well have been fulfilled. In fact, post Brexit vote, the Tories have been forced to throw Osborne's fiscal discipline to the wind and ease the pursstrings (i.e. 'tear apart Conservative manifesto promises') when the UK was on course to pay off most of its debt over the next couple of years, so there is a degree of truth to the prophecy. On the other hand, a great many knowledgeable people set out the negative consequences that will befall the UK after leaving the EU, and to say they have been proven wrong before the UK leaves the EU is taking 'post-truth' to new frontiers.
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Re: May's Brexit Speech

Postby Londonrake » Sat Feb 04, 2017 7:40 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:A vote to leave' was careless wording although I am sure at the time of the run-up to the campaign the expectation was that a 'no' vote would lead to a speedy exit from the EU, in which case the prophecies could well have been fulfilled. In fact, post Brexit vote, the Tories have been forced to throw Osborne's fiscal discipline to the wind and ease the pursstrings (i.e. 'tear apart Conservative manifesto promises') when the UK was on course to pay off most of its debt over the next couple of years, so there is a degree of truth to the prophecy. On the other hand, a great many knowledgeable people set out the negative consequences that will befall the UK after leaving the EU, and to say they have been proven wrong before the UK leaves the EU is taking 'post-truth' to new frontiers.

Hello Tim. I thought I would give you a few well earned days rest. :D

Had the wonderful Mr Cameron been true to his word (and when ever was he?) we would of course have been well on our way out now.

The prophecies were fantasy. Designed to invoke fear and a desire for a continuation of the quiet life. I understand the tactic. As keen as they were on remaining in the Federation they knew that it would be absurd to try and campaign to the British public on the basis of the benefits of being a member of the EU. Thus the decision to mount Project Fear. Was there a third way? Dunno.

One of the major planks of the Tory Manifesto was of course the referendum. It's thought by many respected political pundits to be the reason they gained a small majority. Swings and roundabouts I suppose.

You can continue to make the case that we are all hell bound in a handcart of course. I'm not sure if that's being prophetic or, given the extent of the animosity and bitterness, wishful thinking. What we have been talking about in the past few posts though were cataclysmic claims for events immediately following a leave vote. They were outright lies and have been proven to be such. Another round of campaigning and I'm sure that would be foremost in many people's minds.

I see that yet another court case has been raised in an attempt to subvert the referendum vote. Delayed rather than rejected I suspect. Apparently a vote to leave the EU doesn't necessarily mean to leave the EEA. Despite the fact that many Norwegians bitterly regret being a member. Having to accept the 4 universal "benefits" of the EU, being subjected to the edicts of the ECJ - via the sycophantic EEA court and having little or no say in the rule making of the organisation.

Next I suppose there will be a courtcase brought because we didn't vote to get rid of free movement, the ECJ, actually making our own laws and controlling our own borders. Well, why not? None of it was in the referendum. :roll:
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