Tim Drayton wrote:Londonrake wrote:Ken Clarke:
"I look forward to the day when the Westminster Parliament is just a council chamber in Europe".Personally - and I suspect I may speak for very many millions of others - I have a fundamental problem with that concept.

Little Englanders Inc

There speaks a fellow European federalist - and I accept that this is not the majority opinion in the UK, but still consider that I am entitled to hold it.
Who has ever denied your right to hold any (legal) position? What Remainers don't have a right to do though is to overturn the referendum result, or to attempt to bring about a situation where we are not actually out of the EU. That's something entirely different.
Your fellow European federalist was of course the only Tory to vote against the bill. Even the arch Remainers within the Party have now it sems finally accepted the justice of the result. A majority of 384. The first and probably most important hurdle in activating A50 has been crossed.
Corbyn's Labour Party were once again in disarray and it looks like there will be a third Shadow Cabinet reshuffle in 18 months. People who are in their first parliamentary spell are being told to keep their phones on, lest they receive a call to fill a SC position.

A fifth of the PLP, including 17 frontbenchers, voted against the whip.
So, ironically, we now hear the famously rebellious backbencher, a man who has voted against his own Party over 500 times in the past 20 years (more than a great many Conservatives), calling for "unity". You'd be hard pushed to make this stuff up.