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May's Brexit Speech

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Re: May's Brexit Speech

Postby Londonrake » Tue Jan 24, 2017 6:56 pm

Schnauzer wrote:What the lay person is allowed to know of 'Politics', could be poked up a 'Sparrows' backside with a bradawl. :lol:

Sometimes, I find myself reflecting upon exactly what some politicians actually know about politics. :lol:
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Re: May's Brexit Speech

Postby Londonrake » Tue Jan 24, 2017 7:56 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:Seriously though, if you believe that this topic has a Groundhog Day feel to it - and given the way that we inevitably run into the Brexit fundamentalists' wall of denial, you are right - could you explain your motive for starting this thread when knew full well where it was going to lead?

For obvious reasons I am not as "busy" as yourself. However, none of us tend to be free to do as we please all of the time and Mrs LR invariably has "jobs" lined up for me. The longer ignored the louder they tend to become it seems. :lol:

So, I do miss the occasional post.

Why did I start the OP? My first! (?)

It seemed to me that there were 4 important, predictable milestones in the Brexit process. Firstly the referendum. Next would be HMG's objectives and attitude to the negotiations. Third, the invoking of Article 50 and finally of course actually leaving the Federation

This thread is of course about the second "May's Brexit Speech". Despite the aforementioned repetitive nature of the discussion it was surely worth raising one?

Let me point out something to you Tim. There are currently 14 pages of posts on the thread. However, given that the speech was the first public announcement of the Government's intention you will find hardly a mention of it. The odd passing criticism.

For months the Remain camp, in all quarters, has been harping on about there being no plan for Brexit. Cameron's doing of course. The litany has become a stick to beat the Government with - regularly. Now a plan is mentioned - nothing. Why? Primarily because you have no interest. Whatever May said was going to be swept aside as "rhetoric". Remainers don't want to know anything about any Brexit plan. Infantile? Sour grapes? Bad losers? I'd say that's more than evident, yet again.
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Re: May's Brexit Speech

Postby Schnauzer » Tue Jan 24, 2017 8:19 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:What the lay person is allowed to know of 'Politics', could be poked up a 'Sparrows' backside with a bradawl. :lol:

Sometimes, I find myself reflecting upon exactly what some politicians actually know about politics. :lol:

You are absolutely right, but unfortunately they have the upper hand since (once elected) they are at liberty to do as they please and can blame the electorate for any mistakes they might make whilst taking care of business. :roll:
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Re: May's Brexit Speech

Postby Londonrake » Tue Jan 24, 2017 9:30 pm

Schnauzer wrote:
Londonrake wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:What the lay person is allowed to know of 'Politics', could be poked up a 'Sparrows' backside with a bradawl. :lol:

Sometimes, I find myself reflecting upon exactly what some politicians actually know about politics. :lol:

You are absolutely right, but unfortunately they have the upper hand since (once elected) they are at liberty to do as they please and can blame the electorate for any mistakes they might make whilst taking care of business. :roll:

Well, until they get caught - fiddling their expenses. :lol:
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Re: May's Brexit Speech

Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Jan 25, 2017 3:10 pm

Apparently May has recently announced in parliament that the government will publish a white paper on its Brexit plans. It seems May's attempted coup d'état has failed and parliamentary democracy has prevailed.
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Re: May's Brexit Speech

Postby Lordo » Wed Jan 25, 2017 4:00 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:Apparently May has recently announced in parliament that the government will publish a white paper on its Brexit plans. It seems May's attempted coup d'état has failed and parliamentary democracy has prevailed.

at the moment the labour mps are saying that they will support the plan but when they find out that this is a desguised attack on worker rights in the uk and not from the eu how many of them will able to support may in her venture.

it seems judging by what is being said the discussion may go close to the end of this parliement which means it will be delayed till after the next election, but even if it is not are the lords like to accept this plan.

it seems the most undemocratic institution in the land may well act in a most democratic way by discarding the referendum and forcing the disclosure of how this plan will effect uk workers and then get them to vote after being informed rather than totally blind on brexit a second time.

well i never.
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Re: May's Brexit Speech

Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Jan 25, 2017 4:05 pm

Lordo wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:Apparently May has recently announced in parliament that the government will publish a white paper on its Brexit plans. It seems May's attempted coup d'état has failed and parliamentary democracy has prevailed.

at the moment the labour mps are saying that they will support the plan but when they find out that this is a desguised attack on worker rights in the uk and not from the eu how many of them will able to support may in her venture.

it seems judging by what is being said the discussion may go close to the end of this parliement which means it will be delayed till after the next election, but even if it is not are the lords like to accept this plan.

it seems the most undemocratic institution in the land may well act in a most democratic way by discarding the referendum and forcing the disclosure of how this plan will effect uk workers and then get them to vote after being informed rather than totally blind on brexit a second time.

well i never.

I expect parliament to approve the so-called majority will as expressed by 37% of the electorate, but it is important to me that parliament does so.
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Re: May's Brexit Speech

Postby Londonrake » Wed Jan 25, 2017 10:55 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:Apparently May has recently announced in parliament that the government will publish a white paper on its Brexit plans. It seems May's attempted coup d'état has failed and parliamentary democracy has prevailed.

It's an interesting phenomena. How you speak piously about democracy but advocate and support each and every attempt to overturn the majority vote in the largest electoral event of the UK's history,.

How you speak of accepting the inevitability of the outcome but in almost the very next post talk of "There is still everything to play for."

Should there be no Brexit, how do you think events would unfold? Do you believe the British would shrug their shoulders and say "Well,we tried"? If so, you're making the same mistake as Cameron. Not to mention the likes of Napoleon, all the way up to Herr Hitler. They are Little Englanders.

Your views are quite myopic, I suspect "British" is just something it says on the front of your (current) passport. You are right. Better off out of it.
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Re: May's Brexit Speech

Postby Lordo » Wed Jan 25, 2017 11:10 pm

it is so easy for grubby little opporotunists to enflame the great unwashed to vote for their fascistic ideas.
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Re: May's Brexit Speech

Postby Londonrake » Wed Jan 25, 2017 11:10 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:I expect parliament to approve the so-called majority will as expressed by 37% of the electorate, but it is important to me that parliament does so.

Total rubbish. Do you happen to have the General Election figures for the past century, indicating the % of the electorate, + expressed as a percentage of the population, that have actually voted for incoming governments?

You are playing with words (again). Suggesting that the UK is being dragged, kicking and screaming, against the will of the vast majority of the populace, out of the wonderful EU is a disengenous act of fiction.

Had it been a vote to remain, how would you have reacted to a leaver claiming that it was "a so called majority of 37%"?

More sour grapes hypocrisy from the bad losers.
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